Embracing Divine Universal Love Truth
Channelled through The DIVINE LOVE ELEMENT, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
By Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, 27 March 2020.
Currently, millions of people pray for the return of Jesus. Many are in the hope that he will come through Christianity because they believe that Jesus will save them through the churches. If Jesus was to return to our planet, what would his mission be? What would it be that he could do for the people today? Would he truly be able to save the people?
To discover those answers, it is important to see if Jesus truly existed upon the earth and why he came to earth 2,000 years ago.
Historically, it has been proven a man called Jesus existed upon the earth. This man was called by ‘Divine Source’ and he had a mission. The mission was to bring the message of freedom to the people. The people in those days were waiting for the deliverer of the message to arrive. They knew the prophecies and knew that he would come through the line of David, as that was part of the Messianic Line. The people knew that the people of Israel were given the promise of freedom to become part of the New Creation to come where no war or pain existed. The people desired to be the free nation, especially because they lived in great fear and pain during the days of Jesus.
The people felt abandoned from the True Pathway of Freedom by the time the deliverer came to bring the message of love and freedom through. Before Jesus came to the people, they held on to that hope despite all the judgement which they felt from the spiritual leaders who gave them punishment and belittled them constantly. Jesus understood their slavery and how they desired to become free, returning to the nation of true love and freedom.
The people Jesus talked to felt the love returning to them. Jesus gave them hope, love, truth within their hearts, and the promise of eternal freedom. When Jesus opened to transmit Divine Messages through, the people knew that his love was from Divine Source, not from his human heart. Although his human heart held the great love and wisdom, when he opened to speak about the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL his heart opened to great love and wisdom. The people who embraced him, while he spoke with the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, knew that Jesus was not like others, but that he spoke with Divine Authority. The people recognized him to ‘walk with EMMANUEL, the GREAT FATHER of all of creation.’
The message of Jesus was clear and defined. It stood out from all other spiritual teachings of the religious authorities. Jesus spoke with love and wisdom and stated that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL was the eternal way of love and guidance. Jesus stated that there was no other way to come into the pathway of life except through THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. Jesus stated there were only two laws given by THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL: that of loving THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, and loving self and others. This replaced the 10 commandments of Moses. This set Jesus separate from the other spiritual leaders who placed hundreds of commands onto the people, ensuring that the people were kept in limitation and judgement.
Jesus often felt his hands were tied by the spiritual leaders who preached from their synagogues. Those leaders did not like Jesus teaching about freedom and eternal life, given by the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. They desired the people to stay within their command and not veer off to another pathway, for they desired to hold authority over the people.
Jesus taught the people with his Universal Love Channel. When Jesus opened his heart to Divine Love, his Universal Love Channel embraced the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL and the words from the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL came through him, to guide the people, to embrace the people and to bring the people into the heart of love. The people felt the love coming from the Channel of Love from Jesus and recognized the high love vibration. They knew that Jesus came from Divine Origin not from human origin.
Jesus spoke with the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL and exposed the teachings of the spiritual human organizations which did not speak with Divine Truth or Love. They used ‘god’s’ authority to keep the people in bondage and taught that to come into their everlasting realms, which they could never bring through, was through sacrifice. Only if they did that, if God had mercy upon them, could they perhaps find their way to realms of life. They were taught they were sinners.
Jesus taught the way of freedom and that the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL did not bring judgement, nor punishment. He helped the people to understand that no sin existed, and that the people did not need to sacrifice animals, and such like, to purify themselves. This brought the nation into separation, as the leaders made money in the temples when they charged exorbitant amounts of money to the people so that the people ‘could become saved’.
Jesus often became angry with the spiritual leaders of Israel because they brought needless suffering to the people. He desired to bring them the knowledge of freedom and often would approach the people, who loved the heart of love and desired the freedom, to bring them comfort and meditations of love; helping them to understand a day would come in the future when the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL would return to them, to bring them the way of true freedom and true love.
The people he talked to were desperately in need for a way forward, and desired to have the pathway of eternal love and freedom at that time. The spiritual leaders grew more hostile towards them because the people did not desire to come to their houses of ‘light’ any longer, but instead desired to hear Jesus speaking with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL through his Divine Universal Love Channel.
This angered the authorities and the spiritual leaders placed heavy laws in place and asked the political authorities to arrest the followers of Jesus for listening to him.
Jesus always stated he was a man, walking as a man with the people, suffering with the people. He stated: “The GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL loved the people with all HIS Heart that HE sent HIS Beloved Messenger to the people, to speak to the people, to be with the people, so that the people may learn the ways of wisdom and love. HE does not desire anyone to suffer, but desires all to come into life, because HE created life. HE did not create life to exist with judgement, but HE desired to bring them into eternal freedom.”
The people knew that Jesus was a Divine Channel. When Jesus raised his head to the heavens, the words came through him. The Divine Father always addressed HIMSELF to the people as THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. They knew that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL walked with Jesus. They knew Jesus was the deliverer of the message of Freedom. They knew Jesus was a gift to the people and that he brought The Promise of Eternal Life through, but that Jesus himself could not bring it through, but it was EMMANUEL who brought it through. They knew that only ONE Messenger from Divine Source was sent to the people to bring them into freedom. They understood that Jesus was the pathway of the New Covenant and that the pathway of the Old Covenant, through Moses, became replaced once Jesus was there with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
They knew THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL was the Gateway to Eternal Life, and that Jesus was the Messenger to bring them the messages through from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. They knew that Jesus himself could not bring the people into eternal life, but the ONE, THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, who spoke through Jesus, could.
They understood Jesus was The Gift from EMMANUEL. The spiritual leaders did not desire Jesus to speak to the people, because the truth of Jesus was too strong. THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL brought through teachings of love, and the leaders from the synagogues and other spiritual nations could not dispute or deny those teachings. Jesus was brought to the Courts many times to speak to them. They questioned him on many things, including the teachings Jesus brought through about bringing the people into eternal freedom. They stated he was a blasphemer. They said: “How can you promise them eternal freedom, Jesus, when you cannot even save yourself?”
Jesus would always reply with love and wisdom from his heart, always forgiving them. He answered them: “It is not me, as a man, who can save the people, for how can a man be a saviour of the people? It is the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL who speaks through me. I am the one who delivers the messages of THE GREAT FATHER through. It is HE who can bring the people into eternal freedom.”
This is the reason why Jesus was heavily punished; to bring the example to many others to remain quiet and not to bring through other teachings from another source, but to stay obedient to them. Later they twisted the original teachings of Jesus. They began to state that Jesus died on the cross, needing to do so because the people were sinners: and thus, with his painful torture and suffering he brought them into freedom. They stated that with the death of Jesus the people were purified, if the people listened to the teachings of the religious leaders. They brought through the teaching of the resurrection and made this a main teaching, enforcing the need for the sacrifice of Jesus. This created the story of the ascension of Jesus. They enforced the story of Jesus being born of a virgin to enforce his origin from Divine Source. The teachings from the Universal Love Channel became lost in false teachings, which created more slavery rather than freedom.
Jesus was the Messenger of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. He stated to his listeners many times: “I will return as I am the Word of THE GREAT FATHER. HE has designated ONE Messenger. HE cannot speak through another pathway, therefore, I was created to be the Messenger, the Word, so that all may hear HIS Divine Knowledge and Divine Truth. When I am called by THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, know that the messages will be clear and become stronger. You will hear the messages being repeated and you will understand the Divine Pathway of Truth. You will ask questions and the questions will be answered for THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL will always answer your questions because you are part of HIS people. HE will always look after you, especially in the day of HIS Great Return.”
**Please feel free to print the attached pamphlet out within this entire series of Embracing Divine Universal Truth. They are there to be printed and shared to all who desire love and truth to return to our planet so that millions can choose to either receive their Codes of Life and Alignment with CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT by coming to the Divine Universal Love Activations, or not.
These pamphlets help us to understand Divine Truth and to awaken us to the times we are living in.
Do understand they are copyright information so the information within it is not to be altered, changed or twisted. Any copyright infringement will be taken seriously, and taken to the courts of law. This is especially important now, because the original teachings of Jesus were altered and changed to such an extent that the church empowered themselves and slaughtered many, and today still they hold authority over the world by creating the illusion that Jesus was sent to the earth to sacrifice himself and that he called himself a saviour. Many believe he will return as a judge to bring judgement to the people and that he will side with the church. Please know that Jesus never stated any of that.
Designated Ascension Leader of the New Divine Alignments which are the Divine Activations to help the people of the love to grow into greater strength, love and empowerment, to bring the world into peace and love so that no more suffering or destruction can take place.
The Gateway to the Great Sovereign Universes is open and will remain open until approximately the year 2032, depending on whether the people desire the love to rise upon the earth or not. If they desire the love to rise, CAEAYARON and the GALACTIC FEDERATIONS OF LIGHT will possibly allow the Gateway to remain open a little while longer to help the people shift within their consciousness more.
When that Gateway closes, no more Divine Activations to the Greater Gateway will be able to be given and another gateway will open for the rest of humanity.
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Galactic Star Universal Light Grid Programmer, is the Designated Universal Love Channel for the Divine Love Truth Alignment. No other Divine Truth Aligner will rise. She is the one who lived as Jesus 2,000 years ago who brought the Sacred Words through to the people about their 'Deliverance' and the 'Sacred Promise.'
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Galactic Star Universal Light Grid Programmer, is transforming right now into an Angelic Love Channel and the Divine Universal Love Channel and will bring through enormous flows of love to the grids of the earth to bring healing and transformation to the people who desire the Great Ascension Channel of Love to bring them into the great gifts of empowerment and healing flows of love, peace and manifestation.
CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT are Divine Beings of Love who work with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and are with her to allow the Ascension Gateway to happen for the people of the love.
**All the work of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is copyright protected by a Collective Organization who will soon approach Suzanna Maria Emmanuel officially to request a formal business partnership and they will soon step forward to work with The Designated Word of Divine, into Collective Love Relationship, to step up the work of the Divine Ascension Alignments coming to allow the greater numbers to flow in.
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel has been 'OFFICIALLY VERIFIED' to be the 'ONLY DIVINE LOVE CHANNEL' in existence on earth at this time and will continue to be the 'ONLY DIVINE LOVE CHANNEL' at this time. The work of the UNIVERSAL LOVE CHANNEL was tested by an organization outside of Suzanna's and CAEAYARON's Activated Group of people. It was tested with specialized computer equipment to see if the CHANNEL accurately brought in the information and from what source it originated from.
Because of the accuracy of the transmissions, verified with advanced computer technology, it can be stated that the UNIVERSAL LOVE CHANNEL is the UNIVERSAL CHANNEL the Great Collective has been looking for to bring DIVINE TRUTH to the people, to help the people understand DIVINE DIRECTION.
Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please feel free to share for spiritual healing and educational purposes.
** Please connect to us at
[email protected] for further information regarding the Divine Universal Alignments when you hear the call within your heart strong enough to desire to come to the Universal Love Activations; the University of Light of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON. **

Part 2 of Embracing Divine Universal Truth, by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who has been sent by The Great Father Emmanuel to help people to embrace the New Pathway of Love and Freedom, 28 March 2020
Jesus, The Divine Universal Love Channel, sent by THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, always helped the people to move forward into their hearts of love. He understood that love was the path of evolution forward for the people in those days, who were heavily burdened down by the laws of judgment by the spiritual leaders and authorities, could not move forward to a higher pathway of hope, love and understanding without higher direction. The laws, in those days, kept the people restricted with their knowledge. This was part of the reason why those laws were put in place; to restrict the people from expressing freedom, laughter, hope and intelligence.
The spiritual leaders worked together with the powers of law. They used it as their own authority. They understood well that by placing heavy burdens of fear consciousness within the people, the people would stay restricted within their own intelligence. The more fear the people held, the more the spiritual and ruling authorities became empowered.
The spiritual leaders understood well that by keeping the people in restricted thought consciousness, that the people would not be able to feel free asking for higher knowledge. Unless the people belonged to the higher spiritual class, they were not permitted to ask for higher intelligence. This is why the people were not able to establish stable foundations for their own lifestyles. All they worked for, with hard labour, was taken away by the spiritual and commanding authorities.
The people who entered their spiritual houses, the houses of knowledge of the spiritual leaders in charge, needed to obey their laws. If they did not obey their laws, they were severely punished and many were put into slavery situation or painful deaths. The spiritual leaders would enforce the people to learn their laws and heavy punishments were given to those who could not learn the laws or keep the laws. Because the people were restricted with learning, being able to read the laws was difficult for many. This is why the people feared the spiritual leaders because they made it almost impossible for the people to remember and live by their laws. This frightened the people and they did not dare speak out, as a people.
Jesus was seen as a rebel by the spiritual and ruling authorities because he desired to bring freedom to the people. He knew, from the time he was little, that The Sacred Promise of Freedom would come through him as this is what EMMANUEL the UNIVERSAL CREATOR desired for the people, to bring the people out of spiritual bondage and slavery on to the pathway of freedom and life.
At a very young age Jesus knew spiritually, because he received many visits from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, that he was sent to the people to bring through the message of freedom, to bring the people out of slavery and bondage, so that the intelligence could return to the people to allow the people to move forward as one. This would bring the people the choice to stay either into the pathway of bondage or to become free, by listening to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
His own people, the Essenes, celebrated Jesus. They recognized him to be the bringer of freedom, as that was the purpose of his path; to be the bringer of hope, love and freedom. Many of his own people were extremely gifted and knew Jesus walked with EMMANUEL, who would bring messages through no one else other than Jesus. They knew Jesus was sent from Divine Realms to be with the people. They also knew Jesus needed to be guided to allow his gifts to grow.
This is why Jesus needed to be heavily protected by his own people as many, not in the love, also knew of the prophecies of his arrival and what that meant. They knew that it would mean that the people would begin to become free from their enslaved consciousness because Jesus was sent by Divine to be the Deliverer of the message, ‘The Promise,’ to set the Nation of Israel free. This is why the leaders, who did not desire the nation of people to become free, tried to destroy Jesus when he was little, to stop the everlasting freedom promise coming to the True Sacred Nation of Spiritual Israel.
Jesus was a gifted boy who grew up in a busy household. He was well supported by his family and they desired Jesus to understand all he could learn about his own people’s history because they knew that his mission would entail bringing the wisdom and messages through from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
They respected the laws of love and desired no harm to come to anyone. They lived by the laws of love. They respected each other and desired love to exist within themselves. Jesus was loved by his own people, especially by his mother, Mary, who understood her position was a Divine Privilege. Mary, a well-respected woman in the household of Jesus, knew she needed to bring the ancient knowledge through to Jesus, to give him a strong foundation of support to grow upon. She taught Jesus to stay in the forgiveness, especially once he began to learn about the history of his own people.
Jesus worked with a team of gifted prophets and healers who understood that he needed guidance and support for his greater mission to come. They were visited by Archangels who brought through many messages about the importance of Jesus. They knew they needed to guide him to the higher pathway, for if THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL could not properly align with his heart then Jesus would never be able to fulfil his greater mission. If he could not align to his greater heart then it would not be possible for him to open up his Universal Love Channel strong enough to allow THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL to come through to guide the people forward to the Gateway of Life.
Jesus needed to learn much patience, love and focus to embrace his true pathway. At times, instead of working on his gifts, he desired to wander off with his young friends when he needed to embrace his higher teachings with his teachers. Because he was a channel, from very early onwards, he was able to show his elders higher knowledge. Whenever they requested higher answers, he was able to help them with guidance because he was able to transmit higher intelligence through with his Universal Love Channel.
This ability, to transmit higher guidance through, surprised many other spiritual leaders when Jesus, as a young lad, was sent to their houses to show them the various spiritual gifts he had. Very quickly, the other spiritual leaders became envious of his gift of channelling because they themselves had no Divine Guidance. They were experts within their own laws but were without guidance from a Divine Source. On the other hand, Jesus constantly brought in higher guidance. All questions they asked, he was able to quickly answer which left them stunned. They attempted to trick him but could not. Jesus outwitted all their questions which often showed how flawed their own teachings were.
It was not long before some of the spiritual leaders began to see how gifted this young boy was and desired to know who it was who was speaking through him. Some of the spiritual leaders desired to listen to him speak, rather than argue against him and this is why Jesus was able to keep visiting a few of the synagogues in the local area. Meanwhile, the people in the villages heard about the teachings coming through Jesus and several desired to visit him while he opened up to greater thoughts from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL in front of the spiritual leaders. The knowledge Jesus brought through truly astounded them. Even the most knowledgeable of the priesthood could not deny the intelligence of Jesus.
Jesus did not desire to become part of the priesthood of the spiritual leaders. When he was asked to be part of them, he refused. He said: “I am here to bring Divine Love and freedom through to the people. I am not to teach from your platform. My FATHER EMMANUEL has clearly stated to me that I am to bring the people into freedom and love. Therefore, my path is not to be standing with other spiritual leaders for how can the new pathway be created when I am forced to work with the ways of the old? I have been told by THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL that HE will bring in a New Foundation to help the people to understand a higher path of love and freedom. The New Foundation is not the pathway of the old, but a new pathway based on love.”
This is why many in the spiritual organizations became angry and imbittered with Jesus from a very early age, because he did not desire to be part of them. Instead of standing strong with religious authorities, he showed up their flaws and many people, who began to listen to Jesus, understood the difference between what he brought through with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL versus what the spiritual authorities brought through. Some of those who saw the gift of Jesus helped to prepare the way forward when it was time for Jesus to truly embrace his Divine Mission.
Jesus constantly stayed in the love and on the pathway of the love. The spiritual priesthood of human authorities desired Jesus to be one with them because he held Divine Knowledge and superior intelligence. His intelligence far outreached the intelligence of the wisest people. This is why his own people became strong with gifts and intelligence because Jesus constantly showed his own people all he could through his Universal Love Channel.
Because the demands would become great on Jesus, his guardians took him away often away from the people to allow his Universal Love Channel to strengthen and grow before it was time to begin his Divine Mission. At that time, when it was time to embrace his Divine Mission, he would bring enormous love flows through from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. It would take a few years before the sacred flows of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL could truly come through to guide the people into higher gifts of love and knowledge. This is why Jesus constantly needed training and guidance so that the people could receive the way forward with higher intelligence, love and wisdom, preparing them for the way ahead.-
**Please feel free to print the attached pamphlet out within this entire series of Embracing Divine Universal Truth. They are there to be printed and shared to all who desire love and truth to return to our planet so that millions can choose to either receive their Codes of Life and Alignment with CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT by coming to the Divine Universal Love Activations, or not.
These pamphlets help us to understand Divine Truth and to awaken us to the times we are living in.
Do understand they are copyright information so the information within it is not to be altered, changed or twisted. Any copyright infringement will be taken seriously, and taken to the courts of law. This is especially important now, because the original teachings of Jesus were altered and changed to such an extent that the church empowered themselves and slaughtered many, and today still they hold authority over the world by creating the illusion that Jesus was sent to the earth to sacrifice himself and that he called himself a saviour. Many believe he will return as a judge to bring judgement to the people and that he will side with the church. Please know that Jesus never stated any of that.
Designated Ascension Leader of the New Divine Alignments which are the Divine Activations to help the people of the love to grow into greater strength, love and empowerment, to bring the world into peace and love so that no more suffering or destruction can take place.
The Gateway to the Great Sovereign Universes is open and will remain open until approximately the year 2032, depending on whether the people desire the love to rise upon the earth or not. If they desire the love to rise, CAEAYARON and the GALACTIC FEDERATIONS OF LIGHT will possibly allow the Gateway to remain open a little while longer to help the people shift within their consciousness more.
When that Gateway closes, no more Divine Activations to the Greater Gateway will be able to be given and another gateway will open for the rest of humanity.
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Galactic Star Universal Light Grid Programmer, is the Designated Universal Love Channel for the Divine Love Truth Alignment. No other Divine Truth Aligner will rise. She is the one who lived as Jesus 2,000 years ago who brought the Sacred Words through to the people about their 'Deliverance' and the 'Sacred Promise.'
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Galactic Star Universal Light Grid Programmer, is transforming right now into an Angelic Love Channel and the Divine Universal Love Channel and will bring through enormous flows of love to the grids of the earth to bring healing and transformation to the people who desire the Great Ascension Channel of Love to bring them into the great gifts of empowerment and healing flows of love, peace and manifestation.
CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT are Divine Beings of Love who work with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and are with her to allow the Ascension Gateway to happen for the people of the love.
**All the work of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is copyright protected by a Collective Organization who will soon approach Suzanna Maria Emmanuel officially to request a formal business partnership and they will soon step forward to work with The Designated Word of Divine, into Collective Love Relationship, to step up the work of the Divine Ascension Alignments coming to allow the greater numbers to flow in.
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel has been 'OFFICIALLY VERIFIED' to be the 'ONLY DIVINE LOVE CHANNEL' in existence on earth at this time and will continue to be the 'ONLY DIVINE LOVE CHANNEL' at this time. The work of the UNIVERSAL LOVE CHANNEL was tested by an organization outside of Suzanna's and CAEAYARON's Activated Group of people. It was tested with specialized computer equipment to see if the CHANNEL accurately brought in the information and from what source it originated from.
Because of the accuracy of the transmissions, verified with advanced computer technology, it can be stated that the UNIVERSAL LOVE CHANNEL is the UNIVERSAL CHANNEL the Great Collective has been looking for to bring DIVINE TRUTH to the people, to help the people understand DIVINE DIRECTION.
Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please feel free to share for spiritual healing and educational purposes.
** Please connect to us at [email protected] for further information regarding the Divine Universal Alignments when you hear the call within your heart strong enough to desire to come to the Universal Love Activations; the University of Light of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON. **

Part 3 of Embracing Divine Universal Truth, By Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who has been sent by The Great Father Emmanuel to bring the Pathway of Love and Freedom to the people.
29 March 2020
In the days of Jesus, the people desired to have higher knowledge. They understood they were at the dawn of new understanding, of a new beginning upon hearing the messages of Jesus being spoken. Many became fearful of being near Jesus, because his teachings went in direct opposition to the spiritual authorities of those days who commanded the people to obey them.
The ones in charge, especially the Sadducees, often surrounded the people when Jesus was with the people in public. They scrutinized every word Jesus brought through, attempting to trap him. They would question and analysed all Jesus brought through. They listened to Jesus working with Divine Authority, from the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, and the information he brought through bewildered them. They asked where Jesus received that information from. They recognized that the information he brought through was far superior than their own information.
Because the following of Jesus became larger, the authorities saw this as a threat for the people did not desire to obey their laws any longer. Now the crowds began to understand a higher pathway of manifesting a pathway of love, hope and greater freedom. Even the rich came to Jesus often, when they desired larger crops and yields from their land and animals.
The spiritual leaders opposed Jesus and his followers. They did all they could to separate them by placing fear into his listeners. They separated the people by trying to persuade them to turn against Jesus by stating words such as: “Jesus is not placed in authority by us to speak to the people, so how can you listen to him?” The spiritual order, in those days, placed their own leaders into positions to take out anyone who went against their own authority. This is why John the Baptist was removed from the people, because John was working with Jesus to bring many into the ways of love and freedom.
John, an honest man, constantly worked with higher visions and knew Jesus was sent to the people to bring freedom and eternal life. He recognized Jesus to be from Divine Love. Even as a youngster, he knew him to be the Chosen One to bring the message of true salvation through to the people.
John dedicated his entire life towards the higher love mission because he knew that the people would embrace Divine Truth. He desired the people to follow the higher pathway, rather than to follow the ways of man’s authority, and therefore, he encouraged many to listen to the higher pathway coming. He was recognized as the forerunner to the one who would bring freedom to the people.
John knew that it was Jesus who was to bring Divine Truth through, and not himself. Therefore, he brought it onto himself to help many into personal dedication to the New Pathway, by means of baptism, to allow the people to embrace the higher pathway coming. This prepared the pathway of Jesus to come. While John prepared the way forward, Jesus was being prepared by his own people to help strengthen his Universal Love Channel so that the people could come into Divine Truth with the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
Upon the arrival of Jesus, when he was to become publicly identified on the day of his own baptism in front of the people, a dove came to him symbolizing the time of love and freedom had come. This allowed the people who witnessed Jesus’ baptism to understand that it was Jesus who was sent to bring the New Way forward. This allowed the people to embrace the path of love. It helped them to understand that the ways of the old would go and the new ways of love would come. When Jesus spoke to them with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, they recognized his wisdom was far superior than the wisdom of anyone else.
Jesus always brought the love through when speaking with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. At times, the crowds became intense with the desire to feel the high love frequency Jesus brought through when he opened his Universal Love Channel.
A group of Priests, from the old spiritual foundations, were sent to see what Jesus brought through. They constantly pestered him, attempting to stop him from bringing through the messages but could not. They brought through constant arguments and Jesus answered each one of them. At times Jesus grew tired and desired to draw away from the crowds, as transmitting the information through constantly was tiring for him. His close friends desired to protect Jesus for they knew what the upper class of the priesthood was up to. Many times, they asked the priests to leave them in peace, for how could they enjoy the messages of Jesus coming through when they constantly contradicted him with questions and arguments?
More and more, the people who desired to listen to Jesus became pressured by the priests sent from the spiritual authorities, as they began to put laws in place to keep the people away from large gatherings. Meeting in the streets became more difficult and large groups became restricted. Jesus could only speak to a small group at a time, unless there was a special celebration. This is why it was difficult for Jesus and his friends to move the work ahead, because much restriction was placed on him and many chose to follow the old spiritual traditions. Many of the people decided to stay faithful to the spiritual authorities, rather than to listen to Jesus and THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL; although many knew the teachings of Jesus to be true. Even the most knowledgeable could not falter the teachings of Jesus.
The authorities chose several locations for Jesus to speak from and ensured that no other location could be used. Only on special occasions, such as days of celebrations, they allowed Jesus to speak to many. They put laws in place to ensure that no one could write down the teachings Jesus brought through, for they stated that:
1) the teachings of Jesus were not allowed to be remembered by the people.
2) the teachings of Jesus brought confusion into their minds.
3) that it would bring more separation between the people.
4) that the teachings Jesus brought through were not officially authorised by the courts of law and therefore they were not to be put into place.
This brought the teachings of Jesus in danger, even though the teachings of Jesus were given to bring the people into freedom. By listening to Jesus, the people themselves were placed in great danger. This is why Jesus needed to go into hiding many times because the authorities desired to stop his teachings from spreading.
The people who followed Jesus knew the teachings to be correct. They analysed all and asked THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL many questions and all became answered. They felt the power of love energy coming through his Universal Love Channel when Jesus spoke with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
Even those ones of the spiritual authorities, who attempted to deny the teachings of Jesus, were left stunned for Jesus could answer every question. Jesus showed their own teachings to be fallible. He showed them that their teachings were not of love or from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, but from their own ‘God’ of judgment which constantly kept the people in limitation and bondage. This is why many people were in fear of judgment once they had gone to spirit. They feared dying because they were told they were not strong enough, nor clean enough to be worthy of life.
Jesus, on the other hand, showed the people the ways of freedom and strength with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. Jesus was able to reason with the young ones and the older ones to help them see that they were loved, and that no sin existed in the eyes of THE GREAT FATHER. However, they could also see that there was a higher path to follow, working with love from their hearts.
Jesus showed them the love pathway that led to freedom and that there was also another pathway that led to self-destruction. He showed them that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL desired all to come onto the pathway of love, but that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL would not force anyone to come onto that pathway.
In contrast the spiritual authorities forced the people to walk their pathway of ‘God’ by placing hundreds of laws upon them. This is why Jesus always talked about the pathway of the heart of love, to help them understand another pathway existed that led to eternal love and freedom.
When Jesus spoke, the people understood that the words coming through him were of a far higher frequency than the words coming through the spiritual priesthood. This is why the people desired change to their society to happen because they began to understand another pathway of life could exist, providing they forgave all things.
The apostles often noted down the teachings of Jesus in secret, keeping those teachings of higher learning hidden in case they were snatched away by the Roman authorities. They struggled to keep the teachings of Jesus a secret because the Roman authorities would often come into their houses to search for evidence to see if they had recorded the teachings of Jesus which was punishable, as keeping those records betrayed the laws of the governing bodies.
This is why the friends of Jesus often would hurry from village to village with the teachings of Jesus before the Roman Authorities could catch them. Often the soldiers would search the people while travelling on the road; in search of the teachings of Jesus, as the authorities did not desire any of the teachings to be spread to the people. Anyone who would hold evidence of the teachings were heavily punished, often by the sword in front of their families or friends.
This is why the teachings of Jesus were so difficult to record during those days. It would be years later before they would have the courage to speak about the truth about the events of Jesus. Secretly they recalled the main teachings of Jesus, still not desiring to speak their own ultimate truth of what happened because the Roman Authorities were still taking action against those who rebelled against their authorities. They left hints of information in various places to keep the knowledge safe, praying that it would be enough to awaken the people in the time when THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL would return with his Messenger.
Always with my eternal love,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel,
The Word sent by Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great to reveal the pathway of truth, to help the people gain eternal freedom by means of becoming activated in the love foundations by gaining their Codes of Life, which are the eternal treasures of the New Foundation Jesus spoke about 2,000 years ago.
**Please feel free to print the attached pamphlet out within this entire series of Embracing Divine Universal Truth. They are there to be printed and shared to all who desire love and truth to return to our planet so that millions can choose to either receive their Codes of Life and Alignment with CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT by coming to the Divine Universal Love Activations, or not.
These pamphlets help us to understand Divine Truth and to awaken us to the times we are living in.
Do understand they are copyright information so the information within it is not to be altered, changed or twisted. Any copyright infringement will be taken seriously, and taken to the courts of law. This is especially important now, because the original teachings of Jesus were altered and changed to such an extent that the church empowered themselves and slaughtered many, and today still they hold authority over the world by creating the illusion that Jesus was sent to the earth to sacrifice himself and that he called himself a saviour. Many believe he will return as a judge to bring judgement to the people and that he will side with the church. Please know that Jesus never stated any of that.
Designated Ascension Leader of the New Divine Alignments which are the Divine Activations to help the people of the love to grow into greater strength, love and empowerment, to bring the world into peace and love so that no more suffering or destruction can take place.
The Gateway to the Great Sovereign Universes is open and will remain open until approximately the year 2032, depending on whether the people desire the love to rise upon the earth or not. If they desire the love to rise, CAEAYARON and the GALACTIC FEDERATIONS OF LIGHT will possibly allow the Gateway to remain open a little while longer to help the people shift within their consciousness more.
When that Gateway closes, no more Divine Activations to the Greater Gateway will be able to be given and another gateway will open for the rest of humanity.
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Galactic Star Universal Light Grid Programmer, is the Designated Universal Love Channel for the Divine Love Truth Alignment. No other Divine Truth Aligner will rise. She is the one who lived as Jesus 2,000 years ago who brought the Sacred Words through to the people about their 'Deliverance' and the 'Sacred Promise.'
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Galactic Star Universal Light Grid Programmer, is transforming right now into an Angelic Love Channel and the Divine Universal Love Channel and will bring through enormous flows of love to the grids of the earth to bring healing and transformation to the people who desire the Great Ascension Channel of Love to bring them into the great gifts of empowerment and healing flows of love, peace and manifestation.
CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT are Divine Beings of Love who work with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and are with her to allow the Ascension Gateway to happen for the people of the love.
**All the work of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is copyright protected by a Collective Organization who will soon approach Suzanna Maria Emmanuel officially to request a formal business partnership and they will soon step forward to work with The Designated Word of Divine, into Collective Love Relationship, to step up the work of the Divine Ascension Alignments coming to allow the greater numbers to flow in.
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel has been 'OFFICIALLY VERIFIED' to be the 'ONLY DIVINE LOVE CHANNEL' in existence on earth at this time and will continue to be the 'ONLY DIVINE LOVE CHANNEL' at this time. The work of the UNIVERSAL LOVE CHANNEL was tested by an organization outside of Suzanna's and CAEAYARON's Activated Group of people. It was tested with specialized computer equipment to see if the CHANNEL accurately brought in the information and from what source it originated from.
Because of the accuracy of the transmissions, verified with advanced computer technology, it can be stated that the UNIVERSAL LOVE CHANNEL is the UNIVERSAL CHANNEL the Great Collective has been looking for to bring DIVINE TRUTH to the people, to help the people understand DIVINE DIRECTION.
Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please feel free to share for spiritual healing and educational purposes.
** Please connect to us at [email protected] for further information regarding the Divine Universal Alignments when you hear the call within your heart strong enough to desire to come to the Universal Love Activations; the University of Light of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON. **

Part 4 of Embracing Divine Universal Truth by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel,sent by The Great Father Emmanuel to bring the Pathway of Love and Freedom to the people.
30 March 2020
The teachings Jesus brought through with the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL were extensive and far beyond the knowledge the people held in those days, 2,000 years ago. When he was before the people, his followers often asked him what was the purpose of life, because all they saw was judgment and ridicule.
Jesus desired to comfort his people with the flows of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. When he raised his head to the heavens, asking THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL to speak, he would hear the words coming into his mind first, asking him to open his Universal Love Channel, and then he was able to speak with the voice of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. When Jesus opened up his Universal Love Channel, the people felt the flows of Divine Universal Love coming to them, and this comforted them when they needed to feel the love within them. This brought the people quickly into calmness.
When the people were calm within themselves, they were able to come into a meditative focus and then Jesus was able to open his Universal Love Channel further because the people came into their hearts of love, desiring to understand more.
Jesus, being well knowledgeable in the verses and books of the spiritual teachers in those days, understood the fear the people were held under. The people constantly believed they were judged because they believed they were sinners and unworthy of living a good life. Constantly, they were under attack within their consciousness that they were not worthy of having a good life, and therefore constantly they felt judged. They had no great purpose and they desired to understand their higher purpose in life. This is why they asked Jesus if there was a greater reason for life.
In the spiritual communities there were those of the higher learned classes and those who were learning to become greater with stronger knowledge. The people who came to their courtyards and to their congregations, were considered to be the lower classes. Many lived as slaves to those who were working in the higher foundation of higher knowledge. The ones living in the higher knowledge were wealthy because the lower classes needed to work hard as they needed to pay unaffordable amounts of money to them. This kept their spiritual and ruling leaders in a happy state; for if their leaders were unhappy then the people suffered with more laws to limit their freedom further.
The higher upper classes, of the spiritual foundations, believed they were sent by God and believed they had God’s authority to place the people in fear. They believed they could bring the people into an understanding that if they upheld their laws, the people might have a chance to go to a higher place after their life of limitation was over.
Jesus, understanding higher thoughts, as he was the Universal Love Channel, knew more about the soul’s purpose than any of the spiritual theologians, in those days, because he had a direct link to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, the GREAT FATHER of all of creation.
His followers knew that Jesus was genuine with all that he did and said. They knew Jesus worked from the heart. Many desired to follow him but could not because of the pressure the authorities placed upon them. Jesus worked hard, and the people who were his close friends made sure he was looked after. They secretly created funds to allow Jesus to travel. Jesus always had a roof over his head, and money to give to the poor because his friends knew that he cared for the people. This is how Jesus was able to provide education and food for the needy, as well as healing salves for the sick. This is why Jesus and his close friends were celebrated in those days because no one else would care for the sick, poor and elderly.
Jesus’ listeners knew that there was much more to life than they were previously taught by the spiritual authorities who did not desire them to understand much more, other than the laws they were given.
Many, in the spiritual higher classes, working as an authority of their own, taught the people coming to their congregations that in no way should they disobey the laws of the governing authorities, given by their ‘God’, for otherwise they would be heavily judged and punished forever. There were some among the theologians who believed the people who betrayed their laws would burn eternally in a fire.
Not all of the higher theologian society believed in the ‘theory’ of eternally burning in a fire, but there were those who did and they enjoyed stirring the crowds in those days. They analysed how the people reacted with greater fear versus the people who showed no fear at all. They saw how easy it was to manipulate the consciousness of the people when they were held in total fear. The theologians began to understand that even if the people did not care much for their current life and situation, they cared for their eternal salvation. That is what scared the people the most, and this is why the spiritual foundations began to impose laws upon them stating they would suffer eternally, if the people refused to listen to their commands.
Jesus knew all that the higher theologians brought through to the people was incorrect. He saw the great injustice that was carried out. By placing enormous fear within the people, the people began to believe in them and they began to bow down to their authority.
Often, Jesus went straight to the courts where the higher learned men gathered. Jesus would argue against those laws, stating that all they were doing was incorrect and they had no foundation to stand upon. Upon doing so, the leaders became furious with Jesus, and saw Jesus as a threat to their very foundation. They did not desire Jesus to speak to them in that way, for Jesus was able to argue all their ways and laws.
He became angry with them and there were those who brought threats to Jesus because they did not desire Jesus to speak out against their authority. They knew Jesus had greater wisdom then themselves, and this they did not desire. They were in fear of Jesus because Jesus had friends in higher command who were able to revolt against them, should he have been able to carry on with his work.
Instead of being able to overthrow their authority, he was crucified; all to make an example to the nation that working against their authority was judged by them and that no one, including Jesus, could escape their fury.
Jesus, being The Word of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, knew that a burning fiery hell did not exist. He knew THE GREAT FATHER existed only in Great Love and would never torment souls. He knew he was sent to the people to be the messenger of comfort and to bring through the message of The Promise of Freedom from the enslaved consciousness the people were held under.
This created a large paradigm shift within the consciousness of the people because they began to understand that the theologians who believed in tormenting the soul were not correct. They began to understand the power the authorities could hold over the people by making them believe they were sinners and unworthy of living a good life.
As long as the people were held under the beliefs of being sinners and that the spiritual authorities in power had direction from ‘God’, they could do anything to the people they wanted until the people began to awaken; which is what the authorities did not want.
**This is why the spiritual authorities did not desire Jesus to become stronger because Jesus awakened them.**
This is what the authorities feared, in those days, that the people became more knowledgeable then them because if the people would revolt against them, then the power would shift, as the numbers of the people were far greater than the numbers in power.
When the people had courage to look at all the authorities made them believe versus what they believed within their hearts, they began to awaken. This is why Jesus became famous among the people because he was able to show true freedom and the way forward.
Jesus understood the soul desired to live many experiences because that is how the soul evolves. He knew that he would also return in many lifetimes following. He often spoke to the people about this. He stated many times, before his followers, that the soul keeps returning many times in many lifetimes but the purpose of the soul stays the same.
He knew he, himself, was purposely created to be The Word, and sent from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, and no one could reach HIM apart from Jesus. He often brought through that only ONE had been created to bring Divine Messages through to the people. This is why the people, who desired to listen to the teachings through Jesus, trusted in THE GREAT FATHER because the knowledge that Jesus brought through was far superior than all the knowledge the spiritual hierarchy held.
He taught with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL that they would return also. He stated many times with THE GREAT FATHER of the importance to stay in their hearts of love, so that enough love would remain within them when it was time to awaken to the true teachings from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
Jesus stated: “When that day comes, that THE GREAT FATHER calls me so he can speak through me, if you have stayed in your hearts of love during the spiritual night coming, then you will desire to awaken. This is why you must keep praying for your awakening to come. Pray for HIM to return to you and pray HE will awaken you. Pray you do not fall asleep but constantly meditate upon your truth within your heart. Forgive all you endure, and stay in the forgiveness. When you remain in your heart, you will then be able to restore yourself in the day of the Great Restoration. Then you will be able to claim all you have lost, all through the lifetimes you endured to return to your full power.”
With love eternally, always, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
**Please feel free to print the attached pamphlet out within this entire series of Embracing Divine Universal Truth. They are there to be printed and shared to all who desire love and truth to return to our planet so that millions can choose to either receive their Codes of Life and Alignment with CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT by coming to the Divine Universal Love Activations, or not.
These pamphlets help us to understand Divine Truth and to awaken us to the times we are living in.
Do understand they are copyright information so the information within it is not to be altered, changed or twisted. Any copyright infringement will be taken seriously, and taken to the courts of law. This is especially important now, because the original teachings of Jesus were altered and changed to such an extent that the church empowered themselves and slaughtered many, and today still they hold authority over the world by creating the illusion that Jesus was sent to the earth to sacrifice himself and that he called himself a saviour. Many believe he will return as a judge to bring judgement to the people and that he will side with the church. Please know that Jesus never stated any of that.
**Please note: I have been specifically asked by Divine and certain people to place information (showing who I am and the authenticity of my channel) on all my facebook posts.
Please know that I am incredibly guided by my Divine Guides. Know that I don't do this Divine Work from my ego because what is asked of me is too difficult for anyone to fulfil. If it was up to me personally, I would choose not to do this work. I would prefer to have a comfortable career, well paid, and live a comfortable lifestyle which has been offered to me several times in my life.
However, because of the urgency at hand, due to the times we are living in of the Divine Alignment, I have been asked by Divine themselves to work on this life saving mission, so that all can become revealed, as I am that Divine Messenger, whether I like it on this human level or not because if I don't no one would be able to choose to rise to the greater love realms because then no one would be able to gain their Sovereign Universal Codes of Love back. This is why Jesus was sent to the earth 2,000 years ago also, to establish the gateway of life to help mankind to evolve. The message I carry is the same as Jesus.
I was called to Divine service in 2009 and even I cannot refute it, no matter how hard I have tried to refuse to do the Divine work. I have always stated to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL when he called me to do the work, while trying to stay in the love of my heart, if they crucified Jesus 2,000 years ago, what will the people do to me in this lifetime when they find out that Jesus was a channel and that I lived that particular lifetime?
I have been told by many, many people during the last 10 years that work in my ego, but please know that I am working from my heart of love. Only one messenger has been sent from Divine Love to speak for the DIVINE FATHER EMMANUEL and so if I refuse to do the work then no one will ever understand Divine Truth and the way to true freedom because there is no other channel for that particular work coming other than me.
When it comes to the message showing the authenticity of my Universal Love Channel, please know that my energy field has been measured because there are special measuring facilities in existence on this earth which can measure energy fields. During the 2019 April Activations there were special people specializing measuring energy fields who desired to know if my channel was indeed operating stronger than other channels when they open because of the Divine Messages I carry. What they discovered was that when I open my Universal Love Channel an extensive field of magnetic frequencies come into the earth which is why I was asked to state it, because my authentic Universal Love Field has been verified. I am fully aware how my Universal Love Channel is strengthening daily because of the Divine Alignment which is happening at this time. This is necessary because otherwise we cannot raise the vibration of the earth.
Some people wish to quiet me down but please know that Divine desires their messages to become louder. I choose not to have fame for myself but my Divine Guides do desire these messages to be heard all throughout the earth, as it is time to allow all to hear and for truth to become revealed, whether the people choose to work in the love, or not, that is all part of the choice at this time.
Thank you kindly for understanding and opening your heart to what is needed to happen at this time.
Sending you much love always, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please feel free to share for spiritual healing and educational purposes.
** Please connect to us at [email protected] for further information regarding the Divine Universal Alignments when you hear the call within your heart strong enough to desire to come to the Universal Love Activations; the University of Light of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON. **

Part 5 of Embracing Divine Universal Truth by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who has been sent by The Great Father Emmanuel to bring the Pathway of Love and Freedom to the people.
31 March 2020
When Jesus went to the villages nearby, he desired to help the people understand the ways of love and forgiveness. He witnessed often the difficult circumstances the people lived under and desired to relieve them from their inflictions. Many of them begged Jesus to help them find a higher pathway, where they could feel love coming within them. This is why Jesus became well renowned for his messages because he was able to gift the message of comfort when no one else was able to bring that.
His close followers also desired to become an example of love, like Jesus was constantly showing them to do. Jesus taught his followers to bring love fields to the people by bringing them into his energy field of love. Jesus, upon opening his Universal Love Channel carried an enormous magnetic field, as the messages from the Divine Father were from the Higher Love Realms. This is why he was able to bring Divine Wisdom coming from the higher realms with flows of strength and love.
Many people desired to bathe in that healing flow, as they felt the healing coming within them. They called him the Messenger of Love and the Healer of Love because no one else was able to open up their energy field to such an extent.
Doing the work of healing was very difficult for Jesus because the people desired to have more and more of his energies, upon them understanding the power of the field he carried. Jesus needed to rest to allow his own energies to become restored.
This is why some of his close followers desired to guard Jesus, to ensure that the crowds could not get too close to him while he walked in the villages or while they sat with him. They asked the people to give Jesus space. Jesus was sensitive with his energy light body, especially when sick people were around because he could feel the energy draining. Then he needed to rest greatly after that, which is why he would only visit sick people on certain days.
The energy field he could give to the people brought comfort to the sick and allowed the sick to bring more healing into themselves. Many called this a miracle, but Jesus understood the principles of spiritual healing. He often helped people to understand that the highest healing pathway was to become of love within themselves, to allow the fear of the authorities and the situation in life to go, and to bring forgiveness within.
This is what Jesus became most known for, carrying the message of forgiveness. In all ways, he said to his followers: “Stay in the forgiveness with all. At the end of the day, do not rest until you have asked THE GREAT FATHER to help you forgive all things. Know that being in the forgiveness brings you the greatest healing of all.” Jesus knew the power of forgiveness, because anger depleted much energy of the people, which empowered the authorities in place.
His wisdom of spiritual healing far surpassed any of the healing ways of the people in those days, and many of his followers, who listened to Jesus while bringing the messages of healing to the people, learned the new ways of healing, which was to examine their belief systems. This brought strength within his listeners and they began to open to many spiritual abilities.
Many of his close friends already understood about visions, but when the visions were seen with anger, the interpretations of the visions were not clearly understood. Jesus demonstrated to his close friends that by staying in the love and in the forgiveness, the visions were able to be seen from a higher viewpoint that could bring healing to the people, rather than bring more pain. He brought the message of staying in the love to his followers always. Though at times he struggled with it much himself because the more gifted he became, the more people demanded from him.
Many, of the spiritual establishments, did not desire the love messages of Jesus to be shared to the people because this brought them strength, and they began to develop spiritual abilities which went against the spiritual authorities. They did not desire the people to understand spiritual healing, nor listen to Jesus opening up to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL because this betrayed their own spiritual principles.
In their laws it was stated that no one should open to spirituality other than to the God who commanded them many things. Spirituality was not seen as the way forward and went against their commands. Therefore, Jesus asked the people who followed him to stay quiet when their spiritual abilities developed. He taught many to use intuition and to learn to trust it; to protect themselves from the spiritual and Roman authorities so that they may escape all interrogation. This helped the followers of Jesus to stay safe, away from interrogation from the ones in charge.
This created a large shift in the people because the listeners of Jesus began to open themselves to higher wisdom. By being in the energy field of Jesus, they began to open to higher spiritual wisdom of love, and they could begin to use it in their lives. Jesus helped them to understand the spiritual realms, as he understood them well. He himself was a great visionary. He saw the higher realms and he saw THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
Often, he went into the desert and saw many things upon asking THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. He desired to be alone often to make sense of what was happening. The only way to receive his own Divine Wisdom was by drawing away from all people, including his close friends. There he would ask for peace, rest and Divine Wisdom to help him understand the next pathway and the teachings coming, to help the followers of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL to become stronger with love within themselves.
Jesus had extraordinary gifts that no one else had because Jesus was the most gifted spiritual walker who walked upon the earth. This was because he was the ONE Divine Messenger sent from Divine Love, to give the gifts of life to the people. Therefore, although his life was difficult, it was also greatly blessed. By following Jesus, during those times, his friends and the ones who desired to understand all he transmitted through became wiser and more gifted themselves.
**This is why Jesus was loved by the ones who understood who he was: the Giver of Gifts and the Bringer of Wisdom.**
Jesus understood the needs of the people and he was able to relate to them because he knew suffering within him. This was a great gift from Divine Love; to give a man to the people, to allow him to feel what the people felt, being able to relate to the people so that Jesus could understand how to bring the people into the love. He was able to show compassion to the sick and the needy because he lived as a human.
When the people asked if he was more than a man, Jesus allowed the people to reason upon that thought. He helped them to understand that he was given by the Divine Father and that he was able to relate to THE GREAT FATHER like no one else could, since he was sent by the GREAT FATHER to do the work of helping the people to understand the Great Realms of Truth and of Everlasting Life. However, he was also living as a man upon the earth.
This was the great gift for the people. If Jesus had been more than a man, in those days, then how could he show wisdom and compassion? How could he relate to the people? This is what the people needed to understand, in those days, that Jesus was sent by Divine Love to be with the people, to live as a human, to suffer as a human, but also he had the vision to be able to understand the GREAT REALMS of love with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
This is what he tried to share with his faithful listeners. Many of his listeners did not understand how Jesus could not be more than a man because of the Divine Wisdom that came from him. They listened to him describe the words of THE GREAT FATHER and how THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL lived. This was because Jesus, being a gifted Divine Channel, was able to relate to the people living with him and also THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
Jesus was sent to the earth to share the gifts of love with the people, to allow them to understand that suffering was not purposed for them by THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. Jesus desired with all his might to share as much wisdom as possible.
The spiritual foundations, in those days, did not desire Jesus to help the people to relate to the heavens above being a place of love, for then the people would admire Jesus; though Jesus never desired admiration. Jesus desired truth to be revealed to the people, because it was truth that would set them free; not himself.
He said to his listeners: “In all ways, know that I am here living as a man to be with you. When THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL speaks to me, I am unified with HIM, because HE speaks through me. HE sent me to be with you to allow you to hear HIS words being spoken to you, because HE desires you to understand that HE wants you to dwell forever in the higher realms. This is why I have been sent to you.”
Jesus continued: “Know HE has created a place for you in the higher realms. When it is time for HIM to return with The Word, know it is close when you can become freed to go to the higher realms and then HE will invite you to sit with HIM. If you awaken to the Good News, during the time of HIS Return, you will be invited to sit with HIM and become rulers of the nations and of the people upon the earth. Only for the ones who desire to be in the love and leave all of the old ways behind, they will be offered eternal treasures of life. The ones who desire the eternal treasures of life to be given to them and turn to the way of the love of THE GREAT FATHER will inherit all, the earth and the heavens, because this is the Great Promise of Eternal Freedom. Therefore, do not rebuke THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. Do not turn against HIS Word either, for HE loved HIS Word so much that HE gave the Word to you, to allow you to hear these words being spoken. This was why I was sent to be with you, to allow you to hear these words.”
With love eternally, always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel **Please feel free to print the attached pamphlet out within this entire series of Embracing Divine Universal Truth. They are there to be printed and shared to all who desire love and truth to return to our planet so that millions can choose to either receive their Codes of Life and Alignment with CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT by coming to the Divine Universal Love Activations, or not.
These pamphlets help us to understand Divine Truth and to awaken us to the times we are living in.
Do understand they are copyright information so the information within it is not to be altered, changed or twisted. Any copyright infringement will be taken seriously, and taken to the courts of law. This is especially important now, because the original teachings of Jesus were altered and changed to such an extent that the church empowered themselves and slaughtered many, and today still they hold authority over the world by creating the illusion that Jesus was sent to the earth to sacrifice himself and that he called himself a saviour. Many believe he will return as a judge to bring judgement to the people and that he will side with the church. Please know that Jesus never stated any of that.
*Please note: I have been specifically asked by Divine and certain people to place information (showing who I am and the authenticity of my channel) on all my facebook posts.
Please know that I am incredibly guided by my Divine Guides. Know that I don't do this Divine Work from my ego because what is asked of me is too difficult for anyone to fulfil. If it was up to me personally, I would choose not to do this work. I would prefer to have a comfortable career, well paid, and live a comfortable lifestyle which has been offered to me several times in my life.
However, because of the urgency at hand, due to the times we are living in of the Divine Alignment, I have been asked by Divine themselves to work on this life saving mission, so that all can become revealed, as I am that Divine Messenger, whether I like it on this human level or not because if I don't no one would be able to choose to rise to the greater love realms because then no one would be able to gain their Sovereign Universal Codes of Love back. This is why Jesus was sent to the earth 2,000 years ago also, to establish the gateway of life to help mankind to evolve. The message I carry is the same as Jesus.
I was called to Divine service in 2009 and even I cannot refute it, no matter how hard I have tried to refuse to do the Divine work. I have always stated to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL when he called me to do the work, while trying to stay in the love of my heart, if they crucified Jesus 2,000 years ago, what will the people do to me in this lifetime when they find out that Jesus was a channel and that I lived that particular lifetime?
I have been told by many, many people during the last 10 years that work in my ego, but please know that I am working from my heart of love. Only one messenger has been sent from Divine Love to speak for the DIVINE FATHER EMMANUEL and so if I refuse to do the work then no one will ever understand Divine Truth and the way to true freedom because there is no other channel for that particular work coming other than me.
When it comes to the message showing the authenticity of my Universal Love Channel, please know that my energy field has been measured because there are special measuring facilities in existence on this earth which can measure energy fields. During the 2019 April Activations there were special people specializing measuring energy fields who desired to know if my channel was indeed operating stronger than other channels when they open because of the Divine Messages I carry. What they discovered was that when I open my Universal Love Channel an extensive field of magnetic frequencies come into the earth which is why I was asked to state it, because my authentic Universal Love Field has been verified. I am fully aware how my Universal Love Channel is strengthening daily because of the Divine Alignment which is happening at this time. This is necessary because otherwise we cannot raise the vibration of the earth.
Some people wish to quiet me down but please know that Divine desires their messages to become louder. I choose not to have fame for myself but my Divine Guides do desire these messages to be heard all throughout the earth, as it is time to allow all to hear and for truth to become revealed, whether the people choose to work in the love, or not, that is all part of the choice at this time.
Thank you kindly for understanding and opening your heart to what is needed to happen at this time.
Sending you much love always, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please feel free to share for spiritual healing and educational purposes.
** Please connect to us at [email protected] for further information regarding the Divine Universal Alignments when you hear the call within your heart strong enough to desire to come to the Universal Love Activations; the University of Light of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON. **

Part 6 of Embracing Divine Universal Truth, by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel,who has been sent by The Great Father Emmanuel to bring the Pathway of Love and Freedom to the people.
31 March 2020
In the times of Jesus, the people needed a way forward to higher guidance. They desired to understand how to have proper spiritual guidance and Jesus constantly brought through the importance of spiritual nourishment.
Jesus showed, with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, how important it was to stay nourished with spiritual food, which led to greater nourishment than physical food alone. He showed the people that spiritual food will nourish everlastingly, but physical food will only bring nourishment for a day.
Many, who did not desire to listen to the teachings of Jesus in those days, rejected the teachings of Jesus, stating that he must not be right in the head for they did not desire to understand the importance of spiritual food. The ones who were wealthy and living in luxury did not desire the people to understand the teachings of Jesus for they saw Jesus as a threat. They stated that Jesus was filling them up with idle talk. They did not desire for the listeners of Jesus to gain more knowledge, for if they gained more knowledge, then surely they would desire to revolt against the spiritual establishments. This is how the spiritual establishments reasoned.
The people who listened to Jesus, began to understand the importance of the great treasures. Jesus always talked about those treasures being everlasting, for he stated those words with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
There were those in the upper spiritual class who began to question Jesus when he brought those words through. They accused him for being power hungry, for being the one who desired to take all the people into his fold. They even accused him for being a blasphemer for speaking against their God. They stated that Jesus had no right to speak to the people in the name of ‘God’.
In return, Jesus attempted to correct them. He brought through that the words coming from him were not from him as a human, but they were directly from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, who desired to help the people understand that HE does not bring judgment but desired all to live in the great peace and the great love. Jesus tried to help the higher learned ones; that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL was there to bring guidance to the people, so that they may understand the importance of life and give them hope when hope was lost.
The learned spiritual establishment saw Jesus as a threat. It did not matter how they tried to twist his teachings, Jesus was able to bring it back to Divine Truth because Jesus held the wisdom from Above.
The higher learned class asked Jesus how he knew so much. Jesus replied: “It is not my own wisdom that you hear, for I am but a man. But, when THE GREAT FATHER speaks through me, HE is the ONE who desires to help you understand Divine Truth.”
Jesus was attempting to explain how he, as a man, needed to bring the FATHER EMMANUEL through to help the people understand who he was.
In those days, the people did not understand what transmissions were. They did not understand that Jesus was channelling through higher wisdom. They did not understand the personal relationship between Jesus and THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, because it was THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL who had assigned Jesus to speak to the crowds, so that the people heard the words being spoken.
The learned men, of the spiritual establishments, did not desire Jesus to do his work because the words he spoke through with the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL were threatening to their own work. They stated that Jesus was not to talk with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL and asked Jesus to prove that he was assigned to talk to THE GREAT FATHER.
Jesus was sent to their courts many times. A few of them saw Jesus’ truth and that Jesus was gaining his information from a higher being. There were those of the learned class who turned to the teachings of Jesus, but because the resistance against his teachings became too much, they decided walking the path of Jesus was too difficult for them.
When asked if Jesus was THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, Jesus stated these following words: “When I am working with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, I speak as HIM, because HE has created me for this work. HE loved all of creation so much that HE created a first born of HIM to go and speak to the nations. HE desired to understand all of creation and help them so that they may find their way back to the love. When I speak for HIM, I bear witness of who THE GREAT FATHER OF CREATION is; for how else can HE speak to you?”
The learned ones from the higher spiritual establishments, who witnessed Jesus speaking these words, desired to take this opportunity to take this teaching further. They asked Jesus to explain his words; for how could a mere man, sitting here with the crowd, speak for the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL?
They asked the following question: “Jesus, what you are telling us then, is that you are ONE with the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. That would mean that you claim to be the God of the Heavens.”
Jesus answered these men with the following words: “Know that when I speak, I work as ONE with the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, for it is HIS words I speak through. When I speak, I AM ONE with the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, for HIS thoughts come within me. When I work with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, I work in union with HIM, so that HE can come to you to allow you to hear HIM.”
This gave the higher authorities more understanding of who Jesus was, but they did not desire Jesus to be the spokesman for Divine Authority.
They claimed he was a blasphemer for even stating that HE could speak for ‘God’. Jesus always stated: “I have been sent to do the work of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL who is here to prepare the way for you, to allow you to hear the words from Above. This is how much HE loves you; to allow you to see The Way, The Truth, and the Path to Freedom. HE allows you to see how much you can gain from HIS Treasures, by being in the love of HIM.
I have been sent by THE GREAT FATHER to allow you to hear these words being spoken. If I do not carry on with my work, then how can you find The Way, The Truth and The Life? There is no other way, other than through me, for only ONE HE has given to the world to speak to the people.”
Because Jesus gave the people the pathway of hope, life and spiritual freedom, many people desired to understand him. Many of his listeners began to understand the purpose of Jesus. Many of his listeners could not understand that Jesus was able to talk with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, and felt it was a miracle that someone among them could. They desired to understand more. Jesus became well known for being able to speak with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
The higher learned spiritual establishments did not desire for these teachings to be spread, for their own spiritual foundations were threatened. They desired people to understand that obeying their laws was far more important than following Jesus.
Jesus set the pathway of love in the consciousness of the people. They desired to follow the ways of love and desired to understand how to be at peace within themselves. They knew that love was the pathway of freedom. All during the days of Jesus, Jesus stated always how he was sent by THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL to speak to the people about The Sacred Promise, but he never claimed he was more than a man.
Jesus was able to be compassionate for the people because he held strong emotions. He wept with the people, he ate with the people, he rejoiced with the people, he comforted the people, he allowed the people to feel Divine Love flowing through him upon opening his Universal Love Channel. Many people saw him as a miraculous healer because he held an enormous magnetic love energy field. When his Universal Love Channel opened, people received sacred wisdom, allowing them to understand change was coming. They held that hope within their hearts.
Many resisted Jesus and many were told to stay away from the ’man who spoke with God’. Jesus always maintained he worked with humility in his heart, knowing he needed to carry on, despite the rejection thrown at him.
He constantly prayed for strength and for THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL to be with him, to bring him more strength to face the ridicule from the spiritual clergy class who were determined to prove that he was lying and untruthful. But they could not stop his work, nor could they prove his teachings to be false.
The more they attempted to stop him, the stronger the teachings through Jesus became. Constantly he stated: “I am here to work with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. I receive HIS voice and I desire to do HIS will. For HIS will is for you to understand the Pathway to life.”
Jesus often spoke to his close friends of the embitterment he received from the spiritual elite establishments. Often, he wept and he needed to stay in constant forgiveness for the ridicule he received.
He knew he would need to return one day and face it all over again, in another lifetime when THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL would call him once more.
With love eternally, always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
**Please feel free to print the attached pamphlet out within this entire series of Embracing Divine Universal Truth. They are there to be printed and shared to all who desire love and truth to return to our planet so that millions can choose to either receive their Codes of Life and Alignment with CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT by coming to the Divine Universal Love Activations, or not.
These pamphlets help us to understand Divine Truth and to awaken us to the times we are living in.
Do understand they are copyright information so the information within it is not to be altered, changed or twisted. Any copyright infringement will be taken seriously, and taken to the courts of law. This is especially important now, because the original teachings of Jesus were altered and changed to such an extent that the church empowered themselves and slaughtered many, and today still they hold authority over the world by creating the illusion that Jesus was sent to the earth to sacrifice himself and that he called himself a saviour. Many believe he will return as a judge to bring judgement to the people and that he will side with the church. Please know that Jesus never stated any of that.
*Please note: I have been specifically asked by Divine and certain people to place information (showing who I am and the authenticity of my channel) on all my facebook posts.
Please know that I am incredibly guided by my Divine Guides. Know that I don't do this Divine Work from my ego because what is asked of me is too difficult for anyone to fulfil. If it was up to me personally, I would choose not to do this work. I would prefer to have a comfortable career, well paid, and live a comfortable lifestyle which has been offered to me several times in my life.
However, because of the urgency at hand, due to the times we are living in of the Divine Alignment, I have been asked by Divine themselves to work on this life saving mission, so that all can become revealed, as I am that Divine Messenger, whether I like it on this human level or not because if I don't no one would be able to choose to rise to the greater love realms because then no one would be able to gain their Sovereign Universal Codes of Love back. This is why Jesus was sent to the earth 2,000 years ago also, to establish the gateway of life to help mankind to evolve. The message I carry is the same as Jesus.
I was called to Divine service in 2009 and even I cannot refute it, no matter how hard I have tried to refuse to do the Divine work. I have always stated to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL when he called me to do the work, while trying to stay in the love of my heart, if they crucified Jesus 2,000 years ago, what will the people do to me in this lifetime when they find out that Jesus was a channel and that I lived that particular lifetime?
I have been told by many, many people during the last 10 years that work in my ego, but please know that I am working from my heart of love. Only one messenger has been sent from Divine Love to speak for the DIVINE FATHER EMMANUEL and so if I refuse to do the work then no one will ever understand Divine Truth and the way to true freedom because there is no other channel for that particular work coming other than me.
When it comes to the message showing the authenticity of my Universal Love Channel, please know that my energy field has been measured because there are special measuring facilities in existence on this earth which can measure energy fields. During the 2019 April Activations there were special people specializing measuring energy fields who desired to know if my channel was indeed operating stronger than other channels when they open because of the Divine Messages I carry. What they discovered was that when I open my Universal Love Channel an extensive field of magnetic frequencies come into the earth which is why I was asked to state it, because my authentic Universal Love Field has been verified. I am fully aware how my Universal Love Channel is strengthening daily because of the Divine Alignment which is happening at this time. This is necessary because otherwise we cannot raise the vibration of the earth.
Some people wish to quiet me down but please know that Divine desires their messages to become louder. I choose not to have fame for myself but my Divine Guides do desire these messages to be heard all throughout the earth, as it is time to allow all to hear and for truth to become revealed, whether the people choose to work in the love, or not, that is all part of the choice at this time.
Thank you kindly for understanding and opening your heart to what is needed to happen at this time.
Sending you much love always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please feel free to share for spiritual healing and educational purposes.
** Please connect to us at [email protected] for further information regarding the Divine Universal Alignments when you hear the call within your heart strong enough to desire to come to the Universal Love Activations; the University of Light of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON. **

Part 7 of Embracing Divine Universal Truth, by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who has been sent by The Great Father Emmanuel to bring the Pathway of Love and Freedom to the people.
When Jesus sat with his followers, often they questioned many topics which were relevant to them during their lives at that time. They often spoke among themselves, asking each other many questions. The ordinary people in the villages were not permitted to ask the spiritual learned establishments for higher spiritual answers because the people believed they were under strict scrutiny from God. They believed that God had empowered them by ways of measuring their knowledge and how good their soul was. However, when Jesus was with them, they were able to approach him. He never placed judgment upon them.
Instead of ridiculing them for asking him questions, Jesus desired to understand what their questions were so that he could answer them with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL by opening to his Universal Love Channel.
Jesus, being a loving man who desired to do good for all who wanted love to come within their hearts, always worked with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL for the purpose of bringing love to the people. This went in total opposition to the spiritual clergy class, who desired the people to follow them without understand much information.
The spiritual learned class knew that keeping the people blind to higher intelligence, brought them power over the majority of the population in their communities. They knew that keeping the people locked into spiritual ignorance brought the authorities power and as long as the people did not wake up to their plans, the authorities were able to keep control over the population. Their greatest fear was the people awakening because they themselves knew that they were the betrayers.
Some of the spiritual clergy class did not desire to be part of the betrayers and they resigned from their work. Some of them were sent out to examine the teachings of Jesus and found that Jesus did no harm, other than to reveal what was Divine Truth and to bring the choice of the pathway to the people.
Some of the spiritual priests resigned and even joined the following of Jesus. This created more vulnerability for the spiritual clergy class, as those ones who had resigned as spiritual priests now were able to reveal hidden secrets to the leaders of the organization of Jesus, and to Jesus himself. Now the close followers of Jesus became more intellectual for they spent many hours examining what the ruling authorities had planned to do to the people.
Because Jesus and his faithful friends desired to help the people become free, they established their own foundation of healing to help many become stronger. They knew the plans of the authorities and created diversions so that those plans could not be fulfilled. There were even some priests of the spiritual clergy who were seen to remain faithful to the spiritual foundations, but secretly they worked in opposition against them. They began to work with the healing foundation of Jesus and his close friends, all to oppose the laws of their spiritual foundations. This brought the first secret society into place.
The spiritual clergy claimed to hear words directly from God and stated things to them like: “If you do not follow our higher laws, then you will be severely punished.”
Before Jesus began his spiritual education helping the people to understand the pathway of life, the people had no reference to spiritual instruction other than that of the spiritual authorities. Because no other way was known to them, until Jesus arrived to help them awaken, the people had no reason to dispute the laws of the spiritual priests. However, upon Jesus beginning to teach them with higher love authority, they began to question all that they had learned from the old spiritual foundations.
The people, upon hearing the words of Jesus, began to seek truth and they began to understand how easy it is to manipulate their minds when they were spiritually confused and left blind by their spiritual leaders. They knew a god existed but they had no communication with god themselves, so they relied on spiritual establishments to guide them to higher knowledge.
When Jesus came, many began to wisen up. Jesus and his close friends set up a secret organization to help educate the people with language, writing and reading to help further their knowledge. This created a stir in the higher knowledge learning foundations, as the higher learned classes did not desire their people to understand how to read and write down the teachings of Jesus. They knew that by keeping the people away from the skills of reading and writing, the people were easier to control by means of fear consciousness.
Jesus was a highly educated man. He was learned with languages and could read highly intricate information. He was able to translate his own writings in a few languages. Many of those writings were destroyed by the Romans when his own home was pillaged.
Know that constantly he transmitted information through, and he wrote many, many books filled with information from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. A few of his writings remained preserved by secretly hiding them so that no mistake could be made when he would be called by THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, once it was time for him to be The Word.
Jesus insisted copies of his work needed to be done so that enough information would stay preserved so that the True Channel could become identified by those who were in the secret society of that time.
He spoke with authority with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL and he understood how easy it was to keep the people limited when insufficient schooling was present. He understood the questions the priests of the clergy class gave him and was able to answer them one by one. This the clergy class never desired. They thought they could trick him, but Jesus could not be outsmarted by them. Instead he brought through higher intelligent answers that the spiritual leaders could not refute.
The spiritual class did not want to be exposed to show how little they knew about spirituality. They followed their books but did not have any further knowledge coming in. They understood the books of the law and repeated them many times over to ensure their followers thought they were wise with the laws, but in all of reality, they did not understand anything other than the laws.
They worked together with officials from governing authorities who desired to rule with the spiritual foundations to bring the people into a controlled environment so that the people obeyed the laws of the land. This is why the people sought relief from the laws. The laws contained traps for them and stated that the people were not to question anything outside of the laws, otherwise they were heavily punished.
The people, in those days, believed they were punished by their God because they lived in enslaved conditions. They felt they had no privileges and when they began to moan about their limited lifestyles, more was taken away from them.
When the people moaned, the authorities stated that they had little gratitude and that God desired them to be taught more humility. To teach the people gratitude and humility, the authorities would raid their houses and land to limit their food supplies. They would bring in higher taxes, all to teach them how to be respectful to their laws. When any of them argued against the authority, more control came to the people.
Jesus knew the authorities were wrong. He knew that by placing laws in place, in the name of God, the people would stay in fear. He desired to bring freedom from judgment to the people. Often, he would be seen, with his friends, feeding the people in quiet locations.
At times, Jesus and his friends would send the invitation out to a large gathering so that Jesus could speak to them with the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL and at the same time the crowds could be fed.
A few of his friends had fishing boats and would go out fishing to supply the crowds with enough food to feed the many. Because fish catching was limited during times when strict laws were enforced, the waters were full and ready to be harvested. Some of his friends were experts at fishing and knew exactly when to go out fishing and when the fish were ready to be caught. They could only hold large functions, in secret, on days of the Sabbath as they knew that the spiritual priest class would rest from their tiresome duties. This left the secret society free to do their own work; that of bringing desired nurturing, both physical and spiritual, to the large crowds.
Some of the women had prepared cakes and unleavened bread with butter and honey. They specialized in woven clothing and gave the needy all they required. They treated the sick with healing ointments and bathed their wounds. They sang happy songs and did all they possibly could for them.
This was truly miraculous during those days for no one else would do that for them. Years later they still talked among themselves, calling that particular day a miracle because many heard and saw Jesus speak about THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL when no hunger or thirst would exist any longer.
They talked about Jesus looking up to the heavens, saying with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, that a time would come when no one will hunger any more, nor thirst any more and that a pathway to everlasting life would come to those who desire to come to the eternal pathway of truth and of life.
This created a large consciousness shift for the people back then, as they felt comforted by those words and with the good deeds of Jesus and his close friends.
It was recorded in history but became twisted and altered to state something completely different. It became famed as the miracle of feeding crowds using a few fish and a few loaves of bread, but in reality a whole team of Jesus’ friends gathered together to bring supplies of food and clothing to crowds who were left starving because of the law makers in those days.
With love eternally, always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
**Please feel free to print the attached pamphlet out within this entire series of Embracing Divine Universal Truth. They are there to be printed and shared to all who desire love and truth to return to our planet so that millions can choose to either receive their Codes of Life and Alignment with CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT by coming to the Divine Universal Love Activations, or not.
These pamphlets help us to understand Divine Truth and to awaken us to the times we are living in.
Do understand they are copyright information so the information within it is not to be altered, changed or twisted. Any copyright infringement will be taken seriously, and taken to the courts of law.
This is especially important now, because the original teachings of Jesus were altered and changed to such an extent that the church empowered themselves and slaughtered many, and today still they hold authority over the world by creating the illusion that Jesus was sent to the earth to sacrifice himself and that he called himself a saviour. Many believe he will return as a judge to bring judgement to the people and that he will side with the church. Please know that Jesus never stated any of that.
*Please note: I have been specifically asked by Divine and certain people to place information (showing who I am and the authenticity of my channel) on all my facebook posts.
Please know that I am incredibly guided by my Divine Guides. Know that I don't do this Divine Work from my ego because what is asked of me is too difficult for anyone to fulfil. If it was up to me personally, I would choose not to do this work. I would prefer to have a comfortable career, well paid, and live a comfortable lifestyle which has been offered to me several times in my life.
However, because of the urgency at hand, due to the times we are living in of the Divine Alignment, I have been asked by Divine themselves to work on this life saving mission, so that all can become revealed, as I am that Divine Messenger, whether I like it on this human level or not because if I don't no one would be able to choose to rise to the greater love realms because then no one would be able to gain their Sovereign Universal Codes of Love back. This is why Jesus was sent to the earth 2,000 years ago also, to establish the gateway of life to help mankind to evolve. The message I carry is the same as Jesus.
I was called to Divine service in 2009 and even I cannot refute it, no matter how hard I have tried to refuse to do the Divine work. I have always stated to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL when he called me to do the work, while trying to stay in the love of my heart, if they crucified Jesus 2,000 years ago, what will the people do to me in this lifetime when they find out that Jesus was a channel and that I lived that particular lifetime?
I have been told by many, many people during the last 10 years that work in my ego, but please know that I am working from my heart of love. Only one messenger has been sent from Divine Love to speak for the DIVINE FATHER EMMANUEL and so if I refuse to do the work then no one will ever understand Divine Truth and the way to true freedom because there is no other channel for that particular work coming other than me.
When it comes to the message showing the authenticity of my Universal Love Channel, please know that my energy field has been measured because there are special measuring facilities in existence on this earth which can measure energy fields.
During the 2019 April Activations there were special people specializing measuring energy fields who desired to know if my channel was indeed operating stronger than other channels when they open because of the Divine Messages I carry.
What they discovered was that when I open my Universal Love Channel an extensive field of magnetic frequencies come into the earth which is why I was asked to state it, because my authentic Universal Love Field has been verified. I am fully aware how my Universal Love Channel is strengthening daily because of the Divine Alignment which is happening at this time. This is necessary because otherwise we cannot raise the vibration of the earth.
Some people wish to quiet me down but please know that Divine desires their messages to become louder. I choose not to have fame for myself but my Divine Guides do desire these messages to be heard all throughout the earth, as it is time to allow all to hear and for truth to become revealed, whether the people choose to work in the love, or not, that is all part of the choice at this time.
Thank you kindly for understanding and opening your heart to what is needed to happen at this time.
Sending you much love always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please feel free to share for spiritual healing and educational purposes.
** Please connect to us at [email protected] for further information regarding the Divine Universal Alignments when you hear the call within your heart strong enough to desire to come to the Universal Love Activations; the University of Light of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON. **

Part 8 of Embracing Divine Universal Truth by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who has been sent by The Great Father Emmanuel to bring the Pathway of Love and Freedom to the people.
2 April 2020
There was a day when Jesus sat with his close friends. Jesus meditated with them and his listeners were relaxed. One of the regular listeners approached Jesus and his listeners and began to relate to them what had happened.
A particular conflict happened between one of Jesus’ followers and one particular priest in the Sanhedrin Synagogues. The priest told the man he sinned greatly. He was told by the priest that he no longer could come into the village freely, and if he did then he could face severe punishment. All this man did was to state that he no longer decided to follow the old traditions of spiritual laws and was told that it was a large betrayal of the spiritual foundations.
Jesus knew conflicts were happening between a few of his listeners who desired to become free from the established spiritual foundations. Because his followers had listened to Jesus and his friends, they became more spiritually educated and well-read than many other people in the villages.
Because they were able to read the laws, they were able to reason upon them. Many of the laws contradicted each other and Jesus’ followers questioned them. At times, close friends of Jesus went straight to the law-makers to ask them how they could put laws in place when they worked against their other laws. They reasoned how unfair the laws were because even if the people were able to uphold certain laws, it betrayed other laws, resulting into further debt and enslavement.
The people who could not uphold the harsh laws in place were called sinners. They constantly were held in the consciousness of not being good enough to deserve better lifestyles.
Certain styles of clothing were given to the priesthood to recognize those being in authority. The more knowledge the High Priests and Judges held, the more refined their robes were so that all recognized the amount of knowledge and power they held. The more knowledge and power they held, the more laws they could make. Most of the elite High Priests in charge had no consideration for the average person and had no or little mercy or respect for the people.
That is why it was difficult for the people to move ahead, because the people had very little respect from the elite class in charge.
The villagers also wore certain styles of clothing. The ones who were classed as sinners needed to wear certain clothing so that all recognized them as sinners, even if they had not done any harm at all. The businessmen were told to shun the sinners which made it difficult to live in the village when they were branded as sinners. Often the sinners were abandoned and forced out of the villages so that the people could not be seen as helping the sinners.
Depending on how much the sinners had betrayed the laws, would depend on how much the villagers were ordered, by law, to stay away from the sinners. If the villagers refused to obey, then they would also become seen as sinners in the same way. Achieving a fair hearing at the courts was almost impossible.
The slave class also were defined by their own brand of clothing, as well as the elite businessmen. The women also wore their own styles. The women who were married to the rich wore elaborate gowns, and those who were slaves to the elite also had their own gowns. There were others such as teachers who stood out, and outsiders who visited the village also needed to state who they were by wearing certain clothing.
The people understood harsh punishments if they could not uphold the laws put in place by the authorities. They were told that their God had deliberately placed those laws into place for the people to learn humility and obedience. The people believed that the elite of the spiritual establishments were directly communicating with their God and that no one other than the elite could communicate directly with God. The people were told they constantly needed to pray for forgiveness and bring sacrifices so that they could become clean in the eyes of God to carry on living. They believed God was a judge and they feared him greatly.
Jesus constantly asked the people to stay in forgiveness, for he did not desire the people to become more imbalanced and pained spiritually. He knew his listeners were awakening to how the strict laws kept the people restricted and controlled. This often led them into anger. They were not able to speak to the authorities directly because this would bring endangerment to them. Jesus did not desire more punishment for them so he constantly warned not to rebel against the authorities and encouraged them to stay quiet.
Jesus spoke to them quietly and stated: “Know that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL sees all. HE knows when judgment is passed wrongfully and HE is aware how severe their punishment is. Know that the punishment comes from the law-makers themselves and not from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, for THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL does not bring punishment. HE only desires freedom for all. This is why HE created the pathway of life and HE desires freedom for the people. HE desires all to understand the love HE is.
Because HE is love, HE sees no sin for sin only exists in the eyes of the people. HE desires all to come into the love. It is the people who bring judgment to others. Look at the judges sitting on their finely made chairs, in their finely made robes, making unbearable laws to keep the people subject to their laws. They judge each other also by the knowledge they hold. They claim they hear God and they claim they speak for God but they are deaf and dumb spiritually, but pretend to hear God all to bring more power to themselves.”
Jesus began to speak further: “The more they are well versed with the laws, the more they consider themselves upright and worthy by declaring themselves to be more learned. But know they do not hold the power of God, only of themselves. They pretend to have the authority of God and this brings them into great power. They call themselves judicial lawmakers and they say they are pure and clean in the eyes of God. By whose standards do they consider themselves to be pure and clean? Only by their own standards. They say things which are untrue and they are aware of it but they keep it to themselves.
People believe in them and by believing in them they gain more power. They have made Gods of themselves. They decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong. They do not serve THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, for if they did, they would give up their status and control over the people and they would become one of the people in the villages. They would not declare themselves as more righteous than others in the eyes of God.”
Jesus continued: “Know that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL sees no sin within you but desires you to become free from all laws of men. HE will bring you into true freedom but can only bring you into true freedom when you desire to walk upon the higher pathway of love, for love is freedom and love will bring you to the road of freedom.
Freedom is when you find the Truth within all of existence and it is that Truth that will set you free. Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, do not fear the people who make the laws and measure each other by the length of their fringes to see who holds more knowledge than another, but be in the love of all.
When they ridicule you, bring no ridicule back to them. Do not judge them and do not say that they will become judged by THE GREAT FATHER either for THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL will not bring judgement to them, but HE cannot bring them into the Gateway of Everlasting Life until they desire to work in the heart of the love. If they turn to the love of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, then they can become one with us at the time of HIS Great Return.
All will be seen as to how much love they have for THE GREAT FATHER. If they do not desire to bring the love into their hearts and if they keep ridiculing HIS people, then the GREAT FATHER cannot bring them into the Gateway of Everlasting Life.
Always display the love within your heart. Pray that they will awaken also. Pray that you will awaken to the Great Love further in the day of HIS Return. Do not anger with the spiritual leaders but instead stay in the peace with them so that no more harm can be done against you.”
Jesus spoke with conviction in his heart, always desiring to bring the people to the pathway of freedom. He saw how much injustice was done to the people in those days.
Constantly he brought through the importance of staying in the love and in the peace. Constantly he desired Divine Truth to be heard by the people to help the people reason higher and become free in their own mind to decide for themselves.
When the people were in pain, Jesus showed them the pathway of freedom. With his words coming through, from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, Jesus was able to show the pathway to the higher freedom, to the truth, to the pathway of life.
Jesus, in this teaching, demonstrated the importance of staying in the heart of love and in the forgiveness, but also showed how no sin exists in the eyes of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. The people woke up to the judgment held by the clergy class and that the laws originated from themselves claiming to be from God. When the people awoke, large rebellions began and the authorities in charge quickly needed to stop the people from revolting against them.
End of pamphlet 8.
With love eternally, always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
**Please feel free to print the attached pamphlet out within this entire series of Embracing Divine Universal Truth. They are there to be printed and shared to all who desire love and truth to return to our planet so that millions can choose to either receive their Codes of Life and Alignment with CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT by coming to the Divine Universal Love Activations, or not.
These pamphlets help us to understand Divine Truth and to awaken us to the times we are living in.
Do understand they are copyright information so the information within it is not to be altered, changed or twisted. Any copyright infringement will be taken seriously, and taken to the courts of law. This is especially important now, because the original teachings of Jesus were altered and changed to such an extent that the church empowered themselves and slaughtered many, and today still they hold authority over the world by creating the illusion that Jesus was sent to the earth to sacrifice himself and that he called himself a saviour. Many believe he will return as a judge to bring judgement to the people and that he will side with the church. Please know that Jesus never stated any of that.
*Please note: I have been specifically asked by Divine and certain people to place information (showing who I am and the authenticity of my channel) on all my facebook posts.
Please know that I am incredibly guided by my Divine Guides. Know that I don't do this Divine Work from my ego because what is asked of me is too difficult for anyone to fulfil. If it was up to me personally, I would choose not to do this work. I would prefer to have a comfortable career, well paid, and live a comfortable lifestyle which has been offered to me several times in my life.
However, because of the urgency at hand, due to the times we are living in of the Divine Alignment, I have been asked by Divine themselves to work on this life saving mission, so that all can become revealed, as I am that Divine Messenger, whether I like it on this human level or not because if I don't no one would be able to choose to rise to the greater love realms because then no one would be able to gain their Sovereign Universal Codes of Love back. This is why Jesus was sent to the earth 2,000 years ago also, to establish the gateway of life to help mankind to evolve. The message I carry is the same as Jesus.
I was called to Divine service in 2009 and even I cannot refute it, no matter how hard I have tried to refuse to do the Divine work. I have always stated to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL when he called me to do the work, while trying to stay in the love of my heart, if they crucified Jesus 2,000 years ago, what will the people do to me in this lifetime when they find out that Jesus was a channel and that I lived that particular lifetime?
I have been told by many, many people during the last 10 years that work in my ego, but please know that I am working from my heart of love. Only one messenger has been sent from Divine Love to speak for the DIVINE FATHER EMMANUEL and so if I refuse to do the work then no one will ever understand Divine Truth and the way to true freedom because there is no other channel for that particular work coming other than me.
When it comes to the message showing the authenticity of my Universal Love Channel, please know that my energy field has been measured because there are special measuring facilities in existence on this earth which can measure energy fields.
During the 2019 April Activations there were special people specializing measuring energy fields who desired to know if my channel was indeed operating stronger than other channels when they open because of the Divine Messages I carry.
What they discovered was that when I open my Universal Love Channel an extensive field of magnetic frequencies come into the earth which is why I was asked to state it, because my authentic Universal Love Field has been verified. I am fully aware how my Universal Love Channel is strengthening daily because of the Divine Alignment which is happening at this time. This is necessary because otherwise we cannot raise the vibration of the earth.
Some people wish to quiet me down but please know that Divine desires their messages to become louder. I choose not to have fame for myself but my Divine Guides do desire these messages to be heard all throughout the earth, as it is time to allow all to hear and for truth to become revealed, whether the people choose to work in the love, or not, that is all part of the choice at this time.
Thank you kindly for understanding and opening your heart to what is needed to happen at this time.
Sending you much love always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please feel free to share for spiritual healing and educational purposes.
** Please connect to us at [email protected] for further information regarding the Divine Universal Alignments when you hear the call within your heart strong enough to desire to come to the Universal Love Activations; the University of Light of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON. **

Part 9 of Embracing Universal Truth by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who has been sent by The Great Father Emmanuel to bring the Pathway of Love and Freedom to the people.
3 April 2020
Every time THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL spoke through Jesus, Jesus stated: “Come friends, let us open up with our hearts and learn the greater ways of love. Understand truth is within you, and that truth is part of you. Truth cannot be found outside of you for all things of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL are within you.”
Jesus constantly brought out how the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL was there with the people, to help the people understand the pathway forward. He showed, with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, that HE is the GREAT FATHER of love, and that HE desires all to come into The Great Love. Constantly, the people began to understand more about the Gateway of Life and what that was. The Gateway of Life was there to help them understand of a greater pathway; the Pathway of Life.
This was news for many of the listeners because many who came to Jesus believed the life they had was all that was to life. They did not understand of another pathway, other than their current pathway and desired to understand more. This brought them hope for it was hope that was needed to help them carry on.
Meanwhile, the ones in charge of the laws desired to keep the people numb from life. They did not desire to give hope to the people because hope brought inspiration, joy and peace. They desired to be the ones in charge, to be seen as the spiritual nourishing class. They desired to constantly remind the people how much humility they needed so they may have an opportunity for correction. This brought the stability into the congregations, as all in the communities were required to stay peaceful and live by the many laws.
The authorities created systems whereby the people were completely dependent on them. By taking away their freewill and total freedom to think for themselves, many felt helpless. This is why the people desired to find hope and Jesus was able to guide them to the pathway of hope and life.
The upper spiritual classes often taught about humility, as they desired to remain in power by keeping the people into lower thought systems. The people were told never to ask questions to the higher elite classes, for this would be seen as not being humble. They were never to talk of any leader in private discussions other than to bring praise to them.
The people who disobeyed their commands were reprimanded and heavy punishment was given to all who did not display humility; though they themselves were not required to be humble. They portrayed themselves as humble. Jesus often called them haughty for they believed they had the authority of God and they believed they walked with God.
This is why Jesus often had large discussions with the leaders in the spiritual houses because he desired them to understand love and step into becoming true teachers of nurturing. This the leading class did not desire to hear. They did not desire Jesus to speak to them in this manner. They called Jesus haughty and stated that he had better be careful of the tone he used when speaking to them.
The elite taught the people to never disrespect their laws or show disrespect to anyone in charge. They taught that this was true humility and they constantly reminded the people of their obligations to serve them and uphold their laws. By commanding the people to remain in humility, according to their self-made laws, they were able to bring large fear and control to the people.
Never could the people speak about their own talents and skills for that was seen as self-boasting which worked against the spiritual laws. The people were asked to confess their daily sins, reminding themselves that they were not worthy of self-honour and self-respect. They were asked to purify themselves by means of sacrificing all they could, leaving them little or nothing to survive on. This brought a tremendous loss of self-worth and self-respect to the nation.
In contrast, the men of the elite class constantly revered themselves. They demanded respect and collected the best-made goods from the people and demanded high taxes from the poor who were obligated to serve them. The ones in charge daily reminded the people how high their own standing was in the community by displaying their authority with their words, laws and by the amount and size of their fringes hanging on their well-made mantles.
Jesus, himself a humble man in Divine Service, often approached this topic of humility. He stated with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL: “Happy are those who are humble, for they will see the path of freedom and desire to become nourished by THE GREAT FATHER.”
Jesus taught that it is not wise to self-boast, but if it was required to state one’s profession to be able to help others understand their abilities, then that was to be stated. Jesus stated the importance of being truthful and not to state anything that was not truthful. THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL often said to Jesus that he needed to state he was a prophet sent from the Great Heavens, and that Jesus was The Word and the only way to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. For if he did not prioritize that pathway in his life, then no one would be able to come into the Mountain of Life.
The spiritual leaders often stated to Jesus that he should consider whispering about what he could do instead of speaking with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL loudly in the streets. They warned him to stop boasting that he was the ONLY WAY to bring the people to THE GREAT FATHER. They told him that this was a large sin against the holy laws.
Jesus stated that it was not himself who said that he was the way to THE GREAT FATHER, but that he was told by THE GREAT FATHER to say it. He always said: “When I speak to the people what I do, I am being guided to do so by THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. If HE says I need to state I am HIS Word, then how can I not say that? I will not state anything that is untruthful, for then I would be haughty. I will never boast about my abilities, but I will state truth.”
This even the spiritual leaders could not deny. They carried many titles, but never could demonstrate them to be truthful. They were unable to back up their titles, which is why Jesus often stated how haughty they were. Jesus knew they used their titles to bring large empowerment to themselves to disempower their flock.
Jesus often said to them: “When you are given a title, always back up what you say. Use your abilities to help nourish others spiritually. Never use your titles or abilities to bring judgment to others. Even THE GREAT FATHER will not bring judgment to the people.
Use your abilities to build others up instead. The GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL gives me many titles but I will never state titles not given to me by THE GREAT FATHER HIMSELF.
Always I will demonstrate and respect the titles I have been given by the deeds and the words I am guided to display for this is how the people will identify me as the Word of the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. This is how they will identify The Way, The Truth, and The Path to Eternal Freedom. If I was to remain quiet about The Message, then people could not identify me and then they will not find their way to the everlasting realms of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. Therefore, I will do as THE GREAT FATHER has asked me to do. HE asked me to use the names HE gave me. I have not given them to myself for admiration to be given to me for that is not what I desire to have. All things I do is to bring honour to THE GREAT FATHER who has sent me to the people.”
This led to many questions of his listeners who desired to look deeper into the meaning of humility. Jesus understood that the elite establishment taught humility to keep the people controlled. In contrast, Jesus taught what true spiritual humility was. He stated with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL: “Know that spiritual humility is to allow your mind to discover higher learning, which allows your heart to open to explore the pathway of higher love and wisdom.
When you open to Divine Love, allow HIM to show you the higher pathway of love by accepting it into your heart. Upon your acceptance, it becomes easier to walk the higher pathway of love. The elite claim they are the humble ones, but they are far from true spiritual humility for they do not work with their hearts for love. They believe they are the ultimate law by continuously reciting and quoting their own self-made laws over and over to their congregations. They are far from sincere and refuse to hear the words from the ONE who created all, THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
This opened the way to a large paradigm shift within the listeners of Jesus. They learned that humility was to work with the pathway of love and truth to help many grow in the love and to embrace their true spiritual strengths by allowing others to see their beauty of their heart, as long as it is done with true respect, love and compassion; not to bring judgment or belittlement to others, nor with an attitude of self-boasting when it cannot be proven or seen. Truth will always strengthen, whereas the path of ego will always weaken and fall down.
Jesus, The Word of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, was the prime example of humility. He never cowered and he was not afraid to be seen as The Word, or stand out among the people. He was never afraid to speak out to the people, as constantly he helped people to see the higher pathway.
Many in the elite class stumbled over the ways Jesus spoke. They stated that he was the one who needed to learn humility because how could a man speak of himself being great? However, Jesus stated: “It is not my words I speak of myself being great, but it is THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL who states that I am here to speak for HIM. Therefore, when you hear words being spoken about me, know they are not from me, for I am in Divine Service to the Great Divine. However, if I remained quiet about the ability and the mission I have to speak for THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, then how would the people come into the Great Love?
Therefore, when the GREAT FATHER asks me to identify myself as The Word and the Spokesman for THE GREAT FATHER, then how can I remain quiet? I am here, sent by Divine to help others to come onto the pathway of the love. I am here to bring the people into truth and to allow them to hear truth being spoken, so that they can understand the pathway of life and embrace the higher teachings from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.”
Jesus constantly did the Will of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. He never ran ahead of himself. When a question was asked, he would always turn to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL to ask for the answers, and the answers came because he was the ONE sent by Divine who could embrace the higher pathway and to allow gifts to be seen for the purpose to help many come into the great love. He was the only ONE who could reach the realms of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL and allow people to hear HIM speak. The GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL desired Jesus to become known and identified as HIS Word, so that many could hear and understand the True Pathway of Life.
End of pamphlet 9.
With love eternally, always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
**Please feel free to print the attached pamphlet out within this entire series of Embracing Divine Universal Truth. They are there to be printed and shared to all who desire love and truth to return to our planet so that millions can choose to either receive their Codes of Life and Alignment with CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT by coming to the Divine Universal Love Activations, or not.
These pamphlets help us to understand Divine Truth and to awaken us to the times we are living in.
Do understand they are copyright information so the information within it is not to be altered, changed or twisted. Any copyright infringement will be taken seriously, and taken to the courts of law. This is especially important now, because the original teachings of Jesus were altered and changed to such an extent that the church empowered themselves and slaughtered many, and today still they hold authority over the world by creating the illusion that Jesus was sent to the earth to sacrifice himself and that he called himself a saviour. Many believe he will return as a judge to bring judgement to the people and that he will side with the church. Please know that Jesus never stated any of that.
*Please note: I have been specifically asked by Divine and certain people to place information (showing who I am and the authenticity of my channel) on all my facebook posts.
Please know that I am incredibly guided by my Divine Guides. Know that I don't do this Divine Work from my ego because what is asked of me is too difficult for anyone to fulfil. If it was up to me personally, I would choose not to do this work. I would prefer to have a comfortable career, well paid, and live a comfortable lifestyle which has been offered to me several times in my life.
However, because of the urgency at hand, due to the times we are living in of the Divine Alignment, I have been asked by Divine themselves to work on this life saving mission, so that all can become revealed, as I am that Divine Messenger, whether I like it on this human level or not because if I don't no one would be able to choose to rise to the greater love realms because then no one would be able to gain their Sovereign Universal Codes of Love back. This is why Jesus was sent to the earth 2,000 years ago also, to establish the gateway of life to help mankind to evolve. The message I carry is the same as Jesus.
I was called to Divine service in 2009 and even I cannot refute it, no matter how hard I have tried to refuse to do the Divine work. I have always stated to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL when he called me to do the work, while trying to stay in the love of my heart, if they crucified Jesus 2,000 years ago, what will the people do to me in this lifetime when they find out that Jesus was a channel and that I lived that particular lifetime?
I have been told by many, many people during the last 10 years that work in my ego, but please know that I am working from my heart of love. Only one messenger has been sent from Divine Love to speak for the DIVINE FATHER EMMANUEL and so if I refuse to do the work then no one will ever understand Divine Truth and the way to true freedom because there is no other channel for that particular work coming other than me.
When it comes to the message showing the authenticity of my Universal Love Channel, please know that my energy field has been measured because there are special measuring facilities in existence on this earth which can measure energy fields.
During the 2019 April Activations there were special people specializing measuring energy fields who desired to know if my channel was indeed operating stronger than other channels when they open because of the Divine Messages I carry.
What they discovered was that when I open my Universal Love Channel an extensive field of magnetic frequencies come into the earth which is why I was asked to state it, because my authentic Universal Love Field has been verified. I am fully aware how my Universal Love Channel is strengthening daily because of the Divine Alignment which is happening at this time. This is necessary because otherwise we cannot raise the vibration of the earth.
Some people wish to quiet me down but please know that Divine desires their messages to become louder. I choose not to have fame for myself but my Divine Guides do desire these messages to be heard all throughout the earth, as it is time to allow all to hear and for truth to become revealed, whether the people choose to work in the love, or not, that is all part of the choice at this time.
Thank you kindly for understanding and opening your heart to what is needed to happen at this time.
Sending you much love always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please feel free to share for spiritual healing and educational purposes.
** Please connect to us at [email protected] for further information regarding the Divine Universal Alignments when you hear the call within your heart strong enough to desire to come to the Universal Love Activations; the University of Light of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON. **

Part 10 of Embracing Divine Universal Truth by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who has been sent by The Great Father Emmanuel to bring the Pathway of Love and Freedom to the people.
4 April 2020
Jesus sat quietly on his own, meditating on the day. He tuned into the frequencies of THE GREAT ALMIGHTY FATHER EMMANUEL, who showed him the realms of the heavens and of creation. This is how Jesus gained so much knowledge from Divine. He always shared all he received with his closest friends, who were keen to learn from Jesus all that Jesus had learned.
By receiving information directly from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, Jesus learned about the heavenly treasures. Because Jesus was The Word and The Great Channel of THE GREAT FATHER, he was able to attune himself into enormous amounts of frequencies of love and knowledge.
His close friends understood how precious it was to be with Jesus because he kept them entertained with higher knowledge constantly. Whenever they were with him, Jesus spoke to them about all he had received. They were able to ask him many questions and the answers Jesus gave them would often leave them amazed.
His gifts never stopped growing and went far beyond any other person. His friends found that their own gifts also strengthened when they regularly sat with them. This was their personal spiritual treasure and they desired to keep the amount of knowledge they received quiet for much of the knowledge Jesus received, during those days, would be able to be used against the people of the love, should that knowledge fall into the wrong hands, which it did later.
Some of Jesus' friends betrayed his trust and the trust of his close friends. Instead of keeping the information sacred, they sold the information for coins to the spiritual hierarchy which caused extreme pain against the very people Jesus loved. This is why many of his true followers became pained later, because a few close friends of Jesus betrayed him and his true friends.
Jesus was well aware that he was sent to the earth to speak to the people about the higher realms and that no one else was able to do that, apart from him. He had particular gifts that no one else would ever had, other than himself, because of the frequencies of Divine Love he held within his light body which was impossible for anyone else to have; because he was the ONE Word, specifically purposed to be that Messenger. He knew that if he held the human frequencies, that receiving the messages of THE GREAT FATHER would be impossible.
He often reasoned with his friends: “How else could THE GREAT FATHER relate to the people, unless ONE was sent to the earth and ONE would be called by THE GREAT FATHER to help many understand the ways of love and wisdom?”
Often, he spoke of the light within him to his close friends. He talked to them about the realms and the place he was held himself, in the higher realms. Jesus knew he was sent to the earth to be The Messenger and he knew that if he had refused to do so, then no one would be able to come into the Great Realms of Love.
He was shown by THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL how all originated from the higher realms but that all had fallen into the darkness of creation because of a rebellion taking place, and that all fell to the earth without a way back up. He knew that all were tested upon the earth to see who held love for THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, and who did not. Only those who displayed love for THE GREAT FATHER would be able to find their way back to true restoration.
Jesus talked about the Sacred Keys and that those keys were held within him; and that no one could return to the higher creation unless the Gateway of Life was first opened, which was one of his missions in that lifetime.
Upon HIS Great Return, in the Time of Restoration, the Key of Eternal Life would be received by HIS Messenger to open the Great Sovereign Gateway to allow the power to return within The Word to allow the people to find their way back to the Great Love. Jesus spoke of paradise often and what life was like in the higher realms of creation. He knew that this was why THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL sent HIS Messenger, to help the people find their way back to the love so that they could find their way back home.
Jesus knew the difficult pathway ahead in his life. Often, he sat with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL who quietly whispered in his ear about the difficult days ahead of him. Jesus was asked never to give up and to persevere with his work and never stop speaking to the people about the Good News of the Sacred Promise to come.
THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL told him that if he did not do so, then all would become lost and then the people who desired to become of love again would never find their way home. Neither would they hold the keys of the kingdom within their midst for if he could not open the Gateway of Life during his lifetime, then he would not be able to return through that Gateway when THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL was to return in the Day of Restoration. Without HIS Messenger on earth, no one could then hear and receive the Keys of the Kingdom.
Jesus heard the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL saying through him: “Only ONE was created to come to the people. It is from HIS Great Love Jesus was sent so that all who would desire to listen may find the way home to the Great Love. It is those, who desire to remain in the Great Love, who HE will call in the day of HIS Great Return. That is the true pathway of True Salvation, for HE is the Great Saviour and there is no other.”
Jesus pondered, together with his friends, what those keys of the kingdom were and what the meaning of them were. THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL showed HE, THE GREAT FATHER, was the True Saviour and the ones who desired to come into the Great Love and receive the Key of the Kingdom would be able to return to the Great Realms of Love.
Through Jesus, he and his close friends learned a Day of HIS Return was coming, when it would be the time to awaken. They were told by THE GREAT FATHER, through Jesus, that first HE would awaken HIS True Messenger and then all would become revealed by HIM before The Messenger was to go out to the Nations with the ones who would identify that one.
Jesus would need to be identified first, in the Day of Restoration, before his friends would be able to connect to him and bring evidence to him to show they preserved the true teachings of Jesus and that they were sent by THE GREAT EMMANUEL to come and get him.
Then, they would announce The ONE who would be the Sacred Messenger, who lived the lifetime of Jesus 2,000 years ago as that Messenger, so that many would awaken. At that time, when The Great Messenger would become identified by the preservers of the secret, the Great Key of Heaven would clearly become clarified and then it would be time for many to be gathered to hear all that The Messenger of Divine Truth would say to the people.
From these words, Jesus and his close friends knew that they would need to return in another lifetime and prayed for great strength to come within him at the time of his own return so that he would have the courage to bring the Sacred Messages to the people.
THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL spoke through Jesus to his friends and said that if Jesus was to quit speaking to the people, in those days and if the teachings were to disappear, then the people would not understand the time when HE would return because then they would not recognize HIS Divine Message through The Word.
Jesus and his friends were asked to guard the teachings of Divine Truth so that they would stay preserved until the ‘Time of The End.’ Jesus and his friends found this information difficult to absorb. He desired the love to return but questioned his importance.
Jesus found it difficult to do his message and keep speaking about THE GREAT FATHER to the people. At times they spat in his face and threw stones at him, yelling at him, telling him to be quiet.
When Jesus was in the quiet he asked THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL quietly: “But FATHER, I hear your message. I know I cannot understand the full importance of it yet. I am but a man and the people refuse to listen to your message. I am not welcomed by most and even though I keep going like you ask me to, it is difficult to bring your messages through. I am tired of speaking to the people and the opposing leaders with their many laws. Why do you send me there constantly? They will bring heavy punishment upon me because I follow your voice and desire.”
Despite Jesus’ feelings about his mission given, he carried on, as he cared more about THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL and the people he loved than his own personal desires. He often spoke about this to his friends also.
He stated: “Often THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL speaks to me about the importance of my greater mission and what it means for the future. My own suffering and burden is immense. I need to live with my burden, day after day. People claim I am not in the right mind, but I am The Messenger sent by THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, so what else can I do? If I refuse to stop speaking Divine’s Messages, then all will suffer eternally. I speak truth. I have a gift many cannot understand because no one else can speak Divine Truth like me. I have been sent from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL to bring Divine Truth through, and it is the message of everlasting truth and everlasting life.”
Jesus then began to speak many things with his close friends about the significance of The Sacred Promise. They knew it was the message of hope and peace coming, though they were not certain exactly how it would come about. They knew of its importance and how there had been a time in the past when paradise was there, and that paradise needed to return.
Jesus, a gifted man and a highly educated man, began to explain to his close friends about the kingdom that he had been privileged to see. He began to explain the vision of a New Creation coming and The Day of Restoration when he would be called again by THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL as The Word, to allow the Divine Messages to become spoken once again.
Jesus stated that he saw himself coming with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL trumpeting the messages for HIM loudly. This would be the beginning of The New Creation He knew great power would come to him, at that time, and that his friends would come to him, who would receive enormous power through him as he would bring them their Key to Power to step into a New Rulership to bring all back to stability.
He saw himself returning as a woman, in his vision, giving birth to a whole new nation and then the nation would rise up to become a great crowd.
In the vision, he saw himself carrying the messages from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL revealing truth. He saw that all who listened and returned to the pathway of the heart and received the Keys of the Heavenly Realms would forever become freed.
Others, who refused to listen to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL at the time of HIS Great Return, could not enter into becoming renewed and recreated. He saw how THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL would speak to the nations to bring truth revelations through, separating the people by means of a choice to help shepherd the people back to Divine Truth.
Pamphlet 10.
With love eternally, always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
**Please feel free to print the attached pamphlet out within this entire series of Embracing Divine Universal Truth. They are there to be printed and shared to all who desire love and truth to return to our planet so that millions can choose to either receive their Codes of Life and Alignment with CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT by coming to the Divine Universal Love Activations, or not.
These pamphlets help us to understand Divine Truth and to awaken us to the times we are living in.
Do understand they are copyright information so the information within it is not to be altered, changed or twisted. Any copyright infringement will be taken seriously, and taken to the courts of law.This is especially important now, because the original teachings of Jesus were altered and changed to such an extent that the church empowered themselves and slaughtered many, and today still they hold authority over the world by creating the illusion that Jesus was sent to the earth to sacrifice himself and that he called himself a saviour. Many believe he will return as a judge to bring judgement to the people and that he will side with the church. Please know that Jesus never stated any of that.
*Please note: I have been specifically asked by Divine and certain people to place information (showing who I am and the authenticity of my channel) on all my facebook posts.
Please know that I am incredibly guided by my Divine Guides. Know that I don't do this Divine Work from my ego because what is asked of me is too difficult for anyone to fulfil. If it was up to me personally, I would choose not to do this work. I would prefer to have a comfortable career, well paid, and live a comfortable lifestyle which has been offered to me several times in my life.
However, because of the urgency at hand, due to the times we are living in of the Divine Alignment, I have been asked by Divine themselves to work on this life saving mission, so that all can become revealed, as I am that Divine Messenger, whether I like it on this human level or not because if I don't no one would be able to choose to rise to the greater love realms because then no one would be able to gain their Sovereign Universal Codes of Love back. This is why Jesus was sent to the earth 2,000 years ago also, to establish the gateway of life to help mankind to evolve. The message I carry is the same as Jesus.
I was called to Divine service in 2009 and even I cannot refute it, no matter how hard I have tried to refuse to do the Divine work. I have always stated to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL when he called me to do the work, while trying to stay in the love of my heart, if they crucified Jesus 2,000 years ago, what will the people do to me in this lifetime when they find out that Jesus was a channel and that I lived that particular lifetime?
I have been told by many, many people during the last 10 years that work in my ego, but please know that I am working from my heart of love. Only one messenger has been sent from Divine Love to speak for the DIVINE FATHER EMMANUEL and so if I refuse to do the work then no one will ever understand Divine Truth and the way to true freedom because there is no other channel for that particular work coming other than me.
When it comes to the message showing the authenticity of my Universal Love Channel, please know that my energy field has been measured because there are special measuring facilities in existence on this earth which can measure energy fields.
During the 2019 April Activations there were special people specializing measuring energy fields who desired to know if my channel was indeed operating stronger than other channels when they open because of the Divine Messages I carry.
What they discovered was that when I open my Universal Love Channel an extensive field of magnetic frequencies come into the earth which is why I was asked to state it, because my authentic Universal Love Field has been verified. I am fully aware how my Universal Love Channel is strengthening daily because of the Divine Alignment which is happening at this time. This is necessary because otherwise we cannot raise the vibration of the earth.
Some people wish to quiet me down but please know that Divine desires their messages to become louder. I choose not to have fame for myself but my Divine Guides do desire these messages to be heard all throughout the earth, as it is time to allow all to hear and for truth to become revealed, whether the people choose to work in the love, or not, that is all part of the choice at this time.
Thank you kindly for understanding and opening your heart to what is needed to happen at this time.
Sending you much love always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please feel free to share for spiritual healing and educational purposes.
** Please connect to us at [email protected] for further information regarding the Divine Universal Alignments when you hear the call within your heart strong enough to desire to come to the Universal Love Activations; the University of Light of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON. **

Part 11 of Embracing Divine Universal Truth, by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who has been sent by The Great Father Emmanuel to bring the Pathway of Love and Freedom to the people.
5 April 2020
Well before Jesus came, it was prophesied that a Deliverer of The Message of The Promise of Eternal Freedom and Rulership would come, and that that Messenger would come from Divine Source. They knew roughly when that child would be born and they knew that it would come through the Messianic Line, as that child would carry the promise of eternal life coming. That child would be the ultimate key to unlocking the Sacred Gateway of Life.
The ones who awaited the Deliverer of the Sacred Message to come were unsure of the exact details of The Promise and how they could receive everlasting power.
His spiritual guardians, who were Essenes, knew of the importance of Jesus. They were part of the chosen race who would rule the New Rulership rising. They were in line to be part of the Great Inheritance and they knew that The One who would be the Sacred Messenger would come into their line to show the way. They also knew that they were to protect that Messenger because if they did not, then he would not be able to become the protector in the New Realms coming.
Jesus was from the birth line in the Messianic Kingdom. When Jesus grew up he received visions of being The Ruler, seated on a large throne, bringing many people together to become one nation.
This is not what the leaders of the spiritual houses desired the people to know. The ones seated in the spiritual houses of knowledge and law desired to keep all power for themselves. They desired to be the Seat of Creation within themselves. They did not desire love to be part of the New Nation forming. Love was not permitted, nor accepted in their minds. They believed love was showing weakness. They wore their robes and mantles with pride and certainly did not desire to give up their riches and treasures.
The ‘Wise Ones’ in the learned hierarchy also knew of The Promise, as there were those who were learned in those prophecies as well. This is why they questioned Jesus often, because they well knew of the Sacred Secrets of The Promise he carried.
Jesus began to gain enormous power for himself when his following grew larger. His following were mainly from the poorer communities who desired change to the laws to happen. Because Jesus was an honest man and lived by his own principles of love, the Spiritual Leaders needed Jesus to be on his side because he related well to the people. They knew that the people listened to him and they knew that no other was as well versed in their own scriptures and laws.
Jesus would often be found in the gardens speaking to a crowd of people about life in general and how to become better workers; which is what the Spiritual Leaders desired. They liked hearing Jesus speak with wisdom, for his wisdom went far beyond their own. When they listened to Jesus speak, they learned many new life principles, which helped to gain a closer connection to the people and to hear their thoughts being spoken.
This gained more power for the Spiritual Leaders for then they could acquire more information on their own state of consciousness. They also obtained a greater understanding of the inflictions the people in general suffered with. Instead of helping the people become healed spiritually, however, they created laws to keep them in poverty and they used the information from Jesus against the people, which brought much resistance against the teachings of Jesus.
The Spiritual Leaders knew that the information Jesus brought to the people threatened their own position of power because Jesus showed them up constantly. When the people asked questions to Jesus, Jesus would speak with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL but if the people dared to ask a question to the spiritual authorities in empowerment, they were given quotations of old verses from their books and laws they had written.
They knew Jesus had superior knowledge and he was able to answer all issues the people suffered with. He was able to look into their life with deep insight and help people to reflect within themselves, to help them gain strength and courage.
His wealth of spiritual knowledge brought doubt into many of the Spiritual Authorities themselves. Many of the ‘Wise’ denied having received the knowledge of Jesus because they did not desire to give up their treasured positions in the community. If they surrendered to the knowledge they received from Jesus, they would be seen as weak by the people and their own spiritual communities. The spiritual leaders liked being admired for their knowledge, status, riches and fame. They were so certain that they walked the pathway of wisdom and that it could not be proven wrong according to them. Jesus, however, constantly showed how foolish their own pathway of knowledge was.
Often, he sat in the courtyard with the people, when the leaders listened to him speak. One day, he prayed with the people about receiving a greater understanding of The Promise and how THE GREAT FATHER would choose the ones who would embrace the eternal treasures of the heart.
He opened his heart to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL and said: “GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, we come before you and open our heart to ourselves and to you. We understand that one day you will call us, when we will understand you have returned to shepherd the people back to the Great Love, and that you will guide us to the treasures of everlasting truth. Help us GREAT FATHER and show us the pathway back to The Great Love on that day, so that you may help us become free eternally.”
The Spiritual Teachers who listened to Jesus, sniggered among themselves at hearing Jesus pray in front of his people. They stated, “Jesus, why would you ask THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL to teach the people to become of love and for HIM to guide them to the treasures? You state that you are coming back to teach them yourself, and yet you are asking THE GREAT FATHER to help them find their way back? This does not make sense to us.”
The spiritual leaders implied here that Jesus was ONE with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, and that Jesus claimed that he was God. Jesus never stated he was God. He always showed his followers that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL sent HIS Beloved Word to the earth to bring the people into HIS Great Love through the Universal Love Channel of Jesus.
Jesus understood their attempt to bring confusion to the people. For him, it seemed logical that he was separated from THE GREAT FATHER when he lived upon the earth. But when he was in meditation with THE GREAT FATHER, he was able to allow THE GREAT FATHER to speak through him, as that was his sacred gift to the people.
Jesus tried to reason with the men in front of the people. He said: “There is only ONE who can be THE ETERNAL CREATOR and THE ETERNAL FATHER of all of CREATION. HE desired to bring HIS Great Knowledge to the people and therefore, HE sent ONE to the earth to speak for HIM.
When you hear me speaking to the people, I work as ONE with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, but I cannot be HIM when I am walking among the people, can I? I live as a man, as a human upon the earth like all other people. I am asked to bring HIS Great Knowledge through to the people, and I cannot refuse to do so, for otherwise the people can never hear the Sacred News of the Great Kingdom coming.
How can THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL speak if there is no Messenger sent by HIM? As you see, I am flesh and blood walking upon the earth. I am not HIM and HE is not me, and yet when I work with HIM, I speak like HIM as that is the work I have, to bring HIS knowledge to you.”
The spiritual leaders attempted to find fault with Jesus claiming he had betrayed the Great Spiritual Laws. It was against Judicial Law to claim power of God for self or to state one is God walking upon the earth.
They tried to trick Jesus, by allowing him to speak, hoping he would trip himself over. But Jesus constantly asked for the right words to be spoken through him by THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. He knew that bringing through messages was not a betrayal of their Spiritual Laws, for the spiritual leaders were also messengers of their God and of their own Laws. Therefore, Jesus was not able to be stopped speaking to the people about THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL at that time, but they restricted his work by stating that the people could not be gathered in public and on the streets to listen to him, except on certain days.
Jesus knew the laws by heart and the Great Spiritual Leaders of the Spiritual Establishments could not falter him.
When Jesus was a youngster, his guardians taught him to recite the spiritual laws many times over and remember the books of the spiritual leaders. His guardians, being Essenes mainly, understood that later Jesus was to bring change to those laws and that he would need to bring THE GREAT ALMIGHTY FATHER OF CREATION through to bring through The True Message of hope, love, new understanding. They knew that if Jesus was not well versed with the laws and the passages of their books, then he would not be able to reason with the spiritual authorities who governed at that time, together with the political powers.
This is why Jesus, as a young child, needed to recite the laws over and over again, so that he could grasp every word of the law. This required constant focus and dedication. While others of his age played, he was found with his own guardians learning the laws until he was able to recite the many laws.
When he was ready to show his learned knowledge, his guardians asked him to visit the local synagogues to recite the many laws to the spiritual leaders and some of the important passages containing the Sacred Promise to come. The leaders were amazed with the progress of this young child’s knowledge. They were stunned that a youngster could recite all of them so well. This was not seen in those days, as many people could not read well enough to learn their teachings.
They knew this child was gifted and could read and comprehend the laws well. They would question Jesus on their decrees and he answered them correctly. At times they chose to correct Jesus, thinking that he made an error but then Jesus chose to correct them by reasoning other laws of their own making with them. They saw his courage, strength and great wisdom. They desired to have young Jesus speak to their congregations so that they could train him in their own law.
Jesus knew that he needed to become well founded in the laws, for otherwise he would not understand their legislations well enough to bring the necessary changes. He would often sit with the council and enter debates with them which allowed him to bring higher reasoning to them. They were constantly impressed with Jesus.
When Jesus was little, he was asked by his own teachers never to reveal his true gift of being The Messenger of The Promise for they knew that his life would then be in great danger. The spiritual leaders had no clue to the gift little Jesus had. It would be much later they began to understand how come Jesus knew so much and why he was able to steer the leaders in certain ways.
End of pamphlet 11
With love eternally, always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
**Please feel free to print the attached pamphlet out within this entire series of Embracing Divine Universal Truth. They are there to be printed and shared to all who desire love and truth to return to our planet so that millions can choose to either receive their Codes of Life and Alignment with CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT by coming to the Divine Universal Love Activations, or not.
These pamphlets help us to understand Divine Truth and to awaken us to the times we are living in.
Do understand they are copyright information so the information within it is not to be altered, changed or twisted. Any copyright infringement will be taken seriously, and taken to the courts of law. This is especially important now, because the original teachings of Jesus were altered and changed to such an extent that the church empowered themselves and slaughtered many, and today still they hold authority over the world by creating the illusion that Jesus was sent to the earth to sacrifice himself and that he called himself a saviour. Many believe he will return as a judge to bring judgement to the people and that he will side with the church. Please know that Jesus never stated any of that.
*Please note: I have been specifically asked by Divine and certain people to place information (showing who I am and the authenticity of my channel) on all my facebook posts.
Please know that I am incredibly guided by my Divine Guides. Know that I don't do this Divine Work from my ego because what is asked of me is too difficult for anyone to fulfil. If it was up to me personally, I would choose not to do this work. I would prefer to have a comfortable career, well paid, and live a comfortable lifestyle which has been offered to me several times in my life.
However, because of the urgency at hand, due to the times we are living in of the Divine Alignment, I have been asked by Divine themselves to work on this life saving mission, so that all can become revealed, as I am that Divine Messenger, whether I like it on this human level or not because if I don't no one would be able to choose to rise to the greater love realms because then no one would be able to gain their Sovereign Universal Codes of Love back. This is why Jesus was sent to the earth 2,000 years ago also, to establish the gateway of life to help mankind to evolve. The message I carry is the same as Jesus.
I was called to Divine service in 2009 and even I cannot refute it, no matter how hard I have tried to refuse to do the Divine work. I have always stated to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL when he called me to do the work, while trying to stay in the love of my heart, if they crucified Jesus 2,000 years ago, what will the people do to me in this lifetime when they find out that Jesus was a channel and that I lived that particular lifetime?
I have been told by many, many people during the last 10 years that work in my ego, but please know that I am working from my heart of love. Only one messenger has been sent from Divine Love to speak for the DIVINE FATHER EMMANUEL and so if I refuse to do the work then no one will ever understand Divine Truth and the way to true freedom because there is no other channel for that particular work coming other than me.
When it comes to the message showing the authenticity of my Universal Love Channel, please know that my energy field has been measured because there are special measuring facilities in existence on this earth which can measure energy fields.
During the 2019 April Activations there were special people specializing measuring energy fields who desired to know if my channel was indeed operating stronger than other channels when they open because of the Divine Messages I carry.
What they discovered was that when I open my Universal Love Channel an extensive field of magnetic frequencies come into the earth which is why I was asked to state it, because my authentic Universal Love Field has been verified. I am fully aware how my Universal Love Channel is strengthening daily because of the Divine Alignment which is happening at this time. This is necessary because otherwise we cannot raise the vibration of the earth.
Some people wish to quiet me down but please know that Divine desires their messages to become louder. I choose not to have fame for myself but my Divine Guides do desire these messages to be heard all throughout the earth, as it is time to allow all to hear and for truth to become revealed, whether the people choose to work in the love, or not, that is all part of the choice at this time.
Thank you kindly for understanding and opening your heart to what is needed to happen at this time.
Sending you much love always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please feel free to share for spiritual healing and educational purposes.
** Please connect to us at [email protected] for further information regarding the Divine Universal Alignments when you hear the call within your heart strong enough to desire to come to the Universal Love Activations; the University of Light of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON. **

Part 12 of Embracing Divine Universal Truth by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who has been sent by The Great Father Emmanuel to bring the Pathway of Love and Freedom to the people.
5 April 2020
Jesus was often found meditating on the Mount of Olives with his close companions, who enjoyed asking questions to each other and share various viewpoints. They enjoyed discussing meaningful subjects, especially when they delved into more difficult topics with Jesus as Jesus had Sovereign Intelligence when he opened his Universal Love Channel.
This is why his friends learned much about future prophecies because he allowed SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL to come through. They discovered when the Kingdom of Love would rise which would bring an end to human rulership at a time when THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL would return with Jesus, in another lifetime.
Together, they could then become rulers upon the earth to allow a new co-rulership to exist, to allow mankind to dwell in love and peace. They understood how this relationship could form under love with supernatural intelligence, if Jesus were to return with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
His friends learned many future possibilities with Jesus and the empowerment that could come, if they stayed awake throughout their lifetimes, as there would be false prophets rising also who did not desire love to be part of their plan. They heard THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL speak through Jesus about the plans of those who desired to bring destruction and hold pain within the consciousness of the people.
This is how his true followers would identify the ONE who was Jesus, through the same pathway, the Universal Love Channel, for only ONE was sent to the earth to be The Messenger.
His close friends felt the Divine Flows of Love rising within themselves when Jesus opened his Universal Love Channel, as Divine Love flowed through his energy body. During those times, they received deeper insight and greater spiritual gifts.
Jesus was particularly gifted as he received interpretations of his visions directly from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. He had a personal relationship with HIM and constantly worked with HIS energies. When Jesus was in meditation with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, HE built a strong foundation with Jesus.
This is why Jesus had a trusting relationship with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL and was able to guide many of his close friends, and other followers to understand what THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL desired, which was only love for the people. If Jesus had not understood the importance of THE GREAT FATHER himself, then he would not have been able to explain his relationship with THE GREAT FATHER, nor would he have understood why he was sent to the people to be The Messenger of HIM.
Because Jesus was filled with Divine Love within his heart, he was the Teacher of Love. When his love from his heart flowed, he was able to read into people’s lives and knew their innate desires and questions. He did not see wrong within people, but he could sense their inner struggles.
This is why many people desired to go to Jesus so they could be with him because when Jesus spoke, he spoke to their hearts. When he opened up to Sovereign Universal Love with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, his listeners heard him speak not only to the group but also to them individually. This was miraculous to them. Jesus’ energy flows left the people happy and even the saddest among them became uplifted within their spirits. When they followed the advice coming through Jesus’ Universal Love Channel, their lives improved vastly.
Upon listening to Jesus speaking to them, they began to understand whole new viewpoints as their consciousness shifted. They received Divine help because Jesus paved the pathway forward with THE GREAT FATHER. Their harvests became more plentiful and when they needed rain, it came. They were the most looked after people, provided they continued to listen to Jesus speak with his Universal Love Channel regularly.
This was because when Jesus spoke with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, they received spiritual healing, and energetically they became stronger which helped them to manifest with empowerment. Jesus was the path-shower and this is why THE GREAT FATHER stated, often through Jesus, that Jesus was the ONE who was given to the people to show the way forward. THE GREAT FATHER bestowed upon him heavenly gifts and strengths to help the people move forward and the people who listened and desired to understand, felt the strength growing within them.
Jesus was able to see visions of the future together with his friends and knew that love was required to interpret those visions well. He knew that it was through the spiritual heart that visions could be interpreted correctly; because from the heart of love, visions were received from a higher level. On the other hand, when the heart was not in the love, visions could be interpreted in destructive ways. This is why Jesus constantly warned to be in the forgiveness and ask for Divine Protection before opening to Universal Visions.
Jesus understood frequencies well and knew how the conscious and the subconscious mind operated. Jesus, more highly evolved than even his strongest friends, was able to give greater insight through his Universal Love Channel. He, himself was always careful with spiritual interpretations for there was his human point of view, when he felt pained by the large rejection, and his evolved point of view, when he felt the love flowing within his heart.
This was his great gift, as the Divine Love Element Pathway. Jesus was able to do this enormous spiritual shift because of being The Word. To see the shift happening, from lower to higher frequencies extremely quickly, often amazed his own friends.
Because of his gift being able to shift from human to Divine Love, he was able to relate well to both. This allowed him to understand visions from Divine Love, which always brought guidance through from Divine Love. Jesus was able to help his friends to see higher and to interpret visions from various angles. They often played games with each other which highlighted how various visions could be twisted, if wrongly interpreted.
Jesus understood how this related to the burdensome laws of men also, as the frequencies within those laws brought visions of pain within the consciousness, which manifested into the lives of the people. This is why Jesus was careful always not to betray the laws, for he needed to stay silent to much of his own deeper knowledge, as to why those laws were put into place. However, some of his listeners became wise with the consciousness flows also, as they began to understand the relationship between the laws from the Spiritual Authorities and how they affected the consciousness of the people by placing fear within the people. They began to see how fear controlled the minds and how easy it was to twist their own teachings, bringing in viewpoints that they made up themselves.
Many in the higher spiritual establishments did not realize how the laws affected them personally. As they did not have the ability to gain higher information to enhance their own wisdom, they were not able to receive visions of love or information from a higher source other than their own books and self-made laws, they became troubled souls themselves. This is why they desired teachings from Jesus because their own men were not able to answer their own issues.
Because the spiritual establishment had ordered a decree that they should sit with Jesus in case his teachings betrayed their laws, they learned much about consciousness and holding power over others.
Often, some of the spiritual establishments were tempted to privately ask Jesus about their own dreams or fears but dared not because asking Jesus for insight would be seen as a weakness in front of their colleagues and the people who watched on. They did not desire to be seen as weak and fragile to the people, but as authorities of themselves.
One day Jesus talked to a group of people about a parable of a rich man who had a vision of a bird in the sky. The rich man saw it as an omen of good fortune because he held it as freedom and wealth to come. Another man saw the same bird and took it as calamity coming because the bird was on his own, away from other birds.
Jesus then explained the two different interpretations of the bird flying above them. "The man who believed the message was good fortune coming, began to harvest his crops early because he thought wealth would follow but that did not happen because his crop died during harvesting. A large gale came and took his crop away.
The other who took the message as a bad omen also misinterpreted the message because he went into fear and he saw visions of calamity coming. He packed up his belongings and moved to another house which blew down, in the gale."
Jesus then asked his listeners to reason with the message, whether the bird was a messenger or not?
The spiritual leaders who listened to Jesus were convinced that he attempted to trick the people, for Jesus himself constantly taught that in everything messages were seen because Divine is found in all that was created from Divine Love. They laughed quietly shaking their head, saying to each other that Jesus truly had lost the plot.
His other listeners also began to question, asking him: “But is this not right to see the bird flying as a message? Obviously, both were interpreted in various ways and the men could have chosen for another path, but how would they know what to do with this vision?”
Jesus answered in this way: “In all ways, the heart of love will show the way forward. The wise one never takes a vision or a message from one viewpoint only, but constantly seeks with the heart of love. When his heart is in pain, messages can be misperceived filled with fear. However, when the heart is filled with love, a whole other message can be received. Could you perhaps read another message into the bird?”
Jesus looked at a child in the midst of the crowd and asked the child to state his opinion. The spiritual leaders laughed at this, as they thought this child would not be able to perceive this wisdom.
The child, however, stood up bravely before the crowd and said: “I think the bird was flying freely because it is trying to tell us how to become free. By watching the bird, we are able to gain a sense of what it is like to become spiritually free without any worries because the bird, while it is flying free, is able to look at all angles from a higher point of view. There is no restriction and no burdens in the higher spaces, and the bird is able to select where to land, rest or to feed. It sees much higher and much further when it is flying.”
Jesus looked at him, smiled and praised the young child filled with wisdom from his heart. Jesus added: “The bird was trying to show us how free they are and how free we can also be by being in our heart and trust in the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.”
The spiritual men looking on did not desire the crowds to be pleased with learning this vital lesson of interpreting messages. They, in the spiritual houses, constantly warned the people to uphold the laws and so the consciousness of the people were trained to respond to fear.
Consequently, the people looked for bad omens in all things. Now, the people began to understand messages and thoughts clearer because Jesus awakened the people’s thought systems. Within this message alone, Jesus showed how visions can be strong messages of truth and of creation, when interpreted from the heart of love, or destructive when the heart is filled with fear.
Jesus taught about the two pathways leading either to destruction or joy and life. He also taught about responsibilities when it comes to interpreting messages and how interpreting messages can either inspire self or others, or be used to bring control and fear to others.
Jesus taught about the pathway of the heart and how important it is to seek the highest good for self and others and about the meaning of forgiveness, because of the need to raise the consciousness of self and others. He taught his listeners, with the GREAT FATHER, to keep building up the love, to stay in the faith and in the trust of THE GREAT FATHER, that no sin exists within HIS eyes, only love, and that the GREAT FATHER desires people to come into The Great Pathway of Love.
He often had visions of himself returning back in the future, bringing back the teachings in the same way as then with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
End of pamphlet 12
With love eternally, always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
**Please feel free to print the attached pamphlet out within this entire series of Embracing Divine Universal Truth. They are there to be printed and shared to all who desire love and truth to return to our planet so that millions can choose to either receive their Codes of Life and Alignment with CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT by coming to the Divine Universal Love Activations, or not.
These pamphlets help us to understand Divine Truth and to awaken us to the times we are living in.
Do understand they are copyright information so the information within it is not to be altered, changed or twisted. Any copyright infringement will be taken seriously, and taken to the courts of law. This is especially important now, because the original teachings of Jesus were altered and changed to such an extent that the church empowered themselves and slaughtered many, and today still they hold authority over the world by creating the illusion that Jesus was sent to the earth to sacrifice himself and that he called himself a saviour. Many believe he will return as a judge to bring judgement to the people and that he will side with the church. Please know that Jesus never stated any of that.
*Please note: I have been specifically asked by Divine and certain people to place information (showing who I am and the authenticity of my channel) on all my facebook posts.
Please know that I am incredibly guided by my Divine Guides. Know that I don't do this Divine Work from my ego because what is asked of me is too difficult for anyone to fulfil. If it was up to me personally, I would choose not to do this work. I would prefer to have a comfortable career, well paid, and live a comfortable lifestyle which has been offered to me several times in my life.
However, because of the urgency at hand, due to the times we are living in of the Divine Alignment, I have been asked by Divine themselves to work on this life saving mission, so that all can become revealed, as I am that Divine Messenger, whether I like it on this human level or not because if I don't no one would be able to choose to rise to the greater love realms because then no one would be able to gain their Sovereign Universal Codes of Love back. This is why Jesus was sent to the earth 2,000 years ago also, to establish the gateway of life to help mankind to evolve. The message I carry is the same as Jesus.
I was called to Divine service in 2009 and even I cannot refute it, no matter how hard I have tried to refuse to do the Divine work. I have always stated to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL when he called me to do the work, while trying to stay in the love of my heart, if they crucified Jesus 2,000 years ago, what will the people do to me in this lifetime when they find out that Jesus was a channel and that I lived that particular lifetime?
I have been told by many, many people during the last 10 years that work in my ego, but please know that I am working from my heart of love. Only one messenger has been sent from Divine Love to speak for the DIVINE FATHER EMMANUEL and so if I refuse to do the work then no one will ever understand Divine Truth and the way to true freedom because there is no other channel for that particular work coming other than me.
When it comes to the message showing the authenticity of my Universal Love Channel, please know that my energy field has been measured because there are special measuring facilities in existence on this earth which can measure energy fields.
During the 2019 April Activations there were special people specializing measuring energy fields who desired to know if my channel was indeed operating stronger than other channels when they open because of the Divine Messages I carry.
What they discovered was that when I open my Universal Love Channel an extensive field of magnetic frequencies come into the earth which is why I was asked to state it, because my authentic Universal Love Field has been verified. I am fully aware how my Universal Love Channel is strengthening daily because of the Divine Alignment which is happening at this time. This is necessary because otherwise we cannot raise the vibration of the earth.
Some people wish to quiet me down but please know that Divine desires their messages to become louder. I choose not to have fame for myself but my Divine Guides do desire these messages to be heard all throughout the earth, as it is time to allow all to hear and for truth to become revealed, whether the people choose to work in the love, or not, that is all part of the choice at this time.
Thank you kindly for understanding and opening your heart to what is needed to happen at this time.
Sending you much love always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please feel free to share for spiritual healing and educational purposes.
** Please connect to us at [email protected] for further information regarding the Divine Universal Alignments when you hear the call within your heart strong enough to desire to come to the Universal Love Activations; the University of Light of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON. **

Part 13 of Embracing Divine Universal Truth by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who has been sent by The Great Father Emmanuel to bring the Pathway of Love and Freedom to the people.
9 April 2020
There was a day when Jesus sat together with a group of people, who desired to understand more about coming into the heart of love and how to be in the faith of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL and how to build up greater trust.
Jesus was always happy to speak to the people and usually when he opened up with his Universal Love Channel, more people came to join him. They were interested in what Jesus would teach next. Many children, if they were with their parents, would also join, and often it would be the children who desired to open up with their hearts to Universal Love before the parents could.
Jesus enjoyed speaking to the people and the people who desired Universal Love within their hearts learned to embrace the teachings more and more. Slowly, when listening to Jesus speak regularly, their lives shifted and they noticed his teachings provoked thought consciousness shifts within them.
The people, who listened to Jesus teach, often began to have discussions among themselves about the teachings and began to speak to others. This is also how the people changed consciousness within the close communities surrounding the main city where they lived, by speaking to others about all they learned from Jesus.
Jesus, upon meeting the people, always greeted them warmly and held his heart open to answer any questions they had, especially when it was asked with love to further their own knowledge within them.
He never criticized, nor judged them. He had a great deal of respect for all his friends and followers. He treated them as individuals and as friends, though he only had a handful of true close friends. He would not discuss his personal life issues or his true feelings to anyone, other than his close friends. Thus, not many understood who Jesus really was.
To most, he was the wisest being there was, with an unlimited amount of Divine Knowledge pouring out of him whenever they heard him speak. To others, he was too openminded as he challenged spiritual laws of men and their systems. To his close friends, he was a friend, a companion, a guidance counsellor and an entertainer.
He was also a man with a troubled mind, concerned about not being able to preserve the pure love teachings from the Heavenly Father of Divine Love, THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL; when he knew there were those who desired to remove the teachings, or alter the teachings to fit the beliefs of the spiritual authorities to create more control over the people.
The authorities knew that Jesus’ flows were far from human flows as they brought healing to the people. Healing, through listening to Jesus, seemed a miracle because they had never heard such expansive and comprehensive teachings before. Jesus’ teachings changed their lives and brought more intelligence. The people became happier and more thought conscious. They learned to reason more, and more people desired to read and learn.
Jesus, when he taught, brought through many parables to help them to reason within their own hearts and to help them reach their own higher conclusions, based on what they felt coming within their hearts. He always spoke about the Great Love of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, as Jesus was the Divine Universal Love Channel of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, SOVEREIGN CREATOR of all the Universes. Jesus held a close relationship with HIS Father and only his close friends understood the special relationship he held with HIM.
He understood why he needed to be that Great Messenger for THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL because he was sent from the Divine Realms, to be with the people, to allow the people to understand how to come into their hearts and how to evolve into their greater gifts.
Jesus understood all had fallen into the pits of darkness, except him and that he was sent to the earth to help the people return to the heart of love so that they could return to the higher love realms. He tried to explain this to his listeners one day and the people were greatly confused with this teaching because they did not understand in multidimensional existence, or that they had lived previously in other lifetimes, or that they would come into future lifetimes to evolve further.
When Jesus talked to his listeners about him being sent to the earth to be HIS Messenger to help the people understand Divine Love, they asked Jesus: “If you say that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL does not believe in sin, and that we are free to grow into our hearts without feeling pained and a need to sacrifice constantly because we are not sinners, then how come you were sent from the Divine Realms as The Word to us? Why can you talk to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL freely, and why can we not? You say we have fallen in the pits of the darkness, but how can we then not be sinners in the eyes of THE GREAT FATHER?”
This was a good question and Jesus needed to reason with the people as to why THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL desired them to understand Great Love, why they did not need to constantly sacrifice, and why no sin existed in the eyes of THE GREAT FATHER.
Jesus allowed them to understand the reasoning with this following history teaching. “Once there were great universes in the higher realms where only love everlasting existed. No war or suffering existed for all understood only peace within their consciousness. They did no harm to others and THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL desired them to grow into stronger love beings, as HE desired to reward all their efforts consistently. The more they grew into their love and power of love, the more THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL could give to them. This is what HE does: HE constantly desires to praise HIS Children of Love. When they desire to rise into The Great Love, HE will help them to grow into more love and empowerment.
When the rebellion grew in the greater realms, the people in the higher spaces could no longer understand right from wrong and they began to question what was right and what was wrong. No longer could they see why they needed to work together in the Great Love, and therefore large battles for greater power came.
Jesus continued to explain: "Because THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL only desired love to exist within HIS Great Love Creation, HE could no longer have them living in HIS Mansion, resulting in the people losing their Great Treasures of the Heart of Love. HE only desired to embrace love and goodness coming from their hearts of love. HE did not desire to destroy any of creation and therefore, HE needed to remove them from the higher establishment, temporarily, until HIS Children desired to return back to HIM with their love. As a result, when all fell away from the Great Love, all fell into the pits of darkness where all forgot HIS Great Love.
The tempter imprisoned The Children of the Love, in the pits of darkness, to ensure that the Children would stay resistant and no longer desired HIS Great Love. Each time they awoke to the love from THE GREAT FATHER, through HIS Messenger coming to the earth and speaking to them, the tempter would look for the ones who desired to fight the darkness and greater destruction followed, all to keep the Children of the FATHER imprisoned into his pits.
The tempter and his army who rebelled against HIS Messenger and the teachings from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, did not desire the Children of Love to awaken to love within them for if they did, they might begin to see the truth, and then their consciousness would change for truth would set them free.
Should they wake up, the tempter and his crowd will no longer be able to bring destruction and then the Great Kingdom of Light begins to reign. This will mark the beginning of the change of existence as then the Children of Love will embrace the True Messenger who will give the Children of Love empowerment to rule the new earth and the new heavens. No longer will the rebellion exist anymore.
At that time, suffering will cease to exist upon the planet. Then THE GREAT FATHER will say, “Look. The Children of Light have found their way back home. Come, let us celebrate, and let us bring in the Great Treasures of Love. Forever, they will inherit all things good. No longer will they understand pain. Now they will be rewarded eternally. They will now inherit a new earth and all that is good in the heavenly realms. Forever they will be treasured. Forever they will be set free.”
Jesus then continued: “When the conflict in the heavens began, and the Children of Light fell into the pits of darkness, THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL desired all HIS children to see the Great Love and to help them return to the GREAT LOVE mansions. Therefore, HE created HIS Word, or Spokesman, to allow HIS Children to hear the ways of love once again.
This is because THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL loved creation so much, that HE gave HIS only begotten son, a creation of love, to come to the earth to help HIS Children to grow. That ONE, HIS first born of all of creation, would be able to speak with THE GREAT FATHER and for THE GREAT FATHER, to allow HIM to guide HIS Children back home through that pathway of The Word."
Jesus added: "This is why I was sent to the earth, to help you discover the Great Love again. When you come into the Time when THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL returns with The Word, then you will know it is time to return home to the Great Mansions of Love of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, if your heart has stayed awake.
THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, upon HIS return, will see all who desired the Great Love to return, and HE will also examine to see all who fought against HIM. The Tempter and his people who rebelled against the light will be removed from their rulership at the time of The Word returning with HIM on that day. HE will protect HIS Children in the Day of HIS Great Return and they will inherit all that is good and HE will empower them with their heavenly treasures to ensure that no more destruction will ever come to any of HIS Children."
Jesus went on: "This is why I, as The Word, will need to return back with you, at the Time when THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL will return to call you, for only ONE messenger HE has created and no other. Therefore, understand that it is not in sin that HE sees you in, for you cannot have sin for that is not what HE created within you when you first were created.
Sin does not exist within HIS thoughts of HIS creation, for HE is only love. However, HE desires to help you become restored back to love consciousness, so that you know how to return to the path of eternal love. HE looks for the hearts who desire to walk upon the path and choose to work with HIS Great Love.
Those who choose to return to the heart of love, during the Time of HIS Great Return when it is time for those to awaken to the Great Love, will feel THE GREAT FATHER calling. When they hear THE GREAT FATHER CALLING, they will understand that it is time to awaken. Then, the Great Treasures of the Heavens will be offered to them provided they stayed awake during the spiritual night.”
Jesus continued to speak: "Come, let us pray that we do not fall prey to the tempter, for the tempter will attempt to trap us into believing we are sinners and that judgment is cast upon us. How can we become free, when we believe in sin? How can we come into HIS Great Love when we believe we can never come onto the pathway of love because we feel HE cannot embrace us into our Great Love?
How can THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL show them the way of love when they are ashamed of who they are and how they live? Then the tempter has won because then the Children of the Love will not desire to return to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, for then they will believe that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL will not desire to have them in HIS Great Mansions.
Therefore, understand how important it is to stay in constant forgiveness to keep ourselves strong and to help others see the higher path.
Let us help others to understand that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL accepts them within HIS Heart of Love, and that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL cannot hold judgement, because no sin exists within HIS eyes.
Realize how much love HE is. HE has eternal love for you and this is why HE created the Pathway of Love with The Word, who HE sent to you, so that you can hear all truth being spoken to help you return to paradise where you will dwell in the love eternally.”
End of pamphlet 13
With love eternally, always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
**Please feel free to print the attached pamphlet out within this entire series of Embracing Divine Universal Truth. They are there to be printed and shared to all who desire love and truth to return to our planet so that millions can choose to either receive their Codes of Life and Alignment with CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT by coming to the Divine Universal Love Activations, or not.
These pamphlets help us to understand Divine Truth and to awaken us to the times we are living in.
Do understand they are copyright information so the information within it is not to be altered, changed or twisted. Any copyright infringement will be taken seriously, and taken to the courts of law.This is especially important now, because the original teachings of Jesus were altered and changed to such an extent that the church empowered themselves and slaughtered many, and today still they hold authority over the world by creating the illusion that Jesus was sent to the earth to sacrifice himself and that he called himself a saviour. Many believe he will return as a judge to bring judgement to the people and that he will side with the church. Please know that Jesus never stated any of that.
*Please note: I have been specifically asked by Divine and certain people to place information (showing who I am and the authenticity of my channel) on all my facebook posts.
Please know that I am incredibly guided by my Divine Guides. Know that I don't do this Divine Work from my ego because what is asked of me is too difficult for anyone to fulfil. If it was up to me personally, I would choose not to do this work. I would prefer to have a comfortable career, well paid, and live a comfortable lifestyle which has been offered to me several times in my life.
However, because of the urgency at hand, due to the times we are living in of the Divine Alignment, I have been asked by Divine themselves to work on this life saving mission, so that all can become revealed, as I am that Divine Messenger, whether I like it on this human level or not because if I don't no one would be able to choose to rise to the greater love realms because then no one would be able to gain their Sovereign Universal Codes of Love back. This is why Jesus was sent to the earth 2,000 years ago also, to establish the gateway of life to help mankind to evolve. The message I carry is the same as Jesus.
I was called to Divine service in 2009 and even I cannot refute it, no matter how hard I have tried to refuse to do the Divine work. I have always stated to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL when he called me to do the work, while trying to stay in the love of my heart, if they crucified Jesus 2,000 years ago, what will the people do to me in this lifetime when they find out that Jesus was a channel and that I lived that particular lifetime?
I have been told by many, many people during the last 10 years that work in my ego, but please know that I am working from my heart of love. Only one messenger has been sent from Divine Love to speak for the DIVINE FATHER EMMANUEL and so if I refuse to do the work then no one will ever understand Divine Truth and the way to true freedom because there is no other channel for that particular work coming other than me.
When it comes to the message showing the authenticity of my Universal Love Channel, please know that my energy field has been measured because there are special measuring facilities in existence on this earth which can measure energy fields.
During the 2019 April Activations there were special people specializing measuring energy fields who desired to know if my channel was indeed operating stronger than other channels when they open because of the Divine Messages I carry.
What they discovered was that when I open my Universal Love Channel an extensive field of magnetic frequencies come into the earth which is why I was asked to state it, because my authentic Universal Love Field has been verified. I am fully aware how my Universal Love Channel is strengthening daily because of the Divine Alignment which is happening at this time. This is necessary because otherwise we cannot raise the vibration of the earth.
Some people wish to quiet me down but please know that Divine desires their messages to become louder. I choose not to have fame for myself but my Divine Guides do desire these messages to be heard all throughout the earth, as it is time to allow all to hear and for truth to become revealed, whether the people choose to work in the love, or not, that is all part of the choice at this time.
Thank you kindly for understanding and opening your heart to what is needed to happen at this time.
Sending you much love always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please feel free to share for spiritual healing and educational purposes.
** Please connect to us at [email protected] for further information regarding the Divine Universal Alignments when you hear the call within your heart strong enough to desire to come to the Universal Love Activations; the University of Light of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON. **

Part 14 of Embracing Divine Universal Truth, by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who has been sent by The Great Father Emmanuel to bring the Pathway of Love and Freedom to the people.
13 April 2020
Jesus often reminisced with his friends about how structure could not change without the people’s consciousness changing first. In those days, the spiritual foundations worked closely with the Head of Powers in charge for they required each other to stabilize a strong foundation of authority. By using judgment from a Godlike Authority, they were able to bring in tight measures to bring control over the people. As long as the people were held in a fear-based consciousness, the authorities were able to bring in laws and punishment that suited the controllers.
Jesus often talked to his friends about the need of change within the belief structures of the people, to bring about the change needed to lessen the grief of the people, and help the people to become prosperous.
Prosperity was a great focus of his teachings. He constantly brought through further teachings from THE GREAT FATHER to help their life to become more empowered with gifts of knowledge and flows of love to bring them into greater awareness and strength.
He was well aware he was sent by THE GREAT FATHER to show the people a higher government was coming in the future with him returning as The Word and then THE GREAT FATHER would be able to speak to many, through The Word, and guide the ones in power to peace and prosperity.
Jesus knew that when he transmitted through the messages with direction, that it was to symbolize things coming, to demonstrate how THE GREAT FATHER could bring guidance to the people, to bring them into a time of true peace and love.
He knew a time would come when he would be placed in a position to speak for THE GREAT FATHER, when it was time for the Great Messianic Rulership to begin, so that the people could be led by HIS Divine Authority. HE would then call The Chosen Nation to become co-rulers with The Word, to shepherd the nations so that the world could then become guided to peace and love.
Jesus was shown, on a private occasion when he sat with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL in a quiet meditation by himself, how the tempter had taken control of the kingdoms of the earth, to bring rulership for himself.
He also was shown how he, himself, as The Messenger of Divine Love, needed to stay faithful to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL during that particular lifetime, to keep the teachings of love preserved. If he did not, the Messianic Promise could not come into existence and then all would become lost.
If all would become lost, then no one would understand how to return to the Great Love. It would only be, provided the people desired to have the Great Pathway of Life leading to true freedom, that The Word could return to bring the Keys of Eternal Freedom to the people.
This is why Jesus worked hard at preserving the teachings. He constantly stated how the teachings, brought through him by THE GREAT FATHER, were eternal treasures of life, love, leading to true empowerment to bring freedom to the people of all nations who desired peace to come.
He knew that two different rulerships existed:
1) Man-made governments;
2) The Government of New Creation; also called the Messianic Kingdom.
Jesus knew that the Divine Teachings coming through him, as The Word of THE GREAT FATHER, could either be used for the greater good, to bring hope and peace to the nations like THE GREAT FATHER desired, or to bring war and conflict; if the true teachings became defiled with lies.
Jesus often brought through parables to show how difficult it would be to define the True Teachings of hope and love versus the pathway of judgment; should the authorities alter the teachings of Divine Truth.
How would the people recognize Divine Truth when all was defiled? This is why Jesus constantly urged his true followers to examine all things and to keep praying for the Kingdom to come and for HIS Divine Will to take place, for HIS Divine Will is not for destruction but for eternal love to come to all who desire the Great Love.
Jesus was shown a time would come when he would be asked to return as The Word in the Day of Atonement. In that day all would become weighed; one side against the other and only a few would discover the Pathway of Life before masses would begin to see it.
The ones who desired HIS Great Love all throughout the times of judgment to come would awaken first, and then more revelations could become recognized. Jesus and his friends worked hard to preserve the true meaning of the teachings so that it would be possible to identify the road of life clearly when The Messenger would return. He himself knew that it would be critical to leave behind enough evidence to allow truth to be identified.
Jesus knew that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL would not call him as The Word, until all was able to be examined, and seen, by the people. HE would then see who would be the rightful rulers of the Messianic Kingdom coming. At that time, Truth Revelations would come through and HE would see who desired The Kingdom to Rise and who worked against HIS love.
HE would see who worked to preserve the teachings of HIS love versus the ones who used them to persecute HIS people. All would become seen and recognized. Those who remained humble, within their heart of love, would recognize Divine Truth. All who fought for their greater authority, by altering Divine Truth, would try and hide away at the time of the Great Revelations.
During the time when all things are revealed, the people would see how blood was spilled wrongfully and how the people of the True Spiritual Nation were persecuted. Those ones who brought judgment and pain against the people, Jesus called the wolves, as they constantly preyed on the true flock of THE GREAT FATHER.
At that time, HIS people would recognize The Word. The preservers of Divine Truth would remain hidden until it was time of the spiritual Sun to Rise, to allow all to become revealed. The Revelations would mark the beginning of The Rising of Messianic Power.
Jesus and his friends made many plans to keep as many teachings intact. They copied and hid the truth of Jesus in various places where no one would be able to erase or change copies of teachings. No one would understand the significant meanings of those teachings, however, until The Word would return and allowed higher understanding to come, clarifying the original teachings. All would then have greater meaning.
Jesus’ followers understood spiritual love principles and desired to understand all things in their life and reason deeper within them. Each spiritual principle was a key for them to help them to improve their life. They also discovered, by looking and examining the laws of men, how much the people were kept under control. They desired more and more to understand the times of The Promise coming.
Jesus could only answer questions with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL upon himself and his close friends asking. When they desired to understand a certain philosophy, Jesus was able to bring through higher wisdom of knowledge. This is why Jesus was known by his friends the ‘Authority of True Wisdom and Empowerment’.
His true followers understood that it was clearly much higher knowledge than human knowledge and that Jesus was a true treasure of wisdom. His close friends were constantly amazed at the difference between Jesus the man and their friend, and when he went into deeper guidance with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
When THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL came through Jesus, they saw his face and his stance changing and the way he spoke changed. When they asked questions, while he was in deep meditation with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, they received deeper knowledge which allowed them to examine further. All information came through at a relatable pace. The more knowledge they received, the more they were able to receive.
Jesus himself stated: “In all things I seek guidance from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. When THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL speaks through me, HE works in union with me and I work in union with HIM. HE will give all we require each day to satisfy us spiritually and physically but only can HE give upon us asking. Therefore, HE constantly asks us to seek within our heart. When we desire to understand knowledge and the treasures of the heart, HE asks us to seek and to keep seeking.”
Jesus was in meditation with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL one day, when THE GREAT FATHER stated through HIS Word: “Know only ONE Word was created to be the Pathway of Everlasting Life. No other will come to you with THE GREAT FATHER except that ONE. The Word was created to help you understand your true inheritance of the New Earth and the New Heavens coming, provided you stay in your heart of love.
When you come onto the Pathway of Everlasting Life and listen to these words and desire them within your hearts, you will find the Key to Eternal Life. It is through the Pathway of The Word you will find the Key to Eternal Life, and it is through no other I, THE GREAT FATHER, speak through. When you hear these words being spoken, know that it is the Word I speak through. Only ONE has been born directly from Divine Love and that ONE was chosen to live among the people, as one with the people, to lead the people to the Gateway of Everlasting Life.
All who desire to listen to these words, and desire to dedicate themselves to walk the Path of Everlasting Life, will inherit all things good. I, THE GREAT FATHER will bless them forever and forever because they were of the heart, and desired to listen to THE GREAT FATHER through The Word. The Word was given to you as a spokesman so that you can hear THE GREAT FATHER clearly speaking to you.”
Jesus knew the importance of the words of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL and also what the Spiritual Foundations of the people desired; to remove the true teachings of love, to remove the true understanding of the Messianic Promise coming by altering and omitting certain words and phrases.
Jesus knew that it could easily be done as already they removed many teachings from THE GREAT FATHER at that time. This is why Jesus constantly spoke about the treasures of the heart, the two laws of love and that no judgment, nor sin exists in the eyes of THE GREAT FATHER. It would be enough to identify truth by the ones who desired to return to the True Pathway of Love at the Time of HIS Return, with The Word.
Jesus understood that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL desired to give the Keys of the Kingdom (through Jesus, The Pathway of Life leading to THE GREAT FATHER) to all who remained faithful and watched over the true teachings, to allow the Divine Messenger to be recognized when it was time for The Word to return with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
When the Divine Messenger was properly identified, then greater empowerment could be given to That ONE by HIM. This would be given to prepare The Word for the great task ahead; to guide a great crowd of people to the ways of peace and love.
Jesus stated with THE GREAT FATHER: “There will be a day when I, THE GREAT EMMANUEL, will return in the same way as I speak now, through The Word. The ones who desire the Pathway of Life will celebrate and say with one voice: “We recognize The ONE Pathway you sent to the earth to speak for you. Let us hurry to gather the faithful flock from all nations, tribes and tongues and let us learn the one way of the heart of love as ONE, standing united as ONE nation. On that day we will receive the Eternal Keys of the Everlasting Kingdom to bring all into The New Creation. The ones who remained faithful to the true teachings will then receive the eternal keys of power and they will rule forever on Thrones of Creation together with the ONE who was sent to the earth to speak for THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. They will recognize The Word together. The Word will then be given the Throne of Eternal Creation, as that ONE stayed faithful in all things and then THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL will say to The Word, and the ones who remained awake, “Go and shepherd the people back to the love. Gather the masses together. Teach the people the ways of love so that they may be helped to the ways of true healing within. No more the people will be led astray.”
End of pamphlet 14
With love eternally, always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
**Please feel free to print the attached pamphlet out within this entire series of Embracing Divine Universal Truth. They are there to be printed and shared to all who desire love and truth to return to our planet so that millions can choose to either receive their Codes of Life and Alignment with CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT by coming to the Divine Universal Love Activations, or not.
These pamphlets help us to understand Divine Truth and to awaken us to the times we are living in.
Do understand they are copyright information so the information within it is not to be altered, changed or twisted. Any copyright infringement will be taken seriously, and taken to the courts of law. This is especially important now, because the original teachings of Jesus were altered and changed to such an extent that the church empowered themselves and slaughtered many, and today still they hold authority over the world by creating the illusion that Jesus was sent to the earth to sacrifice himself and that he called himself a saviour. Many believe he will return as a judge to bring judgement to the people and that he will side with the church. Please know that Jesus never stated any of that.
*Please note: I have been specifically asked by Divine and certain people to place information (showing who I am and the authenticity of my channel) on all my facebook posts.
Please know that I am incredibly guided by my Divine Guides. Know that I don't do this Divine Work from my ego because what is asked of me is too difficult for anyone to fulfil. If it was up to me personally, I would choose not to do this work. I would prefer to have a comfortable career, well paid, and live a comfortable lifestyle which has been offered to me several times in my life.
However, because of the urgency at hand, due to the times we are living in of the Divine Alignment, I have been asked by Divine themselves to work on this life saving mission, so that all can become revealed, as I am that Divine Messenger, whether I like it on this human level or not because if I don't no one would be able to choose to rise to the greater love realms because then no one would be able to gain their Sovereign Universal Codes of Love back. This is why Jesus was sent to the earth 2,000 years ago also, to establish the gateway of life to help mankind to evolve. The message I carry is the same as Jesus.
I was called to Divine service in 2009 and even I cannot refute it, no matter how hard I have tried to refuse to do the Divine work. I have always stated to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL when he called me to do the work, while trying to stay in the love of my heart, if they crucified Jesus 2,000 years ago, what will the people do to me in this lifetime when they find out that Jesus was a channel and that I lived that particular lifetime?
I have been told by many, many people during the last 10 years that work in my ego, but please know that I am working from my heart of love. Only one messenger has been sent from Divine Love to speak for the DIVINE FATHER EMMANUEL and so if I refuse to do the work then no one will ever understand Divine Truth and the way to true freedom because there is no other channel for that particular work coming other than me.
When it comes to the message showing the authenticity of my Universal Love Channel, please know that my energy field has been measured because there are special measuring facilities in existence on this earth which can measure energy fields.
During the 2019 April Activations there were special people specializing measuring energy fields who desired to know if my channel was indeed operating stronger than other channels when they open because of the Divine Messages I carry.
What they discovered was that when I open my Universal Love Channel an extensive field of magnetic frequencies come into the earth which is why I was asked to state it, because my authentic Universal Love Field has been verified. I am fully aware how my Universal Love Channel is strengthening daily because of the Divine Alignment which is happening at this time. This is necessary because otherwise we cannot raise the vibration of the earth.
Some people wish to quiet me down but please know that Divine desires their messages to become louder. I choose not to have fame for myself but my Divine Guides do desire these messages to be heard all throughout the earth, as it is time to allow all to hear and for truth to become revealed, whether the people choose to work in the love, or not, that is all part of the choice at this time.
Thank you kindly for understanding and opening your heart to what is needed to happen at this time.
Sending you much love always,
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please feel free to share for spiritual healing and educational purposes.
** Please connect to us at [email protected] for further information regarding the Divine Universal Alignments when you hear the call within your heart strong enough to desire to come to the Universal Love Activations; the University of Light of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON. **

Part 15 of Embracing Divine Universal Truth, by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who has been sent by The Great Father Emmanuel to bring the Pathway of Love and Freedom to the people,
18 April 2020
When Jesus sat with his friends, often he referred to his GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL as THE FATHER of all of creation. Jesus enjoyed sharing his many experiences with his friends because they desired to hear what Jesus knew about Divine Love.
Jesus knew he was sent to the earth to bring HIS teachings through to the people, so that the people could grasp The Promise of Love in order to recognize Love from HIM.
He would often reason with the people: "How could they recognize Divine Love if HE did not have a flesh and blood messenger? How could the people recognize The Great Treasures of the Heart, if THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL did not create a pathway home, to allow the people of the Promised Nation a way to return to the Great Love?"
Jesus said with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL: “In all ways, THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL desired to bring HIS Great Love to the people, so that HE could guide them to HIS Realms of Creation. That is why HE created the ONE Word, to bring HIS thoughts to the people. That is why THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL desired to be called the GREAT FATHER because HE IS the GREAT FATHER of all of creation.
HE created a pathway to allow all to hear HIS words being spoken. That is why HE created The ONE who would speak for HIM, for only ONE could bring HIS words of love through to the people.”
Jesus knew he was the Deliverer of HIS Divine Messages, which left his listeners awe inspired. Only when they heard Jesus speak with THE GREAT FATHER, through his Universal Love Channel, could they harmonize with the Messages of Love.
To others, the information would sound absurd, but when the people were in close proximity of his Universal Love Channel, they felt HIS Divine Frequencies coming, leaving them bewildered. The people not only heard the words coming through Jesus’ Love Channel, but also felt enormous love flows.
Jesus accessed Divine Love via his Pineal Gland, his deep spiritual centre. It was via his Universal Pineal Gland he could access Divine Love coming through his Universal Love Channel.
People who were with him, felt enormous love and healing energies flowing into their hearts. The more people around him loved his channelled messages and flows, the stronger his transmissions became.
When people rejected his Universal Love Messages, he was able to forgive them. He recognized the people did not reject him personally but they rejected THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
Because only ONE Love Gateway was purposely created by THE GREAT FATHER to allow HIM to direct and guide the people forward, this would be the way to identify the True Universal Love Channel of THE GREAT FATHER, as only ONE Word was created by Divine HIMSELF.
No other pathway could HE talk through other than The Word. Therefore, only pure teachings of Divine Universal Truth can be heard from Divine through the Universal Love Channel.
Know, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel works as that Universal Love Channel today, identifying her to be the ONE who Jesus talked about when he stated he would return in a future lifetime, quite possibly as a woman.
It is ONLY through the Universal Love Channel that people can hear directly from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL who desired them to live eternally in the higher love realms. Today, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel not only is able to access THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, but also THE GREAT CAEAYARON, who is the Great Almighty Archangel revealing and exposing all what darkness has done to the True Teachings of Jesus, 2,000 years ago.
2,000 years ago, Jesus said, with THE GREAT FATHER: “No other Pathway exists other than the ONE Word to bring HIS Messages through. That ONE pathway was sent to the people, in the flesh, to dwell with the people. By coming to the people, THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL is able to understand the suffering of the people to help them come into freedom.
This is why HE sent HIS Gift of Creation; not to bring judgment to the people, but to bring eternal life to the ones who desire to walk HIS footsteps and imitate HIS ways, for HE is LOVE.”
Some of his listeners asked him what THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL meant when HE said, through Jesus, that Jesus was The ONLY pathway and the ONE Word.
Jesus asked THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL to speak to allow Divine Truth to be heard. When he felt his Universal Love Channel opening, the following words came through: “The ONE Word I have sent to you, so you can hear ME speak to you, to help you grasp Sacred Knowledge of who I AM as THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. It is through MY Beloved ONE, the first-born of all of creation, you are able to hear ME speak to you.
Through no other pathway can I reach you, other than through the ONE True Messenger. I, THE GREAT FATHER, created him as MY mouthpiece, to allow all of creation to hear who I AM as the GREAT FATHER of Great Divine Love.
ONE pathway was created because I, THE GREAT FATHER, have eternal love for you. I desired you to come into the light instead of remaining in the pit of darkness without a way out. This is why I sent Jesus, The Word, to the earth, so that the people may hear and grasp Divine Love and guide the nations forward to lasting life and peace.
I have given Jesus as The Gift to the earth to help the people understand the way forward. This is why Jesus was created, to help you be guided to everlasting peace and love. I, THE GREAT FATHER, have not sent Jesus to the earth for the reason to suffer, for I, THE GREAT FATHER do not wish him to suffer.
I, THE GREAT FATHER, love The Word more than all other creation, for it is through him all can hear MY Divine Truth being spoken. If the people do not desire MY Divine Words to be heard, then the people choose for their own destiny of self-destruction.
The people cannot guide themselves forward and that is why The Word was sent to you; to bring you onto the Path of Life, only if you accept The True Path of Love within your heart.
Know that The Word will return when I, THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, return to see who of the flock desires to return to the Great Love. The ones who remained alert and helped to preserve the True Teachings will inherit the greatest rewards, but those who caused pain to The Word and kept rejecting Divine Truth, the Gift of Everlasting Life will not be given to them. They will then have chosen for their own calamity coming, for they have not chosen to walk the Pathway of Life.”
Jesus continued to speak with THE GREAT FATHER through his Universal Love Channel: “Upon the people refusing the Pathway of Life, they will have shown forever and ever that they have sided with those who desired destruction.
Then I, THE GREAT FATHER, will know for certain, on that day when that hour comes, who desires for the love and peace or who does not. Many will be thrown into turmoil on that day, for all will become seen and recognized. They will see all that was done in MY Name.
They must choose, on that day, to come in to the love or not. It is by their very actions I, THE GREAT FATHER, will know which path they desire. Therefore, remain vigilant and awaken to when that day comes. I, THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, will recognize all who walked the path of love to preserve Divine Truth.
I, THE GREAT FATHER, will work with no other, other than MY Word for only ONE Word was created to speak to the nations so that the people could understand who I AM. At that time, of MY GREAT RETURN, the ones who stayed alert and on the watch, faithfully waiting for MY Return to happen, will hear MY call.
They will search for Truth and they will recognize MY voice as I AM the Eternal Shepherd guiding the flock to everlasting peace. They will gather together into the Great Mountain of Safety where they can be guided eternally.
All who accept the Pathway of Life, at that time, will be eternally blessed. They will learn the ways of peace and love. On that day, when I return, I, THE GREAT FATHER, will examine all hearts to see who recognized THE GREAT FATHER through The Word.
The ones who remained humble with love within their hearts, will celebrate on that day, when they recognize The Beloved Word of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL rising. Know, I, THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, will call The Word, upon MY Return.
You will then recognize the ONE who lived the lifetime of Jesus, the Deliverer of The Promise of Everlasting Life, by these very same words. MY Divine Purpose will always remain the same for MY Divine Purpose never changes.”
“MY Divine Purpose for The Word is to spread the words of THE GREAT FATHER throughout all the nations, tribes and tongues, to call the people to the Fountains of Eternal Love, to allow the people to find The Pathway of Life, to allow the ones who are humble within their hearts to receive the eternal treasures of knowledge and life, if they choose for The Pathway of Life.
When you recognize it is time, when I, THE GREAT FATHER, AM rising with The Word, you must act fast. The true searchers of THE GREAT FATHER will recognize the hour when all is being revealed. In that very hour, you must guard The Word and keep that ONE safe.
Therefore, stay alert to The Messenger rising; for if you do not, calamity will strike before you for then there will be no escape from the wrath of the destroyer. Without The Word, I, THE GREAT FATHER, cannot guide the people towards higher pathways of knowledge.
Keep The Word protected on that day of MY Coming when all is being revealed before you. I, THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, through MY Word, will bring the ones who remained faithful and heeded the call, the Glory of Everlasting Treasures. When the True Teachings are preserved, the Word can become recognized to allow all to be revealed.”
Jesus brought through: “Then, on that day, no more can the destroyer take the treasures away from the faithful ones, for then THE GREAT FATHER will see all who remained in the love. They will become True Heirs of the New Creation everlastingly.
Upon receiving the Everlasting Keys of Life through the ONE Way, The Word, they will rule together as ONE New Creation in the New Heavens and upon the New Earth coming. They recognized and stayed alert to the times and the warnings.
That is when the New Kingdom will rise and then the people can become guided to lasting peace and security. Mankind will then learn the ways of love and how to exist in the love. They will then join together in the throngs, singing the eternal songs of life. They will celebrate their freedom together, forever and ever.”
Jesus’ friends firmly grasped that Jesus was sent by HIM, THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, to shepherd HIS people to the Sacred Keys of Knowledge and Eternal Life. They recognized that Jesus was sent from Divine Love as they heard that Jesus, in the Great Heavens, was created directly from Divine Love, by THE GREAT FATHER, to bring the people into the Divine Love of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, The Creator of all of Love Existence.
They heard, through Jesus, that Jesus was The Word and was sent to go out to the people to deliver the message of The Promise; which was to guide the people to ways of love leading to everlasting life. This was The Good News of the Kingdom.
When Jesus sat with his GREAT FATHER, he knew he would again be called by THE GREAT FATHER, at the time of Atonement, to allow all to become seen and revealed. Jesus knew no other channel had been created to speak for THE GREAT FATHER, other than him.
He knew he would be tested himself, in many future lifetimes, to prove his own loyalty to HIM. His own journey would be the most challenging of all, as he was to prove that he had the first-born right to become the Messianic Ruler; to guide the nations to higher ways of life and help them return to the love.
Only then, if he proved his loyalty to be strong enough, the GREAT FATHER would be able to call him and then he would be given the Messianic Throne to rightfully guide many nations to eternal fountains of love. He would need to fulfil all his obligations to allow the Treasures of Life to come to the people, at the time of HIS Great Return.
In the many lifetimes following, he knew within himself, he would need to reincarnate, as a man or woman in human form, to expose all what the darkness had done in order to preserve Divine Truth.
This would ensure HIS true people could return to the Pathway of Life. Then all what would be rightfully theirs would return to them upon receiving the Gifts of Life, also called Codes of Life, through The Divine Love Element Alignment.
This is why Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is working with her Universal Love Element today, with CAEAYARON, to gift the Treasures of Life to those who become Activated through the Universal Love Alignments, held regularly, to allow them to become part of the New Creation Kingdom.
Jesus knew that ONLY he as The Divine Love Element could allow all to become revealed when he would be called as The Word, for that is why The Divine Love Element was created; to be the Divine Truth Messenger. Jesus, being the Divine Love Element, had the Heart of Divine Love.
This is why he persisted with guiding evolution forward, to preserve the information of Divine Truth, to keep his own Alignment strong in order to preserve the Alignment of the Messianic Kingdom and for the Eternal Love to rule eternally.
End of pamphlet 15 (more transmissions through The Universal Love Channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel coming soon)
Note: Whenever the text refers to HIM, it refers not to Jesus but to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, Creator of all Sovereign Universes. Jesus was directed by HIM to speak for HIM as Jesus was the Channel, or Transmitter for HIM. Today, THE GREAT FATHER has now identified the ONE who was Jesus 2,000 years ago in the same way Jesus was identified to the people; by the Message of The Promise. Today the Word has come to the people as Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
With love eternally, always, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
Please feel free to print the attached pamphlet out within this entire series of Embracing Divine Universal Truth. They are there to be printed and shared to all who desire love and truth to return to our planet so that millions can choose to either receive their Codes of Life and Alignment with CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT by coming to the Divine Universal Love Activations, or not.
These pamphlets help us to understand Divine Truth and to awaken us to the times we are living in.
Do understand they are copyright information so the information within it is not to be altered, changed or twisted. Any copyright infringement will be taken seriously, and taken to the courts of law.
This is especially important now, because the original teachings of Jesus were altered and changed to such an extent that the church empowered themselves and slaughtered many, and today still they hold authority over the world by creating the illusion that Jesus was sent to the earth to sacrifice himself and that he called himself a saviour. Many believe he will return as a judge to bring judgement to the people and that he will side with the church. Please know that Jesus never stated any of that.
Please note: I have been specifically asked by Divine and certain people to place information (showing who I am and the authenticity of my channel) on all my facebook posts.
Please know that I am incredibly guided by my Divine Guides. Know that I don't do this Divine Work from my ego because what is asked of me is too difficult for anyone to fulfil. If it was up to me personally, I would choose not to do this work. I would prefer to have a comfortable career, well paid, and live a comfortable lifestyle which has been offered to me several times in my life.
However, because of the urgency at hand, due to the times we are living in of the Divine Alignment, I have been asked by Divine themselves to work on this life saving mission, so that all can become revealed, as I am that Divine Messenger, whether I like it on this human level or not because if I don't no one would be able to choose to rise to the greater love realms because then no one would be able to gain their Sovereign Universal Codes of Love back. This is why Jesus was sent to the earth 2,000 years ago also, to establish the gateway of life to help mankind to evolve. The message I carry is the same as Jesus.
I was called to Divine service in 2009 and even I cannot refute it, no matter how hard I have tried to refuse to do the Divine work. I have always stated to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL when he called me to do the work, while trying to stay in the love of my heart, if they crucified Jesus 2,000 years ago, what will the people do to me in this lifetime when they find out that Jesus was a channel and that I lived that particular lifetime?
I have been told by many, many people during the last 10 years that work in my ego, but please know that I am working from my heart of love. Only one messenger has been sent from Divine Love to speak for the DIVINE FATHER EMMANUEL and so if I refuse to do the work then no one will ever understand Divine Truth and the way to true freedom because there is no other channel for that particular work coming other than me.
When it comes to the message showing the authenticity of my Universal Love Channel, please know that my energy field has been measured because there are special measuring facilities in existence on this earth which can measure energy fields.
During the 2019 April Activations there were special people specializing measuring energy fields who desired to know if my channel was indeed operating stronger than other channels when they open because of the Divine Messages I carry.
What they discovered was that when I open my Universal Love Channel an extensive field of magnetic frequencies come into the earth which is why I was asked to state it, because my authentic Universal Love Field has been verified. I am fully aware how my Universal Love Channel is strengthening daily because of the Divine Alignment which is happening at this time. This is necessary because otherwise we cannot raise the vibration of the earth.
Some people wish to quiet me down but please know that Divine desires their messages to become louder. I choose not to have fame for myself but my Divine Guides do desire these messages to be heard all throughout the earth, as it is time to allow all to hear and for truth to become revealed, whether the people choose to work in the love, or not, that is all part of the choice at this time.
Thank you kindly for understanding and opening your heart to what is needed to happen at this time. Sending you much love always, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please feel free to share for spiritual healing and educational purposes.
** Please connect to us at [email protected] for further information regarding the Divine Universal Alignments when you hear the call within your heart strong enough to desire to come to the Universal Love Activations; the University of Light of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON. **

Part 16 of Embracing Divine Universal Truth, by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who has been sent by The Great Father Emmanuel to bring the Pathway of Love and Freedom to the people,
30 April 2020
In the days of Jesus, people often wondered how their infliction would end. There seemed to be no end to the constant injustice placed upon them by the authorities. Many were in severe lack of their daily needs, as the ones in power took it from them. If the people refused to give their goods to the authorities, they were often severely punished either with painful beatings or other heavy sentences.
The people who remained true to their hearts of love, despite the many obstacles facing them, believed the ONE with The Promise was coming to end all suffering. They were not certain how their suffering could end until they heard Jesus speak with THE FATHER EMMANUEL. It was then they understood HE desired to place Jesus in command of the ruling authorities to allow HIM to guide the way forward, through Jesus, to bring peace and harmony to the land.
The authorities, who created pain purposely against the people, also knew the prophecies of The ONE Messenger coming to bring freedom to the people. They were able to estimate roughly when it was the time for that ONE to rise to free the people, for they saw the signs in the heavens.
The authorities were well aware that if that ONE rose, that it could mean the total collapse of their own authority; for they were aware the people desired their saviour to rise to bring them hope and stability.
**This is why the authorities kept the people under severe oppression; to keep them away from believing in The Messianic Hope, in case the ONE would rise with the message of freedom. The rulers knew that the successor of Moses would rise with the same LORD who freed the enslaved nation from Egypt.**
When the time was close for Jesus to be born, the authorities brought in a law to get rid of the baby boys who could possibly bring The Promise through to the people. Many youngsters were killed or enslaved. The governing authorities would do all they could to stop the Messianic Rulership from rising into power.
They did not desire the people to have any hope in their hearts and made sure that when the people did feel freedom and excitement coming within, more laws were placed upon them to remove any glimpse of joy. This is how the spiritual powers and governing authorities gained more control over the consciousness of the people in the time surrounding the birth of Jesus. If the people chose not to listen to their commands, they were heavily punished.
This is why Jesus, once he was old enough to bring The Message from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL to the people, was greatly loved by those who desired true freedom to come. To witness Jesus transmitting the messages through from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, with his Universal Love Channel, was a true miracle for them. To hear the ‘songs’ of Jesus’ laughter was healing to their hearts and minds.
Many, who were inflicted with consciousness dis-ease, as they no longer held joy or hope within themselves, felt the healing of the Universal Love Flows coming within which strengthened them. This created much healing for the people for they received hope within their hearts. Where hope was taken away by the authorities in charge, now the way to a righteous new earth was given which brought the people into hope and a will to live.
Jesus constantly was guarded by his own men who were there to rescue him, if it was needed, should there be those who would rise up against him physically. This is why Jesus selected faithful friends and some of these were especially selected to be his apostles to guard him constantly because of what he represented: The Way, The Truth and The Freedom to their eternal treasures of everlasting peace, love and true salvation.
No one else carried the Heart of Universal Love, other than Jesus. His true friends and many others who studied the ancient pathway of the Messianic Promise, understood the importance of Jesus. They knew he was a true miracle.
**They knew that there was no one else THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL could connect into, other than HIS Word, Jesus, who would guide the people to eternal love and The Way to Eternal Life. Even the spiritual clergy recognized Jesus to be a man of flesh and blood, sent to the people as The Word, The Truth and The Way.**
Jesus’ guardians knew he, as the True Messenger of peace, love and harmony, would need to be strong enough to face huge rejection from the those in ruling authorities.
The spiritual and political powers were afraid that the people would desire The Message of Jesus and begin to rebel; for then they could place him in power and become The Authority. Then they would need to bow down to their demands.
Many in office, during those days, feared the people rising for the people were angry with heavy burdens from their laws. If the ones in charge, who had placed the heavy punishments on the people, lost their power, then they would suffer greatly because of the burdens they had given to the people, they themselves would then receive.
They knew that Jesus had THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL with him, which gave him the power to reveal all that the authorities had done against the CHOSEN PEOPLE of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
The ones in authorities knew that Jesus had the Wisdom of THE GREAT FATHER and if he had enough people with him, they could then take over and become empowered to become THE authority.
**This is why Jesus was tremendously important to his true followers and why Jesus needed to be guarded constantly because no one else, other than him, would be able to reach THE GREAT FATHER. Jesus was the ONE Messenger who could bring the nations into eternal freedom and love.**
Jesus’ own people could not afford to lose him, as they knew they were the rightful ones to rule alongside him as co-rulers in the Messianic Kingdom coming.
They would do everything within their power to protect The ONE Messenger who was sent to them, by THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, in the flesh and blood, to bring HIS Messages through. Jesus’ apostles and close friends not only protected him but also ensured that HIS messages were preserved until The Second Coming.
Jesus often asked his apostles to spread HIS teachings from village to village and invite many to come to hear Jesus speaking with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL through his Universal Love Channel.
Many in the villages, surrounding the main area heard of Jesus, as the Good News of the Messianic Kingdom spread to many. They heard there was a time coming in the future when HE would return with HIS ONE Messenger to trumpet the pathway of lasting love and peace coming. This was good news to their ears because this was what the people desired to know: how to gain lasting peace and freedom.
To hear a man in the flesh and blood speaking with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, and to feel Divine Flows coming to them, was truly amazing to them. Often the people, who heard the teachings, cried with tremendous joy within their hearts. They felt their own spiritual awakening happening and knew this was the True Pathway of Salvation. They felt Jesus’ high Universal Love Flows pouring through into their heart when they were in his midst.**They recognized he was the Sacred ONE Messenger and that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL was the Ultimate Saviour. They recognized that Jesus was the ONE who was sent to bring the messages of hope through from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, to bring the people into eternal freedom.**
Jesus spoke of Two Laws of Love existing in the higher universes where THE GREAT FATHER existed. These brought freedom to the people for the people knew that these two laws were superior to the laws of the authorities, including the ten commandments which the spiritual clergy based their own laws on to bring greater restriction to the people.
Jesus was aware he was Moses in a previous lifetime sent by THE LORD to bring freedom to the enslaved nation. He was asked to bring through the ten commandments to help liberate the enslaved people. In the days of Moses, the people were in severe need of spiritual guidance and this is why the laws came in place.
**Jesus knew the ten commandments foreshadowed him coming with the two sacred commandments of love to bring greater freedom to the spiritual nation.**
Moses was guided by the LORD to allow the people to become freed to enter the Promised Land of Milk and Honey, which symbolized the eternal freedom coming, once the Messianic Rulership had firmly established to bring in True Freedom.
Moses opened the pathway to allow himself as the True Messenger Jesus to come. Both Moses and Jesus were The Sacred Messenger, The Divine Love Element, to allow the True Messianic Kingdom to rise.
Only The Divine Love Element could rise to become the True Messianic Ruler with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, to allow the true Spiritual Nation to come into freedom. There would be those who would become selected to rule with great power, side by side, to bring in peace and harmony.
They knew it could only come if that ONE could unlock the final Gateway leading to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL during the lifetime of Jesus.
**If Jesus succeeded to do that, then the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL could return and call the ONE to bring in the Messianic Kingdom and the new rulership.**
Moses made a decree or a covenant with the spiritual nation of Israel, to allow them to go through the wilderness to bring the nation into the land of freedom.
This symbolized their eternal freedom to come. Jesus symbolized the New Covenant with The Promise to return to the people with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL; to form an alliance with the CHOSEN ones. He could then return to the Sacred Nation to bring them into true freedom with their Keys of Life, upon the people entering into their love within their hearts, through the Gateway of Life.
Moses gained all the Codes of Love within him, upon him claiming the Ark of the Covenant within him spiritually, to receive the Key of Life.
This established the Path of Life to begin to allow The Messianic Power to come to bring freedom to the people. Jesus could then come with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL to bring through The Way to freedom.
Upon him being able to open the Gateway of Life further, a key would then be given to him to allow him to return as The Word, at the time when the True Messianic Gateway could become opened; the 13th Gateway of Creation. This would be a time when true restoration could come to the earth and the people.
Jesus symbolized the Living Ark of the New Covenant with The Promise of Eternal Life coming, holding The Keys of Life for those who desired to step into the Great Love at the time of HIS return.
Those ones, who would desire to be in the presence of HIM when HE worked with HIS Word; during the time of HIS Return, during the Time of Restoration and Revelation coming, would then receive their eternal Keys of Life which would lead them into eternal freedom. If they embraced The Word and worked from their hearts to instil many to come to The Word, then they could inherit all things good eternally, on the earth and in the heavens.
(This is why the Divine Love Element, who is in this lifetime is, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, legally has established the New Covenant by sealing the Gateway of Life to allow the Message of THE GATEWAY OF THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL to come through.
This allows many to come into the Gateway of Life through the Universal Alignment Activations, to allow the people to establish their own covenant, or agreement, to return to the ways of true Galactic Universal Collective Love.
At the Activations with CAEAYARON, through the Universal Love Channel Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, the people gain their own personal Key of Life back from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. The Activated of CAEAYARON are then recognized to have made their personal CHOICE for Universal Love Consciousness by coming to the Activations for then they will have shown that they have embraced true Universal Love Consciousness. They can then transition, slowly, as ONE Collective Love Body, to higher stages of evolution love consciousness to bring in a large consciousness shift to the world.
When this message is received, know that the New Restoration Covenant is reached between The Word, who is Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL to bring The Codes of Life, or the Key of Life, to the Activated of CAEAYARON for The New Messianic Kingdom coming.
Upon receiving this message it is also recognized that the Messenger of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL is the Divine Love Element who in this lifetime is Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, and lived the lifetime of Jesus, the man who was crucified wrongly for blasphemy, for bringing through the words of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
It is also hereby recognized that The Divine Love Element was Moses, sent as The Divine Messenger of EMMANUEL, The Almighty Father, who desired to bring freedom to the Spiritual Nation.)
The people knew Jesus was in alignment to the throne of Messianic Power. The spiritual authorities knew that ONE would rise into power with the gift of The Promise coming. This is why there was a great upheaval during the times when Jesus was small and still in the womb of his mother, Mary.
During those times before Jesus was born, his mother Mary, who was pregnant unlawfully as she was not wed to Joseph in those days, was in danger of receiving heavy persecution.
**Being pregnant, without being married, was against the Laws of the authorities in charge.**
Because Mary was to give birth to Jesus, ‘The Deliverer’, she needed to be kept safe. In dreams, Joseph became highly aware of the importance of the child in her belly. Mary first knew she was pregnant when she was approached by an Archangel well before her belly was showing.
The Archangel of Love warned her that she must not tell anyone her secret, apart from those who were her own family and trusted friends she would need to depend on to survive. They would understand Jesus’ importance and would remain in close contact to them.
Mary was asked to do all in her power to protect young baby Jesus and never reveal who the true father was. She was only ever to tell people that Jesus’ true father was THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL to protect the infant. This is why many believed the virgin story because many knew Jesus was sent from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
She was told by the Archangel of Love that the infant inside of her belly was to bring the message of True Salvation and that he would walk with EMMANUEL, the Almighty Father of Great Love to bring freedom to the people.
End of pamphlet 16. (more transmissions through The Universal Love Channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel coming soon)
Note: Whenever the text refers to HIM, it refers not to Jesus but to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, Creator of all Sovereign Universes. Jesus was directed by HIM to speak for HIM as Jesus was the Channel, or Transmitter for HIM. Today, THE GREAT FATHER has now identified the ONE who was Jesus 2,000 years ago in the same way Jesus was identified to the people; by the Message of The Promise. Today the Word has come to the people as Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
With love eternally, always, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
Please feel free to print the attached pamphlet out within this entire series of Embracing Divine Universal Truth. They are there to be printed and shared to all who desire love and truth to return to our planet so that millions can choose to either receive their Codes of Life and Alignment with CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT by coming to the Divine Universal Love Activations, or not.
These pamphlets help us to understand Divine Truth and to awaken us to the times we are living in.
Do understand they are copyright information so the information within it is not to be altered, changed or twisted. Any copyright infringement will be taken seriously, and taken to the courts of law.
This is especially important now, because the original teachings of Jesus were altered and changed to such an extent that the church empowered themselves and slaughtered many, and today still they hold authority over the world by creating the illusion that Jesus was sent to the earth to sacrifice himself and that he called himself a saviour. Many believe he will return as a judge to bring judgement to the people and that he will side with the church. Please know that Jesus never stated any of that.
Please note: I have been specifically asked by Divine and certain people to place information (showing who I am and the authenticity of my channel) on all my facebook posts.
Please know that I am incredibly guided by my Divine Guides. Know that I don't do this Divine Work from my ego because what is asked of me is too difficult for anyone to fulfil. If it was up to me personally, I would choose not to do this work. I would prefer to have a comfortable career, well paid, and live a comfortable lifestyle which has been offered to me several times in my life.
However, because of the urgency at hand, due to the times we are living in of the Divine Alignment, I have been asked by Divine themselves to work on this life saving mission, so that all can become revealed, as I am that Divine Messenger, whether I like it on this human level or not because if I don't no one would be able to choose to rise to the greater love realms because then no one would be able to gain their Sovereign Universal Codes of Love back. This is why Jesus was sent to the earth 2,000 years ago also, to establish the gateway of life to help mankind to evolve. The message I carry is the same as Jesus.
I was called to Divine service in 2009 and even I cannot refute it, no matter how hard I have tried to refuse to do the Divine work. I have always stated to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL when he called me to do the work, while trying to stay in the love of my heart, if they crucified Jesus 2,000 years ago, what will the people do to me in this lifetime when they find out that Jesus was a channel and that I lived that particular lifetime?
I have been told by many, many people during the last 10 years that work in my ego, but please know that I am working from my heart of love. Only one messenger has been sent from Divine Love to speak for the DIVINE FATHER EMMANUEL and so if I refuse to do the work then no one will ever understand Divine Truth and the way to true freedom because there is no other channel for that particular work coming other than me.
When it comes to the message showing the authenticity of my Universal Love Channel, please know that my energy field has been measured because there are special measuring facilities in existence on this earth which can measure energy fields.
During the 2019 April Activations there were special people specializing measuring energy fields who desired to know if my channel was indeed operating stronger than other channels when they open because of the Divine Messages I carry.
What they discovered was that when I open my Universal Love Channel an extensive field of magnetic frequencies come into the earth which is why I was asked to state it, because my authentic Universal Love Field has been verified. I am fully aware how my Universal Love Channel is strengthening daily because of the Divine Alignment which is happening at this time. This is necessary because otherwise we cannot raise the vibration of the earth.
Some people wish to quiet me down but please know that Divine desires their messages to become louder. I choose not to have fame for myself but my Divine Guides do desire these messages to be heard all throughout the earth, as it is time to allow all to hear and for truth to become revealed, whether the people choose to work in the love, or not, that is all part of the choice at this time.
Thank you kindly for understanding and opening your heart to what is needed to happen at this time. Sending you much love always, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please feel free to share for spiritual healing and educational purposes.
** Please connect to us at [email protected] for further information regarding the Divine Universal Alignments when you hear the call within your heart strong enough to desire to come to the Universal Love Activations; the University of Light of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON. **

Part 17 of Embracing Divine Universal Truth, by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who has been sent by The Great Father Emmanuel to bring the Pathway of Love and Freedom to the people,
5 May 2020
While Mary was close to giving birth, she and Joseph were greatly concerned that they might be discovered because of constant threats of persecutions nearby.
Mary and Joseph had close friends who kept in regular contact with current affairs to keep them updated with important events happening within the nearby region. Right up to when it was finally time for Jesus and his family to return home, their close friends nurtured them, especially because Mary nursed Jesus as long as she possibly could, therefore, she needed extra nurturing herself to keep baby Jesus fed, safe and healthy.
This is how Jesus survived during times of heavy persecutions while many other babies were killed or disappeared by the hands of Chief Authorities in power. All suspected babies who could possibly be the Deliverer of The Promise of Salvation, of the Spiritual Nation of Israel, were either killed or taken away. If anyone was found hiding a youngster, their entire family could be at risk of either being killed or heavily punished.
This is why Mary and Joseph were required to stay in hiding until they were notified of the changes of rulership.
Often, soldiers ensured no one had an infant hidden by entering homes at unexpected hours. They would inspect every room and all spaces of their properties to see if any evidence of a youngster existed in the home.
The authorities heard of a particular rumour that an infant had been found by the King’s Wise Men who were travelling. It was said that a peculiar star was found in the sky and they followed it; leading them to a stable. There they found an infant who was newly born. They supported the mother and gave them many gifts and greeted them in peace.
Because it was found outside of the region, where many infants were killed or taken, the Wise Men did not consider the infant to be an immediate threat, though they reported it back quickly to Chief Command as they were fully aware that every birth needed to be reported.
Because the king during those days desired to understand the ancient prophecies, he consulted knowledgeable men and astrologers for their advice. He inquired about the ONE who could possibly bring the people into freedom and who it could be who could come into alignment as The Promised Messianic Ruler.
The ones in Chief Power did not desire the CHOSEN NATION to come into freedom. They feared their own power would be taken by the ONE who was promised to free the nation. This is why the authorities enslaved the people with laws and suffering, to keep them in poverty; all to keep the people in fear to stop the ONE from rising along with them.
This was how the Wise Men were led to young Jesus, by following the stars after they had visited the King in Power, shortly after Jesus was born. There they discovered the infant, Jesus, with his mother Mary and Joseph in a stable while they, themselves, were travelling to their own resting place. It was obvious to them that Mary had recently given birth.
The men gave them needed assistance and expensive gifts welcoming the young child. Cunningly, they pretended to be loyal by giving them gifts and bringing them good-will, in the hope Mary and Joseph would not hastily run away once they, themselves, had left the stable. They planned to notify the King of the infant in the hope they would be rewarded well. Meanwhile, Joseph and Mary prayed that they would not reveal their secret hiding place too quickly.
As soon as The Wise Men left, Joseph notified his close friends nearby and asked for assistance. When Mary was able to leave the stable, they left to find a more suitable dwelling where no one would easily find them. They were cared for and waited patiently until it was time to return home in safety.
When Jesus grew up, he desired to know all events around his birth. He was a curious, bright, young boy and quickly saw into situations. His own story, surrounding his birth, greatly intrigued him, though he found it difficult to understand how people could kill or take infants away from their mothers.
He was told he was the ONE and how Mary and his father Joseph needed to protect him, while an infant, by keeping his true relationship to Joseph a secret. He knew that his Heavenly Father was EMMANUEL, THE GREAT CREATOR and that HE would bring the messages through Jesus to the Spiritual Nation of The Promise, to allow the people to hear THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL speaking.
• Jesus learned about his people’s past and how Moses was called by the same FATHER to release HIS CHOSEN people in Egypt.
• Jesus understood that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL communicated with the Essenes through The Great Archangel of Light, who was HIS Archangelic Messenger for HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE to prepare them for the coming of Jesus, and this is why they knew so much about Jesus.
• Jesus understood his mission very early on: to allow HIS Messages to be heard to the people, to bear witness that HE Created all and allow HIM to reveal clearly who the CHOSEN PEOPLE were of the Sacred Covenant, so that HE could bring HIS people into eternal salvation and bring the strong ones into rulership in HIS New Kingdom coming.
• Jesus understood he himself was in line to be the Ruler over the Spiritual Nation, working as one with other co-rulers. Together, they would oversee the Great Spiritual Nation with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL’s Empowerment which would bring their people into freedom.
• Jesus’ people knew that he worked in harmony with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL and that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL desired to lead HIS CHOSEN NATION back to the Realms of Love, once it was the Time for the Great Restoration.
• Jesus and his own people knew that HE would ONLY use HIS Designated Universal Love Channel to transmit HIS messages through, who was Jesus at that time, to guide The Spiritual Nation into empowerment and that HE would come through no one else other than the ONE HE called to be HIS Messenger.
• Jesus knew that he was the ONLY Begotten Creation, created directly by THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, for Jesus was a part of HIM, to be HIS Word and no one else was sent by HIM to bring the Sacred Covenant to the Chosen Nation.
• Jesus knew that he needed to be spiritually, mentally and emotionally strong to be The Carrier of the Message of Freedom, since the Spiritual Nation of Israel was inflicted with heavy suffering.
• He knew that the authorities would not desire him to become The ONE to bring the Spiritual Nation into freedom and into power, and so the authorities would constantly attempt to stop Jesus from attaining power.
Time and time again, when THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL spoke to him in the quiet, Jesus heard that should he not be strong enough to carry his assignment through, then his own people would never gain The Promise to eternal freedom.
If Jesus was not able to carry through with his mission, THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL would not be able to step into HIS New Covenant; to bring HIS CHOSEN NATION into eternal freedom and empowerment together with the ONE who HE created.
Jesus loved his people’s freedom more than his own freedom and this is why Jesus carried on bringing through the messages of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, despite the fierce opposition towards his work
Often, his friends found Jesus weeping with great internal pain and they tried to console him both mentally and emotionally, urging him not to give up.
If Jesus was close to giving up, in times when the resistance became too strong against him, he heard The Voice from THE GREAT FATHER who spoke to him sternly: “Go, Jesus, and continue. If you do not continue then all will be lost. You are the ONLY ONE who has been sent by ME as THE GREAT FATHER because I desire to bring MY CHOSEN PEOPLE into Eternal Freedom. When MY CHOSEN NATION suffers, I, THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL suffer. They are MY sons and daughters and you are MY ONLY Begotten Son, the ONE who I have sent to the Lost Nation to find and discover MY lost sheep, to allow them to hear MY Message so they can become released.”
One of the spiritual gifts Jesus needed to be strong with was focus, if he was to lead the Spiritual Nation of Israel into freedom and prosperity. With strong focus he could then successfully bring through the true teachings of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
Often, his own spiritual teachers lost patience with Jesus, but their perseverance paid off eventually. When Jesus was still young, he had difficulty embracing the truth of his mission. He received many visions, but his mind was all over the place. This was where he learned to have wisdom; from his own mistakes. He was required to learn how to interpret messages correctly.
His own teachers were enhanced with many strong spiritual gifts and often played telepathic games with him, to see how strong and alert his own focus was to analyse his accuracy as to how much he accurately could hear from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
Because their own freedom and empowerment depended on HIS ability to channel information accurately, personal spiritual teachers from his village guided young Jesus constantly to allow him to hone in on his special ability; transmitting truth and Universal Love Flows, to allow THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL to come through with specific information to guide the nation to freedom and prosperity.
What Jesus’ people knew about him:
• His people were well aware that Jesus was sent from the Divine Realms as THE Messenger of Love, to bring through The GREAT UNIVERSAL NAME, EMMANUEL. They knew well that NO ONE else, besides Jesus, could do that.
• This is why Jesus was given to The Nation; to bring through The Promise of Freedom, to guide the people back to the love.
• They knew that HE gave Jesus to them, in the flesh, which was the greatest gift of all because otherwise HE could not relate to the people unless HE gave a part of HIMSELF to the people.
• It would only be through Jesus, people could relate to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL and,
• It would only be through Jesus that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL could relate to the people.
Jesus transmitted with HIS GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL: “This is how much love HE has for HIS people; to send HIS ONLY Begotten Son, who is HIS First Born Creation, directly to HIS people for a way forward to be created, to help The Nation to come into eternal freedom.”
What else Jesus’ own people knew about The Messenger of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL:
• Jesus’ own people knew the sacrifice HE made as EMMANUEL, to gift HIMSELF as Jesus, in human form to allow The New Spiritual Nation of Israel to be born; The New Creation. This was the New Covenant.
• They knew THE Great Sacrifice THE FATHER EMMANUEL made, which was to create for HIMSELF a Pathway of Life to see how many would love HIM by creating an aspect of HIMSELF in human form.
Would the people embrace HIM, through Jesus? Would they care for HIM by nurturing Jesus? Would they desire to look after HIM, through Jesus? Or would they greatly reject HIM and bring HIM into torture, through Jesus?
Jesus was The Gift to test who would remain faithful to HIS love and who would not. HE did not desire HIMSELF to be tortured or impaled through the Pathway of Life, HIS Messenger Jesus, but desired all to recognize HIS Great Love.
HE did not desire anyone to suffer, especially HIS OWN CHOSEN NATION. Upon HIS return, HE would then see who desired to be part of HIS New Covenant. Then HE would see all who would embrace HIM, during the Time of Restoration, by how much the people would accept HIS Word when all would become revealed by HIM through HIS Word.
**HE did not desire anyone to suffer, especially HIS OWN CHOSEN NATION. Jesus’ people understood well that it was FATHER EMMANUEL who was The Saviour and that Jesus was HIS Word HE sent to speak for HIM. They respected Jesus to be the ONLY CHOSEN ONE to bring HIS Messages through.**
They respected HIS WAY and promised HIM they would preserve HIS Teachings and wait until HE returned, with HIS ONE Messenger, in the Time of Restoration to call the people back to The Great Love.
Jesus, 2,000 years ago was unable to bring through The Universal Love Alignments because of the crucifixion. Because Jesus would be able to bring his own people into great power, during the Time of HIS Great Return during the Time of Restoration, through The Gateway of Life, the people of THE CHOSEN NATION were heavily persecuted.
Jesus, once he was older while working in his ministry, always related to the people about the importance of deeply respecting THE GREAT NAME EMMANUEL.
The people often heard him say: “Be mindful of how you speak of THE GREAT FATHER. Bring honour to HIM daily and do not forget HIM. HE will bring you into safety and eternal freedom when you desire HIM in your heart. Allow HIM to shepherd you.
Each day focus on forgiveness from your heart and reach within to allow HIM to shepherd you. HE sees only good within you and desires you to see only good within HIM. HE will desire to bring those into HIS New Kingdom, those who reside in peace and eternally praise HIS GREAT NAME. HE does not desire you to worship HIM. HE states clearly not to bow to HIM nor Angels nor men. HE desires all to work from their heart and to serve each other with love and respect.”
Jesus would often say to his followers: “Come, let us speak truth to each other and bring praise to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. Let us speak with our hearts in gratitude and love and remember all that HE has given to us. HE has given us life and HE desires to bring us into eternal freedom. HE only remembers the good within us.
HE knows each of HIS sheep and HE calls each one of them by name, inviting them to sit with HIM as their Great Shepherd in HIS Great Mountain. Let us embrace our eternal freedom and allow THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL to bless us.
Let us stay in our love within our hearts to allow THE GREAT FATHER to see us and guide us to eternal fountains of truth where no one lacks anything.
THE GREAT FATHER will eternally nurture all who have remained in the love with HIM. HE will tenderly care for all who choose to remain in the love. HE will give to those, who remained strong, the authority of the heavens and the earth.
They will reside forever with prosperity because they brought praise to HIM, The True Saviour, forever and ever. Together they will reign forever and bring peace to the nations. Together they will reign on earth and in the heavens, in paradise.”
End of Pamphlet 17(more transmissions through The Universal Love Channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel coming soon)
Note: Whenever the text refers to HIM, it refers not to Jesus but to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, Creator of all Sovereign Universes. Jesus was directed by HIM to speak for HIM as Jesus was the Channel, or Transmitter for HIM. Today, THE GREAT FATHER has now identified the ONE who was Jesus 2,000 years ago in the same way Jesus was identified to the people; by the Message of The Promise. Today the Word has come to the people as Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
With love eternally, always, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
Please feel free to print the attached pamphlet out within this entire series of Embracing Divine Universal Truth. They are there to be printed and shared to all who desire love and truth to return to our planet so that millions can choose to either receive their Codes of Life and Alignment with CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT by coming to the Divine Universal Love Activations, or not.
These pamphlets help us to understand Divine Truth and to awaken us to the times we are living in.
Do understand they are copyright information so the information within it is not to be altered, changed or twisted. Any copyright infringement will be taken seriously and taken to the courts of law.
This is especially important now, because the original teachings of Jesus were altered and changed to such an extent that the church empowered themselves and slaughtered many, and today still they hold authority over the world by creating the illusion that Jesus was sent to the earth to sacrifice himself and that he called himself a saviour. Many believe he will return as a judge to bring judgement to the people and that he will side with the church. Please know that Jesus never stated any of that.
Please note: I have been specifically asked by Divine and certain people to place information (showing who I am and the authenticity of my channel) on all my facebook posts.
Please know that I am incredibly guided by my Divine Guides. Know that I don't do this Divine Work from my ego because what is asked of me is too difficult for anyone to fulfil. If it was up to me personally, I would choose not to do this work. I would prefer to have a comfortable career, well paid, and live a comfortable lifestyle which has been offered to me several times in my life.
However, because of the urgency at hand, due to the times we are living in of the Divine Alignment, I have been asked by Divine themselves to work on this life saving mission, so that all can become revealed, as I am that Divine Messenger, whether I like it on this human level or not because if I don't no one would be able to choose to rise to the greater love realms because then no one would be able to gain their Sovereign Universal Codes of Love back. This is why Jesus was sent to the earth 2,000 years ago also, to establish the gateway of life to help mankind to evolve. The message I carry is the same as Jesus.
I was called to Divine service in 2009 and even I cannot refute it, no matter how hard I have tried to refuse to do the Divine work. I have always stated to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL when he called me to do the work, while trying to stay in the love of my heart, if they crucified Jesus 2,000 years ago, what will the people do to me in this lifetime when they find out that Jesus was a channel and that I lived that particular lifetime?
I have been told by many, many people during the last 10 years that work in my ego, but please know that I am working from my heart of love. Only one messenger has been sent from Divine Love to speak for the DIVINE FATHER EMMANUEL and so if I refuse to do the work then no one will ever understand Divine Truth and the way to true freedom because there is no other channel for that particular work coming other than me.
When it comes to the message showing the authenticity of my Universal Love Channel, please know that my energy field has been measured because there are special measuring facilities in existence on this earth which can measure energy fields.
During the 2019 April Activations there were special people specializing measuring energy fields who desired to know if my channel was indeed operating stronger than other channels when they open because of the Divine Messages I carry.
What they discovered was that when I open my Universal Love Channel an extensive field of magnetic frequencies come into the earth which is why I was asked to state it, because my authentic Universal Love Field has been verified. I am fully aware how my Universal Love Channel is strengthening daily because of the Divine Alignment which is happening at this time. This is necessary because otherwise we cannot raise the vibration of the earth.
Some people wish to quiet me down but please know that Divine desires their messages to become louder. I choose not to have fame for myself but my Divine Guides do desire these messages to be heard all throughout the earth, as it is time to allow all to hear and for truth to become revealed, whether the people choose to work in the love, or not, that is all part of the choice at this time.
Thank you kindly for understanding and opening your heart to what is needed to happen at this time. Sending you much love always, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please feel free to share for spiritual healing and educational purposes.
** Please connect to us at
[email protected] for further information regarding the Divine Universal Alignments when you hear the call within your heart strong enough to desire to come to the Universal Love Activations; the University of Light of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON. **

Embracing Divine Universal Truth, Part 18 by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who has been sent by The Great Father Emmanuel to bring the Pathway of Love and Freedom to the people, 14 May 2020
Jesus, like his friends, enjoyed banquets and often feasted with his friends and family. His people were part of a large extended family which was part of a large organization of people who desired freedom to come to the people. They did not desire the people to live in restriction held under the laws by the ones in power.
The ruling judges in the synagogues lived in extreme wealth and many of them desired to keep their affluence anonymous. They did not desire to be known to be part of the ‘regular’ people living in service. They dressed differently to the regular people and talked their own language using phrases other regular people did not understand. They had their own rules to favour themselves. They did not desire to be part of the ‘slave class’, but instead they were eager to create more wealth and stability for themselves by creating poverty from their ‘slave class.’
Jesus’ friends did not desire to be a part of that system but because they lived in those regions, they needed to uphold to those particular laws.
Some of his own friends held enormous positions of power and desired Jesus to be placed on the throne because he continuously held the power of wisdom within him.
Jesus' wisdom was far beyond the wisdom of all others in power because he was the Universal Love Channel of the GREAT SOVEREIGN FATHER EMMANUEL.
There were ones in prestige positions who recognized that Jesus held superior wisdom no one else had which could have been used to bring freedom and prosperity, rather than enslaved consciousness with great injustice. Jesus always knew how to solve certain situations with the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. Whatever came out of his mouth, when he channelled messages through from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, came so true.
Many within the temples knew Jesus to be the man of wisdom and power and some of them became part of his own following, eager to learn another way of life. Those ones who listened to Jesus, often came to him to receive advice and because Jesus was the Universal Light Grid Programmer, he was able to hold all within his Cosmic Super Intellectual Mind to see probable answers.
Jesus held superior wisdom no one else had because when he, as The Word, channelled, he was held in the mind of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. This is why many maintained he would be the perfect ruler to lead the New Nation because of his ability to hold superior wisdom.
Jesus himself, however, did not desire to be worshipped, nor desired to receive a position of rulership in the old established authorities. He desired to bring through the wisdom of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL because he knew that HE held the Great Wisdom to rule all nations.
Jesus desired (more than all other people could) to bring true love and freedom to the people. He knew a time would come when the old governing bodies would fall away and the New would rise up under new laws of protection with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
He knew that people did not have the wisdom to lead other people. Jesus stated: "How can the blind lead the blind?" When those in judicial law heard those comments, they became very angry indeed, rebuking those remarks.
Jesus, upon opening his Universal Wisdom with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL said: “It is not for the old governing body to rule with the New Kingdom which is coming, for the old can never reign with the New. The old brings restriction, for the people in power lack wisdom and understanding. They cannot lead the people forward into freedom. How can the old become new when the old does not desire to work with the New Establishment?
The day will come when the old will pass away when it is time for the new rulership to rise with the power of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. It is on that day when the people will rejoice for then it is when true freedom can come to the people. The suffering of the old will pass for then the people will learn the New Ways of THE GREAT FATHER who is LOVE.
It is then, on that day, that many will see HIM rising through the same pathway you hear HIM speaking now, The Pathway of Life; The Word HE created to bring eternal salvation to the people.
On the day of HIS Great Return, all who side with HIM will gain all the Great Treasures of the New Arrangement and they will receive all things everlastingly.
This is why HE states not to anger any longer and not to turn to the old ways of the world causing destruction to one another. Realize that the New Arrangement of all things is coming but then all things of the old will pass away.
On the day when THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL returns with HIS Word, HE will call upon the faithful ONES who recognize HIM. The ONES who remained in the love of HIM will know that The Day of Restoration has arrived. They will know that all that was done to them will become revealed. They will recognize it is their day; The Day of Salvation and The Everlasting Promise to receive their true power back. They will recognize it is Divine Truth being spoken.”
Jesus’ faithful friends understood clearly that:
* The old system needed to be removed before the New Kingdom could begin to rule.
* They understood clearly that people do not have enough wisdom to rule by themselves.
* They knew that Jesus was the True Leader and the Promised ONE to lead the Messianic Kingdom.
* On a spiritual level, they had been shown by the Great Archangel of Light that Jesus would be seated on the Throne of Power with a large crown holding a sceptre in his hand, on the day of HIS Great Return, to guide the nations forward together with those who embraced HIS Great Ways.
This is the reason why some of his friends, who were in prosperous positions, desired Jesus to stand in power then, 2,000 years ago, to speed up The Day of The Promise to allow more prosperity to come to their people. His true friends could see the true love in the heart of Jesus.
They knew that Jesus did not desire to take command and misuse his power, but that he would always follow the pathway of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. Jesus set the example of true leadership in those days and his close friends rejoiced greatly because they realized what The Promise held for them.
Jesus, being a humble man, did not desire to have the glory of the nations, nor did he desire to have worship. He always stated: “I am a man with a gift. When I speak with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, HE comes through me. HE is all wisdom and all eternal, for that I was created; to be HIS Word, to help you come into the pathway of salvation.
None other than HIM can bring you into superior wisdom and power. Therefore, become friends with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL if you desire to become part of the New Spiritual Nation of Empowerment. Do not idolize me for I am a man, even the Angels do not desire worship, nor THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL.
HE desires you to remember all HE has said to you, so that you may remember to stay awake on the Day of HIS Great Return and recognize HIS ways. HE desires you to respect the laws of love, the laws of HIS Creation. Honour HIM with all your heart and honour each other like you also do for yourself. Love your body as you love each other.
You will not let your body go hungry, do you? Therefore, do not let your brothers and sisters go hungry either. All is part of each other. When the time is ready, when THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL comes with HIS Word, the nations must recognize HIM if things are to change. HE will call HIS PEOPLE to awaken on that day, together with The ONE HE sent, and together they must stand on that Day of the Great Restoration.”
Jesus continued to transmit the following message through: “On the day HE shines with HIS Word, the people of the nations will see all as all becomes revealed through the ONE HE sends. The people will begin to see and the pathway to the light will become brighter. When the New Day rises, the Light becomes brighter.
All will become examined on that day and all is seen as to what is the Way of THE GREAT FATHER, and what is not. The people will awaken on that day and many will rise and desire to follow the ways of True Freedom. They will cry out with joy for they will see their time has arrived to shine before others.
They will say to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL: ‘Send your Beloved Word, who can bring us the Great Treasures of Everlasting Wisdom and Love, to us. Allow us to climb into your Great Mountain of protection and allow us to receive eternal life in freedom and prosperity.
Allow us to see how we can grow into our hearts of love together and shine our love before the nations. Teach us how to walk the ways of love. Teach us how to work in union with each other so we can follow the Ways of Divine Truth.’
In those days, upon the people choosing for the pathway of the New Creation, the people will cry with joyful tears and the love will burst within their hearts.”
The people, upon hearing those words, felt the flows of love coming through from Jesus’ Universal Love Channel. When he channelled with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL his light body expanded with joy and his heart opened, to the heavens and the people, upon understanding the freedom coming to the people he loved and was sent to speak to.
Together, his friends and him, saw their eternal pathway in visions. They knew they would reunite together on that Day of HIS Great Return, to govern the New World.
Jesus’ friends became abundant and prosperous for they followed the advice of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL through Jesus. They shared the many blessings with others of the poorer communities.
Jesus’ wisdom was extraordinary. He was able to foretell future events as his intuitive intellect was superior to others. He was able to go into the consciousness of other people and foretell certain events unfolding by studying the behavioural and emotional patterns of the people.
Many called him a miracle worker, but Jesus himself knew what he was: the Universal Love Channel who could tap into unlimited wisdom. He was sent to the people by THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL to pave the way forward, to help people progress spiritually for the love and hope to return to them.
Jesus knew he would return with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL one day when it was the time for all to become revealed. He knew he was The Word, The Voice for Divine, and it was only through him that HE could reveal all. He knew that ONLY he could bring Divine Alignment through, with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, to the earth to bring The Messianic Power to the earth, to bring the Great Blessings to all.
This knowledge was brought in front of certain High Priests who knew the ancient prophecies of The Promise coming. They did not desire for Jesus to be placed in power together with his close friends. They desired Jesus and his friends to stay in subordinate positions in fear that the people might rise into rebellion.
This is why the leaders continued to keep the people into suppression with many laws; all to ensure their own authority could continue.
Jesus brought down the following message, one day, before his listeners: “There will be a time when all will see The ONE returning, with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. They will hear HIS trumpet and then HE will be seen in all the earth and all the heavens.
On that day, many will quiver with fear. Many will cry out in pain with ONE loud voice: “But Oh GREAT LORD, did we not sanctify your NAME in the way you desired us to? Did we not keep the people supressed so that they may not be led astray? Did we not sanctify your Great Name and command others to repent for their own salvation to be recognized? Did we not remind the people of the ONE who you sent to the people daily? Did we not command the people to confess their sins in order to learn the ways of virtue?”
Jesus then continued: “In all ways, know that THE GREAT FATHER will return and speak to those who claimed to have worked in HIS Name and did all in HIS NAME. He will rebuke them and say to them: “Go away. You betrayed the True Teachings. You know that I, THE GREAT FATHER, sent MY Son to you to bring you the ways of truth and freedom. Instead of bringing honour and truth to shepherd MY flock to freedom and peace, you brought pain to THE CHOSEN ONES. You did not honour The ONE I sent to you. Nor did you honour THE CHOSEN PEOPLE. Instead you brought fear within the people and brought them to their knees with great suffering. You took MY teachings and used them as your own authority to rule the nations. You brought plagues upon THE CHOSEN PEOPLE with the teachings I, THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, brought through.
On that Day all the nations will see what you have done and you will weep before them. On that Day, all your glory and your precious treasures you took to stand in authority before the nations, will be returned to the rightful owners.”
Jesus continued to speak to the people with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL: “The nations will then go into turmoil when they see what you have done. Not one corner will be left untouched.
The ones standing together in The Sacred Mountain, in The Day of MY Return, will be protected and no one can touch them. On that Day, The Great Mountain will be their fortress.
Then, they will hunger no more, nor thirst any more for then they will understand all that has been done and why.
The ones in authority, on The Day of Revealing, will be stripped from their gowns and they will stand naked before the nations when all is revealed.”
Because these words were heard by the ones in charge of the Synagogues, when Jesus brought these words through from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, they desired Jesus to be brought to trial to remove any threat of the people claiming allegiance to the Promise of Freedom.
End of Pamphlet 18 (more transmissions through The Universal Love Channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel coming soon)
Note: Whenever the text refers to HIM, it refers not to Jesus but to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, Creator of all Sovereign Universes. Jesus was directed by HIM to speak for HIM as Jesus was the Channel, or Transmitter for HIM. Today, THE GREAT FATHER has now identified the ONE who was Jesus 2,000 years ago in the same way Jesus was identified to the people; by the Message of The Promise. Today the Word has come to the people as Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
With love eternally, always, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
Please feel free to print the attached pamphlet out within this entire series of Embracing Divine Universal Truth. They are there to be printed and shared to all who desire love and truth to return to our planet so that millions can choose to either receive their Codes of Life and Alignment with CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT by coming to the Divine Universal Love Activations, or not.
These pamphlets help us to understand Divine Truth and to awaken us to the times we are living in.
Do understand they are copyright information so the information within it is not to be altered, changed or twisted. Any copyright infringement will be taken seriously and taken to the courts of law.
This is especially important now, because the original teachings of Jesus were altered and changed to such an extent that the church empowered themselves and slaughtered many, and today still they hold authority over the world by creating the illusion that Jesus was sent to the earth to sacrifice himself and that he called himself a saviour. Many believe he will return as a judge to bring judgement to the people and that he will side with the church. Please know that Jesus never stated any of that.
Please note: I have been specifically asked by Divine and certain people to place information (showing who I am and the authenticity of my channel) on all my facebook posts.
Please know that I am incredibly guided by my Divine Guides. Know that I don't do this Divine Work from my ego because what is asked of me is too difficult for anyone to fulfil. If it was up to me personally, I would choose not to do this work. I would prefer to have a comfortable career, well paid, and live a comfortable lifestyle which has been offered to me several times in my life.
However, because of the urgency at hand, due to the times we are living in of the Divine Alignment, I have been asked by Divine themselves to work on this life saving mission, so that all can become revealed, as I am that Divine Messenger, whether I like it on this human level or not because if I don't no one would be able to choose to rise to the greater love realms because then no one would be able to gain their Sovereign Universal Codes of Love back. This is why Jesus was sent to the earth 2,000 years ago also, to establish the gateway of life to help mankind to evolve. The message I carry is the same as Jesus.
I was called to Divine service in 2009 and even I cannot refute it, no matter how hard I have tried to refuse to do the Divine work. I have always stated to THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL when he called me to do the work, while trying to stay in the love of my heart, if they crucified Jesus 2,000 years ago, what will the people do to me in this lifetime when they find out that Jesus was a channel and that I lived that particular lifetime?
I have been told by many, many people during the last 10 years that work in my ego, but please know that I am working from my heart of love. Only one messenger has been sent from Divine Love to speak for the DIVINE FATHER EMMANUEL and so if I refuse to do the work then no one will ever understand Divine Truth and the way to true freedom because there is no other channel for that particular work coming other than me.
When it comes to the message showing the authenticity of my Universal Love Channel, please know that my energy field has been measured because there are special measuring facilities in existence on this earth which can measure energy fields.
During the 2019 April Activations there were special people specializing measuring energy fields who desired to know if my channel was indeed operating stronger than other channels when they open because of the Divine Messages I carry.
What they discovered was that when I open my Universal Love Channel an extensive field of magnetic frequencies come into the earth which is why I was asked to state it, because my authentic Universal Love Field has been verified. I am fully aware how my Universal Love Channel is strengthening daily because of the Divine Alignment which is happening at this time. This is necessary because otherwise we cannot raise the vibration of the earth.
Some people wish to quiet me down but please know that Divine desires their messages to become louder. I choose not to have fame for myself but my Divine Guides do desire these messages to be heard all throughout the earth, as it is time to allow all to hear and for truth to become revealed, whether the people choose to work in the love, or not, that is all part of the choice at this time.
Thank you kindly for understanding and opening your heart to what is needed to happen at this time. Sending you much love always, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
Copyright © 2020 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Please feel free to share for spiritual healing and educational purposes.
** Please connect to us at
[email protected] for further information regarding the Divine Universal Alignments when you hear the call within your heart strong enough to desire to come to the Universal Love Activations; the University of Light of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON. **