In a few weeks time, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel will start the Spiritual Life Coaching LIVE Zoom Webinar presentations with her Sovereign Universal Love Master Transmissions.
This article was posted on 26 November 2023.
Introduction by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Angel Channel. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the original Galactic Cosmos Ambassador, Earth Consciousness Ambassador and the original Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Angel Channel.
This particular article will soon be seen on Podia (linked to Suzanna Maria Emmanuel's LIVE Zoom video webinars), to allow all visitors who come to the webinar to see this following information.
Namaste and many warm Universal Love greetings. My spiritual name is Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
I was designated by Sovereign Lord Emmanuel and Caeayaron, in the original Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Dimensions, as their original Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Angel Channel.
Many people in the world have seen me work on a public platform in front of a LIVE group audience.
In late September 2009, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel directly approached me. Slowly, I was guided back towards my pathway to be the original Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Angel Energy Channel and Transmitter.
It was in March 2010, when I was asked by the owner of Infinity, in Hamilton, New Zealand, to work with the Sovereign Universal Love Masters to transmit messages through for public groups.
The people who attended the classes of the Sovereign Universal Love Masters, held on Tuesday evening each week at Infinity, connected deeper into their own hearts, wisdom, and inner guidance.
The people who regularly came to the weekly classes quickly realized that the Sovereign Universal Love Masters brought through weekly spiritual coaching guidance transmissions for their own day-to-day life.
My Sovereign Universal Love Channel allowed my Universal Love Sovereign Master Team to talk to people with my voice, through my ancient and original Blue Star Universal Love Angel Channel.
At the time of the year 2010, I was yet to grasp how I worked as a channel for Sovereign Divine Love Masters.
All who came to the regular weekly Tuesday evening classes held at Infinity in Hamilton, New Zealand, heard Universal Love Master transmissions from: Sovereign Lord Emmanuel; Ascended Masters: Horus, Quan Yin, Lord Maitreya, Saint Germain, Mary Magdalene; Archangels: Michael, Haniel, Gabriel and Raphael; Lemurian High Priest, Adama; and my Pleiadian Guides: Halisarius, Guatrama, Sarah, and Ammorah.
The Tuesday evening's weekly Sovereign Universal Love Master group transmissions that began in April 2010, in front of a LIVE audience group, usually consisted of three different Universal Love Teachers.
Sovereign Father Emmanuel always took the main transmission. The second transmission usually was taken by an Archangel, Star Being, or an Ascended Master who helped people understand how Divine Direction could truly help them in their personal life. The third transmission usually came from an Archangel with a spiritual meditation to help all in the class to flow with higher love, wisdom, and inner strength for their own life.
When my family and I moved to Whakatane, New Zealand, in December 2011, all who had come to Infinity’s weekly spiritual transmissions, in Hamilton, greatly missed receiving their weekly inner spiritual balancing flows, tips, and guidance from the Sovereign Universal Love Master Transmissions.
In July 2012, I was guided to open a crystal shop for the Sovereign Universal Love Masters to begin to work with the people in the local community with my channel, in Whakatane, New Zealand.
It was there that my Sovereign Masters worked with me as a:
1. Professional transmitter for Sovereign Universal Love Masters, Angels, Ascended Masters, Lemurian High Priest and Priestess Energies, and Galactic Star Federation Masters from Universal Love Consciousness Dimensions;
2. LIVE presenter and life coach;
3. Spiritual dance instructor;
4. Professional spiritual medium and transmitter for people;
5. Chakra balancer;
6. Chakra attuner to allow higher beliefs of consciousness to come in for individual clients and for a group of people in a workshop;
7. Spiritual healer and reader for individual clients who desired to understand why certain patterns within their subconscious mind kept reoccurring, and how to change those energy fields, so that they could rise above their personal challenges in life;
8. Spiritual flows coordinator;
9. Transmitter for personalized Angel guidance and wisdom cards;
10. Designer of specialized courses (with transmissions) for individuals or groups (adults or children) for a particular need;
11. Meditation group workshop facilitator;
12. Mediation facilitator for people to allow a new path to begin;
13. Personalized Angel and Spirit Guide Energy Transmitter to strengthen intuition and inner balance for individual clients;
14. Speed reader from Spirit Guides and Angels for all who turned up at healing circles, meditations, and workshops;
15. Manifestation Guidance Facilitator for individual clients and workshop groups;
16. Angel attuner for specialized angel frequency healing workshops;
17. Transmitter for Healing Circles;
18. Vision Dream Meditation Walker;
19. Event organizer;
20. Author for individualized workshop manuals, spiritual newsletters, Lemurian and Angel Cards, online blogs, books, and guided transmissions;
21. Video presenter;
22. Workshop facilitator (transmitted through by Angels and Spirit Masters of Universal Love) for public spiritual motivation and healing courses;
23. Lemurian, Angel, and Star Frequency Energy Channel;
24. Sovereign Pineal Blue Star Angel Activator with Caeayaron (2015 onwards);
25. Crystal programmer;
26. Spiritual energy healer for individual homes;
27. Earth’s Consciousness Ambassador;
28. Galactic Cosmos Ambassador;
29. Spiritual Protection Transmission Coach;
30. Professional Speaker;
31. Vocalist with specialized pineal tones;
32. Energy essence spiritual transmitter (in liquid form to assist people in daily life);
33. Past life reader and transmitter for clients with Angels and Spirit Guides;
34. Spirit guide reader with a personalized Angel transmission for guidance and new possible pathways coming for individual clients;
35. Spiritual earth healer with tones and portals for healing ancient sites and;
36. Transmitter and Teacher for Sovereign Universal Love for spiritual biology evolution and ascension.
Copyright © 2023 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel ® Ltd. All rights reserved.
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel works with Caeayaron and Sovereign Father Emmanuel to bring up the Cosmos Star DNA Codes of Life frequencies, for all who were Activated with Caeayaron’s and Sovereign Father Emmanuel’s Sovereign Universal Love Activation Events, during the years 2015 until November 2022.
For further information about the Sovereign Universal Love Activation Events, please send us a message at
[email protected]
Copyright © 2023 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel®
Please feel free to share this information of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel to other people.
It would be good if many began to understand how important this information is during this time. We could only imagine what the earth could become like if many joined in the love. Then we would finally be able to rid the violence and the hypocrisy and judgment from the world.
Imagine if many scientists began to see the possibilities that we originated from the star dimensions and not from earth. Then the awakening would certainly occur on earth world wide.
We could then begin to see why many animals are suffering for they are trying to awaken our own biology to help us analyse how to come into peace. They are simply mimicking our own suffering consciousness.
All information is copyright protected to protect against any alterations of the Global Ascension Programme or the written transmissions or the meaning of the information. Thank you for wanting to be part of healing the earth by distributing the information.
Disclaimer and legal indemnity: Any information, verbal, written, which includes books, advertising or on any other social media platforms (including Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s website, YouTube, or Facebook, or any other online platforms coming) released by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd (the company was formerly known as Caeayaron Ltd in England and Universal Gateway Ltd in New Zealand), or its employees (before the year 2020 and 2020 onwards), is intended to provide an opportunity for individual personal growth and insight only.
This information is not meant as a replacement for any medical therapy or any other treatment. Suzanna does not claim to be a medical therapist nor a qualified counselor. Her work involves guiding people to their own greater potential.
The information she brings through in any way, written, or verbal, will never promise any cure or medical miracle. She will not suggest any medical therapy or say that medical intervention is not necessary.
The information she brings through supports self-growth and assists people to find their own path in life.
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd does not support religious viewpoints in any way, shape, or form. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the messenger of higher intelligence.
The information she brings can assist people’s personal life journeys, with greater insight on life if they choose to apply the wisdom for themselves.
How people interpret the information, regarding any information provided, is their own personal responsibility. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel cannot be held legally liable for any decision people make from any information given through her Sovereign Universal Love Channel, nor by any employees, or associates, of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd.
About The Cosmos Messenger Suzanna Maria Emmanuel: Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the original Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Channel. She was called by SOVEREIGN FATHER EMMANUEL in September 2009.
Soon after the Divine Call, Suzanna began to transmit through Divine Universal Love Cosmos messages in front of groups (beginning in April 2010). She also brought through personalized channelled messages for individual people (beginning in November 2009).
All her transmissions are for the highest Universal Love Purposes to give people who listen to the transmissions greater understanding and purpose for their own life, as well as greater understanding of the world we live in. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel was called by CAEAYARON directly in late April 2014.
In April 2015, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel began the Universal Love Pineal Gland Activations to activate the Cosmos Codes of Life with CAEAYARON.
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel has transmitted through hundreds of transmissions which are posted on YouTube, and many more hundreds of written transmissions which are posted on Suzanna's Facebook page.
All is there for the people to watch and understand what the Great Divine Ascension Plan is for mankind and how it could bring peace, love and joy to the world if many would begin to understand Ultimate Universal Truth.
Discover Suzanna on her own Divine Love Ascension Facebook page at:
Discover Suzanna's own website page at:
Discover many other of Suzanna's transmissions on her own YouTube channel.
To receive further information about the Sovereign Universal Love Activations with Caeayaron, Sovereign Father Emmanuel and
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, please e-mail us at:
[email protected] a few weeks time, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel will start the Spiritual Life Coaching LIVE Zoom Webinar presentations with her Sovereign Universal Love Master Transmissions.
This article was posted on 26 November 2023.
Introduction by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Angel Channel. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the original Galactic Cosmos Ambassador, Earth Consciousness Ambassador and the original Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Angel Channel.
This particular article will soon be seen on Podia (linked to Suzanna Maria Emmanuel's LIVE Zoom video webinars), to allow all visitors who come to the webinar to see this following information.
Namaste and many warm Universal Love greetings. My spiritual name is Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
I was designated by Sovereign Lord Emmanuel and Caeayaron, in the original Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Dimensions, as their original Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Angel Channel.
Many people in the world have seen me work on a public platform in front of a LIVE group audience.
In late September 2009, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel directly approached me. Slowly, I was guided back towards my pathway to be the original Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Angel Energy Channel and Transmitter.
It was in March 2010, when I was asked by the owner of Infinity, in Hamilton, New Zealand, to work with the Sovereign Universal Love Masters to transmit messages through for public groups.
The people who attended the classes of the Sovereign Universal Love Masters, held on Tuesday evening each week at Infinity, connected deeper into their own hearts, wisdom, and inner guidance.
The people who regularly came to the weekly classes quickly realized that the Sovereign Universal Love Masters brought through weekly spiritual coaching guidance transmissions for their own day-to-day life.
My Sovereign Universal Love Channel allowed my Universal Love Sovereign Master Team to talk to people with my voice, through my ancient and original Blue Star Universal Love Angel Channel.
At the time of the year 2010, I was yet to grasp how I worked as a channel for Sovereign Divine Love Masters.
All who came to the regular weekly Tuesday evening classes held at Infinity in Hamilton, New Zealand, heard Universal Love Master transmissions from: Sovereign Lord Emmanuel; Ascended Masters: Horus, Quan Yin, Lord Maitreya, Saint Germain, Mary Magdalene; Archangels: Michael, Haniel, Gabriel and Raphael; Lemurian High Priest, Adama; and my Pleiadian Guides: Halisarius, Guatrama, Sarah, and Ammorah.
The Tuesday evening's weekly Sovereign Universal Love Master group transmissions that began in April 2010, in front of a LIVE audience group, usually consisted of three different Universal Love Teachers.
Sovereign Father Emmanuel always took the main transmission. The second transmission usually was taken by an Archangel, Star Being, or an Ascended Master who helped people understand how Divine Direction could truly help them in their personal life. The third transmission usually came from an Archangel with a spiritual meditation to help all in the class to flow with higher love, wisdom, and inner strength for their own life.
When my family and I moved to Whakatane, New Zealand, in December 2011, all who had come to Infinity’s weekly spiritual transmissions, in Hamilton, greatly missed receiving their weekly inner spiritual balancing flows, tips, and guidance from the Sovereign Universal Love Master Transmissions.
In July 2012, I was guided to open a crystal shop for the Sovereign Universal Love Masters to begin to work with the people in the local community with my channel, in Whakatane, New Zealand.
It was there that my Sovereign Masters worked with me as a:
1. Professional transmitter for Sovereign Universal Love Masters, Angels, Ascended Masters, Lemurian High Priest and Priestess Energies, and Galactic Star Federation Masters from Universal Love Consciousness Dimensions;
2. LIVE presenter and life coach;
3. Spiritual dance instructor;
4. Professional spiritual medium and transmitter for people;
5. Chakra balancer;
6. Chakra attuner to allow higher beliefs of consciousness to come in for individual clients and for a group of people in a workshop;
7. Spiritual healer and reader for individual clients who desired to understand why certain patterns within their subconscious mind kept reoccurring, and how to change those energy fields, so that they could rise above their personal challenges in life;
8. Spiritual flows coordinator;
9. Transmitter for personalized Angel guidance and wisdom cards;
10. Designer of specialized courses (with transmissions) for individuals or groups (adults or children) for a particular need;
11. Meditation group workshop facilitator;
12. Mediation facilitator for people to allow a new path to begin;
13. Personalized Angel and Spirit Guide Energy Transmitter to strengthen intuition and inner balance for individual clients;
14. Speed reader from Spirit Guides and Angels for all who turned up at healing circles, meditations, and workshops;
15. Manifestation Guidance Facilitator for individual clients and workshop groups;
16. Angel attuner for specialized angel frequency healing workshops;
17. Transmitter for Healing Circles;
18. Vision Dream Meditation Walker;
19. Event organizer;
20. Author for individualized workshop manuals, spiritual newsletters, Lemurian and Angel Cards, online blogs, books, and guided transmissions;
21. Video presenter;
22. Workshop facilitator (transmitted through by Angels and Spirit Masters of Universal Love) for public spiritual motivation and healing courses;
23. Lemurian, Angel, and Star Frequency Energy Channel;
24. Sovereign Pineal Blue Star Angel Activator with Caeayaron (2015 onwards);
25. Crystal programmer;
26. Spiritual energy healer for individual homes;
27. Earth’s Consciousness Ambassador;
28. Galactic Cosmos Ambassador;
29. Spiritual Protection Transmission Coach;
30. Professional Speaker;
31. Vocalist with specialized pineal tones;
32. Energy essence spiritual transmitter (in liquid form to assist people in daily life);
33. Past life reader and transmitter for clients with Angels and Spirit Guides;
34. Spirit guide reader with a personalized Angel transmission for guidance and new possible pathways coming for individual clients;
35. Spiritual earth healer with tones and portals for healing ancient sites and;
36. Transmitter and Teacher for Sovereign Universal Love for spiritual biology evolution and ascension.
Copyright © 2023 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel ® Ltd. All rights reserved.
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel works with Caeayaron and Sovereign Father Emmanuel to bring up the Cosmos Star DNA Codes of Life frequencies, for all who were Activated with Caeayaron’s and Sovereign Father Emmanuel’s Sovereign Universal Love Activation Events, during the years 2015 until November 2022.
For further information about the Sovereign Universal Love Activation Events, please send us a message at
[email protected]
Copyright © 2023 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel®
Please feel free to share this information of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel to other people.
It would be good if many began to understand how important this information is during this time. We could only imagine what the earth could become like if many joined in the love. Then we would finally be able to rid the violence and the hypocrisy and judgment from the world.
Imagine if many scientists began to see the possibilities that we originated from the star dimensions and not from earth. Then the awakening would certainly occur on earth world wide.
We could then begin to see why many animals are suffering for they are trying to awaken our own biology to help us analyse how to come into peace. They are simply mimicking our own suffering consciousness.
All information is copyright protected to protect against any alterations of the Global Ascension Programme or the written transmissions or the meaning of the information. Thank you for wanting to be part of healing the earth by distributing the information.
Disclaimer and legal indemnity: Any information, verbal, written, which includes books, advertising or on any other social media platforms (including Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s website, YouTube, or Facebook, or any other online platforms coming) released by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd (the company was formerly known as Caeayaron Ltd in England and Universal Gateway Ltd in New Zealand), or its employees (before the year 2020 and 2020 onwards), is intended to provide an opportunity for individual personal growth and insight only.
This information is not meant as a replacement for any medical therapy or any other treatment. Suzanna does not claim to be a medical therapist nor a qualified counselor. Her work involves guiding people to their own greater potential.
The information she brings through in any way, written, or verbal, will never promise any cure or medical miracle. She will not suggest any medical therapy or say that medical intervention is not necessary.
The information she brings through supports self-growth and assists people to find their own path in life.
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd does not support religious viewpoints in any way, shape, or form. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the messenger of higher intelligence.
The information she brings can assist people’s personal life journeys, with greater insight on life if they choose to apply the wisdom for themselves.
How people interpret the information, regarding any information provided, is their own personal responsibility. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel cannot be held legally liable for any decision people make from any information given through her Sovereign Universal Love Channel, nor by any employees, or associates, of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd.
About The Cosmos Messenger Suzanna Maria Emmanuel: Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the original Blue Star Sovereign Universal Love Channel. She was called by SOVEREIGN FATHER EMMANUEL in September 2009.
Soon after the Divine Call, Suzanna began to transmit through Divine Universal Love Cosmos messages in front of groups (beginning in April 2010). She also brought through personalized channelled messages for individual people (beginning in November 2009).
All her transmissions are for the highest Universal Love Purposes to give people who listen to the transmissions greater understanding and purpose for their own life, as well as greater understanding of the world we live in. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel was called by CAEAYARON directly in late April 2014.
In April 2015, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel began the Universal Love Pineal Gland Activations to activate the Cosmos Codes of Life with CAEAYARON.
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel has transmitted through hundreds of transmissions which are posted on YouTube, and many more hundreds of written transmissions which are posted on Suzanna's Facebook page.
All is there for the people to watch and understand what the Great Divine Ascension Plan is for mankind and how it could bring peace, love and joy to the world if many would begin to understand Ultimate Universal Truth.
Discover Suzanna on her own Divine Love Ascension Facebook page at:
Discover Suzanna's own website page at:
Discover many other of Suzanna's transmissions on her own YouTube channel.
To receive further information about the Sovereign Universal Love Activations with Caeayaron, Sovereign Father Emmanuel and
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, please e-mail us at:
[email protected]