You are warmly invited to the Spiritual Life Coaching Angel Webinar of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, 16 February 2024, 10.30 P.M. UK Time.
Namaste and welcome to the second online Spiritual Life Coaching Angel Webinar coming tomorrow evening, Friday, 16 February, 10.30 P.M. UK Time.
This is part two - Star Manifestation in fields of higher wisdom and Universal Love with Caeayaron's Sovereign Magnetic Frequencies.
To discover how you can register, please click on the website link below:
How can Spiritual Life Coaching Angel Webinars support all individuals who are personally registered?
All who are personally registered for tomorrow evening's Spiritual Life Coaching Angel Webinar are now connected into the higher fields of love, peace, and inner strength frequencies. These fields are preparation fields for tomorrow’s webinar. During the webinar Caeayaron gifts spiritual tools for self-empowerment, manifestation, and inspiration.
The Spiritual Life Coaching Angel Webinars are a true gift for all who participate and desire to discover their own greater spiritual strengths.
Caeayaron is original Sovereign Cosmos Intelligence
Caeayaron works with enormously high Universal Light Spiritual Love Star Vibrations. All Star Frequencies that Caeayaron brings through, with my original Sovereign Blue Star Universal Love Angel Channel, are fields filled with phenomenally high Universal Love Star spiritual healing and protection light frequencies. The Universal Love frequencies of the original Sovereign Creation Masters are the original Blue Star & Golden Sun Cosmos Dance Waves.
Caeayaron’s frequencies support all who come to his Spiritual Life Coaching Webinars. He knows all people who are there in attendance. During the Spiritual Life Coaching Angel Webinar, Caeayaron answers all questions that people have. Sometimes the answers he gives may be silent but the guidance he brings can begin to show up in life.
People may look for ways to discover higher inspiration or how to get through a difficult day. At other times they may need higher wisdom with solving a difficult issue or they may be in need of stronger energy boundaries for self-respect and self-love in life to begin to happen. Caeayaron knows all who come and he can assist all people individually.
At times, people who come to the Spiritual Life Coaching Webinars may need extra personal support with grief. At other times people may need assistance with inner balancing to release older pain and inner suffering frequencies. Caeayaron understands emotions and he is enormously patient and compassionate for he is Universal Love.
Welcome to the time when you can be supported with Cosmos Intelligence
Caeayaron can only help and support individual people who come regularly. As soon as personal appreciation is shown to Caeayaron with a personal booking, that is when Caeayaron can assist them in life.
You are personally invited to join Caeayaron and Sovereign Lord Emmanuel with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s Spiritual Life Coaching Angel Webinar.
Namaste, many Universal Love Waves always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
I am the original Sovereign Blue Star Universal Love Angel Channel and the original Galactic Star Cosmos Ambassador, designated by Sovereign Lord Emmanuel and Caeayaron.
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