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Would you like to understand higher Universal Love Manifestation Techniques directly from Sovereign Masters and Archangels?
You too can learn ancient energy healing techniques from the Great Teacher Guide Caeayaron. Your personal life can benefit greatly. Caeayaron guides all who come, with personal registration, to gain a stronger energy healing field with higher thoughts and spiritual gifts.
(Terms and Conditions apply to all Spiritual Life Coaching Angel Webinar Transmissions of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please see Terms and Conditions by clicking on the link above which takes you directly to the website for personal registration.)
These transmissions are energy healing fields from Universal Love Star Masters. Caeayaron brings Universal Love Energy Healing Transmissions through for all who participate with personal registration.
Caeayaron transmits through Spiritual Life Coaching Angel Webinar Transmissions, with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel's ancient Sovereign Blue Star & Golden Sun Angel Channel which are filled with Universal Love Star Consciousness fields.
Suzanna is a deep Trance Channel. Though it may not appear to be so, when Suzanna Maria Emmanuel works with Sovereign Masters, she is deep in trance.
The transmissions are directly from Sovereign Master Guides, through their Sovereign Universal Love Master Channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. When Suzanna works with Ancient Sovereign Love, Caeayaron's Sovereign Magnetic Fields flow into the earth.
Caeayaron is The Field of Universal Love Sovereign Star Magnetics, as he is the original Mountain of Light from Lemuria, and the original Cosmos Aligner for Universal Love Consciousness.
Namaste and welcome to the Great Ascension door opening, to allow earth to flow into higher Star Vibrational Fields filled with Interdimensional Healing. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel's Sovereign Universal Love Channel is filled with Ancient Star Fields which can only be opened with Caeayaron's Ancient Sovereign Magnetic Fields.
The fields of Universal Love Consciousness can only flow through Suzanna's ancient Sovereign Universal Love Channel. All her original Blue Star Angel DNA have reconnected back up into all Sovereign Father Emmanuel's ancient Sovereign Realms of Eternal Golden Interdimensional Fields.
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